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Messages - DreadknokReaperMtl

Pages: [1]
General Joe Talk / omg its coming back
« on: April 01, 2013, 02:34:06 AM »
i don't know how many of you knew this but the tomahawk helicopter is making a comeback and looks as it did when we were kids...oh and night vipers are coming back also

Quebec / Re: Quebec Sightings Thread
« on: March 20, 2013, 07:38:01 PM »
i saw the wave 2 3packs at the toys r us in anjou

Customs / Re: Ian aka Prince de Lu's customs
« on: January 07, 2013, 09:54:10 AM »
very nice work , i love how knowndown and maverick turned out keep up the awesome work

Items Wanted / Re: Paintball gun wanted
« on: December 19, 2012, 11:11:40 PM »
i will keep an eye out for this gun how many u need ?

Items Wanted / looking for a few figs
« on: December 19, 2012, 11:08:28 PM »
hi im new here but i am searching for a few loose  25th/ 30th anniversary figs
all  loose but complete
1) Mercer ( Slaughter's Marauders Battle Set file card not needed)
2) Red dog (Slaughter's Marauders Battle Set file card not needed )
3) Low-Light
4) Sci-Fi
5) Life-Line
6)Crazy Legs
7) Croc-Master
8)Snake-Eyes (
9)Range viper (defense of cobra island )
10) Alley -viper ( defense of cobra island)

Pages: [1]