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 on: May 26, 2024, 04:35:13 PM 
Started by canprime - Last post by martin-montreal
I saw a post saying Roadblock & Tripwire Tiger Force 2-pack is now on sale at Target for $38.49 (USD). Since we don't have Target in Canada anymore I took a look on TRU... just in case.

I remember last time I checked price on TRU Classified figs, and they were $1 to $3 higher than Amazon. But now, the average GI Joe Classified fig is... $42.99!!!!


That is $7 more than Amazon...

 on: May 26, 2024, 02:53:13 PM 
Started by Pete The Greek - Last post by Sundance
I remember him when I was new on here. Seemed a nice guy, like a lot of you.

My condolences.

 on: May 24, 2024, 05:01:22 PM 
Started by Pete The Greek - Last post by martin-montreal
Oh, this is sad news indeed. I met him, talked to him, bought from him.

My condolences to his family.

 on: May 23, 2024, 03:01:55 PM 
Started by Pete The Greek - Last post by canprime
Wow that is terrible news.  I do remember him somewhat from those earlier days.  His pic jogged my memory a bit, but I wouldn't say I knew him.

My condolences to his family and especially his son. 

As someone who just turned 50 in January I can definitely agree that 51 is way too young.

Sadly this is becoming a grim reality for us as we keep aging.

 on: May 23, 2024, 01:24:02 PM 
Started by Pete The Greek - Last post by akpayne
WOW, that is a bit of a shock.  He was well known to anyone in the early days of JoeCanuck. My condolenses to his wife and family.

Just WOW!

 on: May 23, 2024, 10:25:02 AM 
Started by Pete The Greek - Last post by Pete The Greek
I was informed this morning of Dave's passing in early 2024.

For those that don't remember, he was one of the guys part of CanJoeCon staff years ago.  Most that went to the JoeCanuck conventions would have ran into him. 

My last interactions with Dave was going to his house to pickup the 3 3/4 GI JOE figures from the GI Joe Collectors Club.  He basement was full of Joe stuff.  He use to blame me for bringing him over from the 12" collecting world to the 3 3/4 world.  lol.  Nothing but good memories.

I am still processing this.  I got to know his wife and kid over the years. So the news hit me hard when Jon S texted me about it.  51 years old is far too young to go.     

 on: May 17, 2024, 02:04:49 AM 
Started by martin-montreal - Last post by Sundance
agreed, ak.

 on: May 15, 2024, 12:02:58 PM 
Started by martin-montreal - Last post by akpayne
Crazy - and all of this because of some little plastic army men we fell in love with in the early 80's.

 on: May 14, 2024, 06:10:13 AM 
Started by martin-montreal - Last post by canprime
Yeah it is strange how things are playing out right now in the community (Youtube especially).

My thoughts on the topics are:

1 - As shitty as it is, that is what business does.  The company that bought clearly didn't do it's homework on the site and just saw an opportunity.  However if they had done their homework they would have realized that it probably wasn't a good buy.  However it is their business so they can take the loss, just sad that it will take down a beloved Joe site with it.   At least there is still 3D Joes as a visual resource.

2.  Michael Mercy has some great content and I have enjoyed a bunch of his videos over the years.  Retroblasting seems like a deeply unhappy person who uses his channel to spread his opinion in negative ways.  I have only ever seen a couple of his videos and the time he and Scott Nietlich (Toyguru) had a debate on GeekDadLife.   During that video he came across as fairly unlikeable and bitter, which is saying something when you are in the same video as Scott Nietlich who is also not well liked.

3.  I have watched a couple of Viper Island videos over the past couple of years.  I thought he was a good channel, but having seen the drama around his channel lately my opinion has changed.   It's kind of the same situation with Retroblasting/ToyGuru.   I think the 3POA channel is way too negative.  I have tried to watch a couple videos but each time I have to tap out because it seems like they don't even like collecting toys, but rather they just want to go on and bash people/companies and claim they are just being "honest."  Others like A Toy Kinda Mood and The Full Force have also had issues with Viper Island and seeing the evidence of what they claim VI has been doing makes it clear that the guy is, at the least, shady since those two channels are hardly known for being bad faith actors.   That has made it easy for me to avoid VI because those kind of actions are crap moves and not worth supporting.

 on: May 13, 2024, 06:40:24 PM 
Started by martin-montreal - Last post by martin-montreal
The GI Joe community is one of the smallest collecting community if you compare it with Star Wars, Marvel, Transformers, ...

We already lost, now YouTubers are fighting at each others. Saddly, Canadians are involved:

1. A Canadian compagny bought YoJoe to almost close it.

2. Canadian Michael Mercy is fighting against RetroBlasting for an AirWolf Kickstarter project in which he wasn't involved.

3. Canadian Viper Island is filling complaints against Sh4rk, 3POA for copyright issues on YouTube.

No one wins... it's sad.

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