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Messages - Canuklehead

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 34
Off Topic / Re: What other sites are you guys addicted to?
« on: September 16, 2009, 11:18:17 PM »
Penny Arcade
Dr McNinja


General Joe Talk / Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
« on: September 11, 2009, 08:09:36 AM »
It's hard for me to remember, because the ARAH line was pretty much coming out at the same time I was...

So, I was started pretty young.

But, I distinctly remember having the Skystorm...  Not first, but early on.  That was one of the first that was all mine - I got a bunch from my brothers, when they outgrew playing in the mud.

General Joe Talk / Re: New?? Viper and BAT 5 packs.
« on: September 11, 2009, 08:04:22 AM »
Quote from: "Kronz"
If you knew how much I had to pay to get the previous box sets imported you'd better understand my sentiments.

Do you mean the Assault on/Defense of packs?  They're in Canada...  They're literally collecting dust on comic shops shelves near my place.  and there were more than I could count at various vendors at FanExpo in T.O. - $40 each.

Unless I'm thinking of a different box set than you...

Anyway, as much as I adore the 25th line - and as enticing as these are to me - they're still just two boxes of characters I already have.  I'd have to see them priced below $25, for me to be interested enough to buy.  Unless I, you know, strike it rich...  then who cares!

Items Wanted / Re: 25th Comics
« on: September 06, 2009, 08:55:16 PM »
Double post to say PM sent.  don't know if you're still interested, but if you are let me know.  They're just sitting in a Longox, here...  rather someone get some enjoyment out of them.

Off Topic / Re: How many other members like to DRINK!?!?!?
« on: September 06, 2009, 06:52:47 PM »
As an employee in the Radio field, I am a drinker.  Radio will drive any one to drink.

I prefer Rum 'n Coke, but enjoy a good beer, cooler, mixed drink, ale, lager, pint, shot, lowball, highball, whatever is available.

Items Wanted / Re: 25th Comics
« on: September 04, 2009, 07:43:26 PM »
I've got 'em all, if you want them. 

I'll try to find them all then fire you off a PM to confirm what I could find  :P

For Sale or Trade / GI Joe vs. Cobra - Cheap to a good home
« on: August 31, 2009, 10:09:58 PM »
I'm cleaning up my place in anticipation of a move and etcetera...

I have a bunch of GI Joe vs. Cobra era figures that I'd like to try an unload. 

I'm open to trades - but will sell the whole lot for cheap.  Unfortunately I have to do an all-in sort of deal...  I'd like to get them goned in one fell swoop.  And unfortunately again, I can only do Paypal for it.  But, when I say cheap, I'm talking under $10 cheap, you just pay shipping.

Here's the list...

- Wetsuit (Version 7) - Complete
- Cobra Moray (Version 1) - missing a flipper (or, wetsuit is missing a flipper and this guy's complete...  toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe)
- Storm Shadow (Version 7) - Complete (some yellowing in the scabbard and tunic)
- Snake Eyes (Version 10) - Complete
- Dr. Mindbender (Version 4) - Missing Scanner & Shotgun
- Dart (Version 2) - Missing Backpack & Shotgun
- Heavy Duty (Version 4 with logo) - Complete
- CLAWS (Version 1) - Complete
- Frostbite (Version 4) - Complete
- Neo Viper (Version 1) - missing missiles & short rifle
- Destro (Version 7) - missing phone & rifle
- Gung Ho (Version 8) - Complete

Cobra Commander's (Version 17) staff and cape
Dice's staff

Plus, I'll send you whatever extra accessories I find as I clean up (at my own expense)

If you're interested or have a trade suggestion, give me a shout. 

Off Topic / Re: Disney to buy Marvel for 4 Billion
« on: August 31, 2009, 07:33:19 PM »
I know people are really pushing the panic button over this, but they're not going to tinker with a sure-thing like Marvel

Marvel comics does pretty dang well for itself - Disney didn't buy that just so they could ruin it...  they bought it so that they could keep it going and make some sick profit.

Off Topic / Re: collections
« on: August 30, 2009, 05:25:16 PM »
I'm actually in the process of cutting back on my collections...  but presently, I collect:

- GI Joe 25th
- Warhammer Figs
- Warhammer 40k Figs
- Marvel Figures (Only the ones I really dig)
- White Dwarf Magazine
- Misc Comics
- Cool glasses
- Cool clocks

I never really collect anything with intention of completing it - but I always have an end-game in mind when I start.  I'm glad to say that my collection of 25th Figures is at that point - if I happen to get any more, it'll all just be a bonus (or boni, I guess)

I plan to start unloading a lot of my collections - either on eBay, to whomever wants them, or to the local charity thrift store.

General Joe Talk / Re: Wild, crazy, and wonderful dream...
« on: August 24, 2009, 10:47:21 PM »
Manoman, to find a 25th Road Pig or Metal Head would be a dream come true.  For me, anyway.  Sadly, I won't fine any - not even in my dreams.

General Joe Talk / Re: S6 DragonHawk in James Cameron's Avatar
« on: August 21, 2009, 07:11:05 PM »
Totally thought this was going to be about "The Last Airbender".  different movie...

Both look good

The \'Show\' Room / Re: My Crimson, Blue and Grey armies!
« on: August 17, 2009, 11:41:29 PM »
Lookin' good.  That organization is enough to make Command and Conquer proud.

Too bad there's always different shades of blue.  Wish they'd have settled on a formula and stuck with it...

Nevertheless, pretty spiffy

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