- Total Time Spent Online:
- 4 days, 4 hours and 20 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 262 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 47 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 1 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 1 votes

- February 07, 2025, 07:04:55 PM
- Welcome, Guest
Red and white once again! We've restored the classic look of JoeCanuck.
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- 12 pm
- 1 pm
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- General Joe Talk
88 posts of the member's 262 posts (33.59%)88
- Off Topic
49 posts of the member's 262 posts (18.70%)49
- For Sale or Trade
38 posts of the member's 262 posts (14.50%)38
- Customs
32 posts of the member's 262 posts (12.21%)32
- Items Wanted
25 posts of the member's 262 posts (9.54%)25
- Introductions
12 posts of the member's 262 posts (4.58%)12
- The \'Show\' Room
6 posts of the member's 262 posts (2.29%)6
- NFLD, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P.E.I.
4 posts of the member's 262 posts (1.53%)4
- British Columbia
3 posts of the member's 262 posts (1.15%)3
- Ontario
2 posts of the member's 262 posts (0.76%)2
- NFLD, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P.E.I.
4 posts of the board's 71 posts (5.63%)5.63%
- British Columbia
3 posts of the board's 100 posts (3.00%)3.00%
- For Sale or Trade
38 posts of the board's 3320 posts (1.14%)1.14%
- Items Wanted
25 posts of the board's 2200 posts (1.14%)1.14%
- Customs
32 posts of the board's 2847 posts (1.12%)1.12%
- Off Topic
49 posts of the board's 6429 posts (0.76%)0.76%
- Introductions
12 posts of the board's 1594 posts (0.75%)0.75%
- Manitoba & Saskatchewan
1 posts of the board's 184 posts (0.54%)0.54%
- General Joe Talk
88 posts of the board's 18559 posts (0.47%)0.47%
- Usernames: H-N
1 posts of the board's 291 posts (0.34%)0.34%