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Topics - canprime

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All Across Canada / Walmart and GI JOE sightings
« on: November 01, 2024, 01:59:18 PM »
Figured I would post a Walmart thread.

Couple of Classified figures are down to $9 on

Unsurprisingly nothing worth mentioning really:

Movie Snake Eyes
Movie Storm Shadow
Movie Baroness
Lady Jaye

General Joe Talk / Transformers X GI JOE thread
« on: February 28, 2024, 12:59:07 PM »
I figured I would start this thread to discuss this line instead of just going on about it in the Classified thread.

Anyway, we have three releases so far with Kup/Triple-T coming next (not yet revealed, but all but confirmed).  Then the rumour is Prime/Mobat as the one after Kup.  So that is five releases and hopefully more to come.

Anyway what got me going on this thread is that I just opened up Soundwave/Thunder Machine.  MAN-O-MAN is he a thing of beauty.  I have a Thunder Machine so I was able to compare the two and they absolutely nailed the size/scale and dimensions in vehicle.  And the updated paint apps really improve the vehicle's look, and don't get me started on the new from grill.  What an improvement over the fragile original. And getting two figures now (Zarana and Zartan) along with a Ravage cassette bot (it is the Masterpiece version in blue) really added to the value.   Price is a bit steep, but I don't regret getting this set.

Overall this is the best release so far in the line, but I am hopeful they can do even better with future releases.

As for Megatron and Bumblebee.  Megatron looks good in vehicle mode, but there are some issues in robot mode.  Same with Bumblebee but to a lesser degree. 

Message Board News / HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: January 01, 2023, 08:05:15 AM »
Happy New Year all!!

I ended 2022 with a nice little haul.  Got my preorder Sgt. Slaughter and picked up two Baroness w/COIL from TRU during their BOGO 40% sale.  They were already on clearance for $32.48.  However with the BOGO it worked out to less than $59 total, so less than $30 each. 

Going to use the COILs for the Crimson Twins as their personal rides.

Now to anxiously await my Skystriker from Haslab!!!

2023 starting out with a bang!!

Happy New Year.

Message Board News / MERRY CHRISTMAS 2022!!!
« on: December 25, 2022, 04:18:13 AM »
I know the site is a shell of it's former self, but as I sit here organizing "Santa's" gifts I just wanted to wish those of us still lurking a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Here's hoping we continue to see Joe amaze on the shelves at retail, and in media somewhere.

General Joe Talk / Haslab Classified HISS Tank ($299.99US)
« on: June 28, 2022, 04:01:34 PM »
So let's start the thread now that there was an early leak today.

Someone working on Hasbro Pulse's site is not paying enough attention.   For a brief period there was a listing for a Haslab Classified HISS Tank for $299.99US.  There was no picture, and it wasn't available to order, but still.  Considering it is supposed to be revealed tomorrow, someone is going to get a talking to about duty of care.

Let's hope for that price they include a lot like they did with the Skystriker.

I guess we'll know in less than 24 hours.

General Joe Talk / Super7 GI Joe discussion
« on: July 13, 2021, 02:24:36 PM »
Might as well start a thread now.  No official word yet, but enough reveals to know that Super7 is doing Joe.  Early reveal seemed to point to Ultimates, ReAction and Cyborg offerings. 

Now we have Timber in what is obviously Ultimates scale.  While timing aside (who might skip this because of Hasbro's release?), It should be interesting.

Their Cyborg line will obviously start with a B.A.T.

ReAction will be interesting, but probably follow close to whatever they release in Ultimates.

Next post will be after this week's reveals.

I have recently seen some really great 3D printed items like a 6" scaled Sky Hawk and Devil Fish.  It got the bug going in me to either buy them, or start 3D printing myself.

So has anyone else, I guess that really just means you Sundance ;) thought about doing something?

What else would you do?  I see a lot of parts for vehicles being done, but I could see custom vehicles/colours being another big driver of 3D printing.

Hopefully that would also light a small fire under Hasbro to at least try and offer some other 6" scaled vehicles.  Start small, like a CLAW, JUMP or Trouble Bubble, and see what happens.

It's hard to believe that it is nearly a decade since the last show. 

It is funny to see the state of conventions today by comparison.  I mean Bitcoin/Joecon both folded up.  Hasbro made a lame attempt at an in house show, and now Covid has out the screws to most shows in general.

I hear rumours of a new "official" Botcon returning once the pandemic has subsided, but who knows.  I think outside of the big boys (SDCC, NYCC, etc) local shows are the future. 

I just don't see the numbers being there long term for brand specific cons much longer.  Yes Star Wars, Star Trek, and to some degree Transformers, are big enough properties to warrant shows.  However I think general shows are more likely to survive going forward where you can draw a large group of varying interests.

Alas the days of a CanJoeCon are but fond memories now.

Introductions / Greetings from Ottawa, by way of Toronto
« on: May 02, 2021, 09:17:15 PM »
So longtime member, but lapsed until very recently.

Never stopped collecting, but I'm sure like many others, moved away from Joes mostly (and on to other things/.

Anyway, getting back thanks to Classified, and now the movie.

Living life in Ottawa now after being a born, and bred, Toronto boy.

All the best to anyone, however few that is, reading the site.

JoeCanuck Trading Cards / Are trading cards still a thing?
« on: May 02, 2021, 09:07:36 PM »
Just wondering.

The new transformers kingdom toys are coming with collector cards, but really don't do much for me.

I do remember having a bunch of the Joecanuck cards years ago.  Sadly they are long gone, would have been easy to store, but I moved away from cards long ago.

Suggestions / Make a shout out to members?
« on: May 02, 2021, 08:59:00 PM »
Just spitballing an idea.

With the new movie about to hit, is there a way to get the attention of site members?  Maybe something to remind them the site is still here?

I know, I know the fandom is all but dead in Canada, especially for this site, but like I said just spitballing.  Would love to see some activity back on the site.

Obviously not a serious suggestion since it would basically be spam

All Across Canada / Retro, Classified and Snake Eyes Movie
« on: May 02, 2021, 08:38:24 PM »
Not much to report here.

Although has some Classified still available for $30.  Most notably Destro.

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