General Section > Customs

Canada Pride Backstop (custom)

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When I left the con this year, I had a hunger to participate in the online community more actively, including making and submitting more customs. This is the first step. I completed this admidst buying and mounting shelves from Ikea (thanks to BHT and Raptor for pointing me in the right direction).

This is my casual-dress Backstop custom. It's how the character appears in the forthcoming Travellin' Joe dio.

Head: Backstop
Torso: Pathfinder
Arms: Big Ben
Waist: Psych-Out
Legs: Roadblock

The intention was for the jacket to frame the white shirt like the Canadian flag. I passed on adding a maple leaf decal in favour of this more subtle look. I had some problem with the red dye making the shirt turn pink and ending up coating it with more layers than I'd have liked. It could stand one more coat, but as it is it looks more painted than I'd like.

Jon S.:
With that coat he needs a mountie hat. Maybe a repaint of Crosshair's?

The pic is a little fuzzy, but he looks pretty good.

I also want to see a shot of the shelves. ;-)


Yeah, autofocus my ass. MY buddy Axe is a better photographer than me. I'll see if I can get him to take a clear shot. But I assure you, Charles, the arms dyed evenly.

I do have a mounty hat I made from a Slaughter's Maurauders Slaughter, but Back-Stop never struck me as RCMP material. Y'know, since he was kicked out of Canada.

You know Ryan.... being the Admin and all I was SO tempted to change the title of this thread to 'Gay Pride Backstop'............ aww screw it. I will anyway.

You can always switch it back.... and see how long it stays there. :LOL:


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