Im not up to date on the kreo stuff.
What joe-kreo figures are scalping? And how much are they asking for them ?
The current hotness seems to be the BATS. I saw ebay listings in the ~$10-12 neighbourhood (normally $3.50 retail). When you add the usual ridiculous shipping for Canadians, we could easily pay > $20 for one of those damn things.
Thanks for the update. While living in N.S has it disadvantages when it comes to the amount of time it takes before i start to see new joe figures in the stores. ( still didn't get retaliation wave 3 yet ). And when we do get them there usually 2$ more per figure then you guys pay.
On the other hand the advantage to this is, there's only like 2 people in the whole province that collect g.i joe. So when they do eventually hit the stores. The racks are full and nothing is cherry picked. ALL MINE!!!!!!
I don't collect the kreo stuff, but ill keep a look out. Sell em to you guys @ cost + actual ship if i find some.