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Author Topic: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe  (Read 24007 times)


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2014, 01:28:05 AM »

My enthusiasm has waned over the years but I still enjoy GI Joe, it is more that I am content with the collection I have and am not actively seeking too many new things out.  The sdcc and con exclusives are infrequent enough and I cherry pick from that.  But I have moved on to collecting other areas, and unfortunately they are higher end toys :(.
\"And I don\'t want the world to see me, cuz I don\'t think that they\'d understand... When everything\'s made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am...\"


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #25 on: June 21, 2014, 08:04:22 PM »

You're not the only one, Morg.

My interest in GI joe greatly declined a few years ago.

But this year, a month ago to be exact now, I decided that Gi joe and I are done, going forward. I'll keep what I like (or want to display). The rest, I will be bringing with me at shows, and not look back with any regrets. And as opposed to my doubles, if someone wants the items in my collection, they'll have to expect to pay the asking price or I keep them. Anyway, the way I see it, EBay's international shipping and brokerage standard costs have changed dramatically over these last years, that it makes the collectibles that you find at local sellers/ conventions look cheaper, provided that the price is the actual going rate for the item, and not something blown out of proportion.

I am starting to feel the same way about g.i joe lately as the rest of you guys.
For me the " completist " is strong within me and ill explain why. I only started collecting g.i joe a meer 3 years ago so its still relitively new too me. But if youv seen one one youv seen em all, am i right guys ? Anyway the thing that really kills me about being a completeist is: I KNOW THAT THE FIGURE I JUST ORDERED IS A PEACE OF CRAP, BUT I HAD TO ORDER IT BECAUSE IF I DONT, I CANT FINISH MY COLLECTION !!!....OR I KNOW THE THING I JUST ORDERED IS 300$ PLUS 86$ SHIPPING BUT. .  I HAD TO HAVE IT TO FINISH MY COLLECTION. Sure i was able to keep strong willed while collecting 25th ANN. Where ( lets say 1 in 7 is a peace of junk ) that i can handle. And then the new more realistic figures of P.O.C with the awesome lowlight, dusty, moneybags destro, shock trooper, shadow tracker, rock viper. We didn't mind having to collect the 4th crappy wind kick versions of snake eyes and storm shadow and peg warmmer destro ( small price to pay for a completist for such an awesome series of figures )...

Then we hit RETALIATION and everything changed.... I remember when i saw the first wave it def. made me take a step back and say " I have to collect this crap now ! "  Then they give us a slap in the face with the awesomest set of figures in 2 years with the wave 3.5 stuff and the eaglehawk. BASICALY making every completist go " WHATS THE POINT, I MIGHT AS WELL GO HOME AND PUT ALL THE FIGURES AND VEHICLES I DON'T REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE UP FOR SALE "

But there are ways around feeling like this about joe's folks. ONE WAY; Don't try to be a completist of ALL things g.i joe. Pick a certain series ( NOT RETALIATION, LOL ) and just try complete that one.

Another way would be, back away from the g.i joe table for a while. Don't sell'em, dont trade'em, dont give em away. Just dont think about them, leave them right where they are stored ( hopefully there not in your face all day everyday cluttered around your big screen and on strings hanging from the ceilling in your living room ) and then one day when you do descide to return to the g.i joe game you will be super pumped you still have'em.

As a collector, my habits also changed. I always said that I would never walk into a Thrift shop, mainly out of pride. Well, screw pride. I saved tons more money than I ever could imagine by going there, and not on collectibles, but on clothing and children's books too. And even found toys that I enjoy collecting for a mere fraction of what I used to inject into the hobby. I used to be a completist, but in order to keep up with the ever increasing pricetags, I knew I was going to hit a wall financially someday If I kept this up, and I almost did several times, so I had to accept to come down from that pedestal for good, and I feel really GREAT now. To the point that an incomplete action figure for 50 cents but in great shape makes my day.
I oppened the drawer and there it was "" GONE ""


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2014, 01:25:49 AM »

Another way would be, back away from the g.i joe table for a while. Don't sell'em, dont trade'em, dont give em away. Just dont think about them, leave them right where they are stored ( hopefully there not in your face all day everyday cluttered around your big screen and on strings hanging from the ceilling in your living room ) and then one day when you do descide to return to the g.i joe game you will be super pumped you still have'em.

Hey '3400, I know this reply comes rather a little late as I have just read your reply tonight. I also would like to add to your comment that my joes are stored away and I really took care of packaging them carefully. Unfortunately I discovered that even with the greatest of care, many of my favorite items tend to break while stored away. It wasn't until I discovered that my Skystriker missile tabs broke off that I decided that it was IT. I'd rather sell something that is just going to break if I leave it alone. I'd rather make money off it, then not getting to enjoy it as I should or as I once did. I know one day I'll get a chance to swim back full throttle into the hobby. So when that time comes, I know I'll be able to get them back again, or at least most of them. That's another way of seeing it.
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