Link to Craigslist: the following ARAH for sale or trade for other ARAH, Transformers G1, MASK, Dino Rider, etc.
I do have pics, please reply with email if you'd like them.
Lowlight (complete, has the bi-pod) $20
Lowlight (incomplete, has backpack + uzi) $5
Hardball (complete) $10
Ripcord (complete) $20
Tunnel Rat (incomplete, one flashlight missing) $15
Falcon (complete with filecard) $20
Dr Mindbender (complete with filecard) $20
Dr Mindbender (incomplete, missing pistol) $15
Gung Ho (complete with filecard, broken crotch) $10
Spirit (complete with filecard, Freedom is not broken) $20
Law & Order (complete) $15
Salvo (complete) $15
Crazy Legs (complete, rifle stock is there) $15
Crazy Legs (incomplete, has parachute) $5
Leatherneck (complete with filecard) $15
Airtight (complete with filecard) $15
Sneak Peek (incomplete, has filecard, scope, binoculars) $10
Roadblock V1 (complete with filecard, still have broken crotch piece) $10
Quick Kick (incomplete missing nunchuks) $15
Downtown (incomplete, missing helmet) $10
Downtown (complete) $15
Red Dog and Mercer (complete with filecards) $25
Hawk V1 (complete with full uncut filcard) $30
Hawk V1 (filecard, incomplete, missing pistol) $15
Snake Eyes V3 (incomplete, missing sword, one nunchuk link, broken backpack, very loose joints) $5
Golobulus (complete) $15
Nemesis Enforcer (complete) $15