Had a blast. Walked out with more money than I walked in with, but that is not for a lack of effort. I brought some extra JoeCon items to sell. As for the "haul", well, it is one CJC set, W2 of the Heroes Force figures, a carded Funskool Street Hawk, some Black Major BATS, a Jason Loo commission, a Robert Atkins commission, previous CJC comics (one of which is for a buddy), a poster of Robert's CJC Comic cover (13/50) and a print from Jason's character artwork (5/10).
Thanks to Paul for the beers! Thanks to Pluv for almost spitting on Robert Atkins. Thanks to Robert for not being offended at my drunk squinty eyes. Thank to all of those who came up and said hi about the podcast. Thanks to Mark Bellomo for not stealing all the of the JoeCon stuff on my table. Thanks to the wordburgler for the CD. Thanks to Josh for the book for Katie. Thanks to the Joe Wives for welcoming mine. Thanks to THE MIKE for any number of things up to and including all the work he did just to get us to this weekend. Thanks to the CJC staff (Brian, Jason, Pete, Ed, Ryan, Mike and Denise - aka THE BOSS) for their workman effort. If I forgot someone, I will buy you a beer next year. Thanks to Gary, Nova and everyone I hung out with during the show. Lastly, thanks for the wife for accompanying me this year and having as much fun as I did.
That's about it from me. I pulled off the Triple Crown of JoeCons. Depending on when the GIJCC announces their date will determine if I do a repeat next year. Get me through COIL Con weekend and a little rest and I will be all ready for the 2013 Joe Convention calendar with will undoubtedly include a return to Canada.