General Section > Customs

Desto, Serpentor, Flash


This is my latest customs. Destro was made a long time ago but I have updated his mask. I casted the original Destro head in a way that it`s empty inside so I can fit it on a figure head. I also manage to make small holes so you can see destro eyes behind the mask.

Serpentor idea came as soon that I`ve got my hand on the comic pack with Hannibal. He took me about 3 days to complete and I am very proud of the result considering it was the first time that I painted a entire figure. I have put it side to side to Flash so you can apreciate how tall he is.

Flash was a easy one to do. I have just updated the helmet to make it look more hiteck. The visor is made with tainted plastic sheet, the same sheet used to taint car windows, I also changed the figure hand to make it swivel and can now hold any weapon.

That mask is awesome. A great piece of technical work. It looks better than the 12" version.

The rest are very tight.


Flash looks great, the tinted visor/faceguard(not sure which one it would be called) is a nice touch.

The Destro looks awesome. Love the removable mask and the cloth goods coat looks great.

Serpentor is amazing. I like the cape. The over all design is appealing. What I like the most about this figure is the design of the helmet.

Whoa!...Thanks guys for the feedback!

Like it or not it`s always nice to see how people see your work.

Pete The Greek:
Good stuff.  :)


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