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Messages - Editor

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Quote from: "Stealth Viper"
It should be also noted that it's entirely possible (and likely, especially in terms of Target) that Target has in the contract that no other retailer internationally can carry it for a specified period of time.

Entirely possible, but that is the kind of fact that it would be easy for Hasbro Canada to let us know about when they make the blanket announcements that we are supposed to get them.

ARROW, I fully know that when the bottom line is looked over by the suits in the head offices our concerns mean jack and $#**, regardless, why do they bother with the meetings and the time involved to get exclusives when they don't bother with the end result.

I would almost rather Zellers/HBC not get these items, to save the hassle of either waiting (sometimes to the point Target is sold out for weeks) until we see them, and just get them second-hand from the states and get it over with.

I just wish that TRU and especially Zellers would get their heads out of their asses and start realizing that they are screwing themselves when it comes to exclusives.

The track record as far as they know (with Joes, and TF's) is that if they get an exclusive item, they bring it in as they have the stock and room at stores, and then they sit on the shelves.

If they would bother to read the complaints logged on their websites, talk to the people in their stores, or just look at the release dates Hasbro publishes, They should realize that they are stocking their shelves anywhere from weeks to months after these items are released in the States.

Sure, if this was the case a few years ago, it wouldn't matter as mail-order options and fan groups who would buy for others was hardly an issue that would effect their bottom line. However this is 2009, not 1989 and the need to start realizing that the fans are in easy, constant contact with the fans (or resellers) grabbing them from TRUUS/Target to be sent up here.

I'll use the example of the Transformers Animated Target Exclusives (1 Voyager class, 1 Activator class) for this point. Target started selling them in March ($30us I believe), and by April had them on sale (including a mistake where they were at $4.99us). By May I was tired of waiting and bought them both on Ebay for less than $30us each. Zellers finally had them in stores in Late June I believe, and for the low price of $49.99 Canadian or for sale at $39.99.

I would imagine that there is a fairly similar story with the Tiger Rat and Python Conquest.

Gee Zellers rep, of course it's taking a long time to sell them, All the worried fans already bought them (for less) so you are stuck selling to casual collectors, parents, and people taking the chance you'll put them on clear out as you'll have stock for ages.

Simple solution, Hasbro when you sign the agreement with these stores do the fans a favor and not only release their stock at the same time, but put it in their contracts to have them on shelves here at the same time. I can understand sitting on some stock until the other sells thru but for so called exclusives, have enough pride in your products to push your retailers to get the stuff out. Or else this sad story will continue, the store will say "well we brought your stuff in and we can't sell it" and decide not to carry them. I'm sorry, but you don't need to be a economics major to see that this is a bad way to try and sell products let alone build your brands. 

That said and done, Got my Bench Press in the mail yesterday, Great figure. One less figure that TRU Canada will be able to sell if they ever get them.

This would happen the same day i get my Helix in the mail.

oh well time to check for PITT Commandos

General Joe Talk / Movie Flint & Lady Jaye?
« on: August 21, 2009, 05:40:07 PM »
Just wondering if anyone has heard anything official, but is there a reason Hasbro is ignoring Flint and Jaye with the movie toys?

I know they aren't in the movie and that helps explain the lack of toys for them right now, But I didn't notice them in any of the previews for the 2010 Pursuit line either.

I thought at first maybe Flint was being skipped for now because on the Stone figure, but seeing that by 2010 we'll have had about 5 Scarletts, Cover-girl, the new Agent Helix and even the Resolute Dial-Tone popping up in a TRU exclusive and no word on Jaye just stood out that she's MIA.

General Joe Talk / Re: Master Collector trying to punk Joe Canuck?
« on: August 20, 2009, 03:15:52 PM »
Quote from: "ARROW"

It might be worth also noting WHERE the events have been held in the past. The Club events shift locations all over the place, whereas the CDN event does not, correct?

Besides.......why does it need to be a case of "either/or"? Would the number of attendees at one event really  be affected by the numbers at the other? Both events seem to have their reasons for being, and their attractions that stand apart.

Hey if the Canadian Convention wants to look at moving about the country I can see about sharing Vancouver convention contacts if needed.

The question Arrow asks is a decent one, Is there any available data regarding attendees that visit both conventions, and how they would choose which one to attend if the cons conflict?

General Joe Talk / Re: Master Collector trying to punk Joe Canuck?
« on: August 19, 2009, 10:59:07 PM »
Quote from: "B"
wow am I reading all this correctly. Do a lot of people not like the people running joecon or Master Collector? why?

Personally. I don't like the attitude they put out, they seem to think they are super fans and yet they seem know their stuff, they state that the exclusive items they produce for the clubs and conventions are pieces that Fandom is clambering for but you saw the response to the 25th edition Crimson force. The reviewed their own BotCon in the last TF magazine stating how some people stuck in lines had extra fun because it gave them time to look at their new toys, while the response from the people in those lines was clearly less than positive. (Shortpacked creator and TFWiki member Walky, posted yesterday his 'reaction' to their con report) I renewed my TF Membership last year to get Heatwave, first they weren't able to find my previous account (even thou my forum access was fine), then I received confirmation that they messed up and applied it to the wrong club, after finally fixing that the order I placed the same day had no trouble getting to me, but the first three issues of the magazine were sent out to the address I had moved away from 6 months prior.  Shall I go on?

OK one more thing. They control both the GIJoe Fan club and the TF Fan club. Both of these are Hasbro Properties so it should be easy to work with both, So why is there not an option where you can just get both memberships at the same bloody time for one price???? Or perhaps a split access option so you don't need to join both clubs to buy from them?

And as a bonus, Yes I understand that the club changed their dates a couple years back in order to give BotCon a better date when TF hit the theaters but knowing full well how well the Canadian Joe convention went and that you guys have adopted that week-end, I couldn't care less what rational they have, it's a punk ass move and anyone responsible for running or helping the Canadian Convention has every right to be pissed off at their childish tactics.

General Joe Talk / Re: Successful Vacation
« on: August 19, 2009, 12:07:19 PM »
Is the Dragon Hawk still worth it for the price? Or should we wait for sales?

I thought they said that the exclusives were to come thru but at this point I'm more concerned with not missing out on Helix and a few others.

I'm just wondering as it seems that we received the first waves about the same time as the states but in my travels we don't seem to be getting anywhere near the number of figures available stateside right now.

Has Hasbro Canada stated if we are suppose to get everything and the retailers are being as slow as they usually are? Or is it better to start buying online for some of them before the harder to find units are sold out down there?

General Joe Talk / Re: Joe Con 2009 - Kansas City. Updates and pics.
« on: August 16, 2009, 01:13:36 PM »
I have to lol at the Shadow tracker, Cobra went to Jamaica, Mon.

that said I like the look of it, Definite buy for me.

General Joe Talk / Re: Joe Con 2009 - Kansas City. Updates and pics.
« on: August 14, 2009, 06:55:01 PM »
The treads on the new HISS just make me think of the robot from Lost in Space (Movie)

That Jungle Viper looks like pure bad-ass.

Is CC's flag cloth or plastic?

General Joe Talk / Re: Joe Con 2009 - Kansas City. Updates and pics.
« on: August 14, 2009, 06:00:33 PM »
Quote from: "canprime"
Quote from: "Editor"
The desert Zartan. Does it look like the RAH or ROC Zartan?

He is a mix of ARAH and Resolute.  COMPLETELY BADASS LOOKING!!!  He will be a no brainer for buying.  If I can figure out how to get the fig pics posted then I'll put them up tonight.

Brilliant. Thanks for all the updates canprime.

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