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Author Topic: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures  (Read 79499 times)


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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2012, 12:54:58 PM »

The new Falcon provided me one thing that was very useful, but useless on Falcon; his straps.  Once I saw them, I decided they were perfect for my Quick Kick.  Currently, Quick Kick's backpack magically stays on his back.  Well, now it can actually be more plausible as he now looks like he has straps from his backpack.  I also relocated the backpack peg too.  The yellow on his legs doesn't bother me so I left it as is.

Relocated backpack peg

So, there were 3 things I didn't like about the new Taurus:

1. Didn't like how he was always looking down (due to Recondo body)
2. Didn't like how the holster was so high so that when the gun is in it, the handle will stick into his face
3. Most importantly, hated how the kneepads prevented him from standing up straight.

Here are my fixes:

Modified his neck joint so he can look forward (still looks weird by from upfront, it's better than him looking down)

Moved the holster down lower on the webgear (realized that by just cutting the hole on the bottom of the holster to let the pistol go all the way down, it might have solved the problem...Darn!  Anyone got an extra Taurus webgear they don't need?)

Modified the knees so now he can stand straight.

I really wish the new Falcon didn't have any blue.  If he didn't have blue, I would have used the 25th webgear and gear and called it my new Falcon.  Instead, Hasbro had to give the green beret a blue one and the blue shoulder pads.  Ended up modding the new parts onto the 25th Falcon body and came up with my new Falcon.


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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2012, 01:52:09 PM »

the only blue he should have on him is his Special Forces tab and the SF insignia.
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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2012, 12:25:42 PM »

Very simple parts and gear swap.  I know, he doesn't have a silver sigil, but I want it to be reversible, plus, Hasbro has released Cobra Officers in the past with red sigils on a few occassions so I'm ok with the red logo.

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« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2012, 12:22:03 PM »

I've always liked Mirage as a kid, but didn't particularly like his colors.  Here's my updated Mirage.  I know he doesn't look anything like the vintage one, but I like how the Snake Eyes' vest looks kinda futuristic and I had that Duke body cause I got it for his vest, so rather than just throw that body aside, I thought it would look good with the Artic Duke head.  Put some goggles and then you have a Mirage head.  Simple and paintless.  (I know, I could paint the vest, but as you all know, I don't do painting) :)


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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2012, 03:56:22 PM »

I didn't like the blue and I managed to trade for a spare Zanzibar webgear.  This time, I didn't relocate the holster.  I cut a hole at the bottom so the pistol fits in lower.

I gave Mercer a backpack to make it look more like the vintage one.

Red Dog has 25th Torch legs.  I still want to replace the lowers so if someone has a spare set, please let me know.

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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2012, 09:44:50 AM »

Good call on the web gear. Not sold on the legs for Red Dog. They look a bit thin compared to the rest of the upper body. I should add a backpack to my Mercer as well.

All good ideas. You've inspired me to look at mine again and see what I can improve.
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« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2012, 06:37:59 PM »

I really like the new Renegades Ripcord, but he just isn't Ripcord to me. I used his HALO gear to update my Freefall so I was left with the rest of him.  Then I thought of Stretcher and how Hasbro will never make him probably. 

For the walkie talkie, I debated putting it on the front like the vintage one, but decide that since he has the headset, that walkie talkie can stay on his backpack as a backup or for someone else to use.  As for the gun on his chest on the vintage one, didn't think he needed so many so the leg holster one is sufficient.

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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2012, 07:06:05 PM »

So, when I got the SRO Wild Bill, I loved how he looked and the darker colors.  The only things I didn't like were his mangled hands (due to the elastic in the packaging), his oversized holsters and his pin sized head.  After finally getting the new Wild Bill, I have a Wild Bill I can be proud of. 

Anyways, on to Wild Bill:
Helmet: 21st Century Huey pilot
Hands and head: ROC Wild Bill
Holsters: Removed the holsters and trimmed them down and then reglued them back on
rest of figure: SROII Wild Bill

I also managed to get a 25th Wild Bill for $4 so I jumped on it.  I hated how his head was so small and I hate how his holsters stick out too far and the gun doesn't go in far enough.  I had an extra Dragonhawk Wild Bill head so it solved the small head problem.  For the holsters, the one above was what I wanted to do, but it took me 3 tries to get it and still it's not perfect.  This time I went the lazy route and just drilled holes in the bottom (from the inside) of his holsters so the guns go in deeper and also fit tighter so they don't fall out.  Very lazy tweak but I think it makes a world of a difference.  Let me know what you think.

The left over ROC Wild Bill parts and his vest screamed aviator to me and I was never happy with any of the Ace's released.  (the white comic pack one didn't have any flight gear cause of his space helmet and the SROII one didn't really do it for me as his upper half was just Wild Weasel).  Well, I finally have a nice pilot Ace that I'm happy with.  This is actually the Ace I have in my 2-seater F14.

head: SROII Ace
hands: 25th Wild Bill (single pack)
leg harness: Pilot Destro
helmet and mask: BBI F-18 pilot
rest of figure: ROC Wild Bill

In the Skystriker:


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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2012, 07:11:48 AM »

Loving Mirage and Falcon.
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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2012, 01:07:58 PM »

Ok, so this looks nothing like the vintage one, but I don't paint and I don't like cracking torso's unless I really have to.  I may still do that if I get an extra Skystriker Ace, but for now, here is my modernized Ghostrider.

I had the extra Heavy Metal and thought that it would be cool to make him into Ghostrider cause of the jacket.  I felt the vintage one really needed the flight suit and since the Ace ones fit the color of the Heavy Metal body perfectly, I thought why not.  If he ever gets shot down over the jungle, then the green flight suit under the jacket would be much better than having the grey pants and shirt.

His helmet is the modernized one.  One day, I may go and paint the top clear portion silver as right now, the only silver I have as a homage to the vintage one is his pistol.

Also, I'm deciding on a head to use as the Hawk one is just a place holder, but then again, it doesn't look bad and I might not change anything at all.

Hope you like it but keep in mind, this isn't meant to be a remake of the vintage one but just an update with more modern helmet and also giving him a flight suit.

Just for fun, I tucked the scarf underneath his holster to see how it looks.

Here's an update to my Long Arm.  So, I got Tunnel Rat just so I can have the robot.  Unfortunately it's brown but since it's just a bomb disposal robot, the color doesn't really matter too much.  I just wish I never traded my Walmart set one.

Here's some updated pics with the robot.


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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2012, 01:14:36 PM »

I updated my Covergirl as the original one did not have articulated wrists and the grey gloves clashed with everthing else.

The skin tone on the neck is not that off in person, it's just the flash makes it look worse than it is.

Also, special thanks to Meandnooneelse of Hisstank who modified Cover Girl's chin line for me.

I gave her a holster so she has something to put her pistol in.  Still on the fence about it though.  I wanted to use a Han Solo holster cause it's brown, but I don't have another one so I'll have to wait till I can get one.  For now, the Hawk holster will do.


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Re: Nighthawk's modern updates on vintage Joe ARAH figures
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2012, 07:29:41 PM »

Man I'm loving that Wild Bill...awesome job! He's one of my fave from the 25th....i know i know some people don't understand why. I wanted so bad to get the WB with DF from the ROC...looked awesome! Only vehicle I was interested in from that line. I found it really hard to find.
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