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Author Topic: 25th ann. Canadian carded figures checklist ?  (Read 5783 times)


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25th ann. Canadian carded figures checklist ?
« on: July 25, 2013, 09:39:32 PM »

Been collecting 25th ann. U.S figures for the last 2 years. Had my u.S figure checklist since day one.
Havent EVER found one for the 25th ann. canadian carded figures.

Little help here..? Anybody...?
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Re: 25th ann. Canadian carded figures checklist ?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 10:03:06 AM »

Not sure if this is 100% complete but here is what I know of the case assortments that made it to Canada.

Wave 1 2008 (?)                     
Destro (Iron Grenadiers)   Crimson Guard   Crimson Guard   Snake Eyes (Black)   Snow Job   Flash   Shipwreck   Cobra Commander (Hooded)
Wave 3 2008 (G.I.JOE 25 TH ANNIVERSARY SINGLE PACK ASST. 63403092Q)                     
Wild Bill   HISS Driver   Cobra Viper   Cobra Viper   Spirit Iron Knife   Snake Eyes v.4   Snake Eyes v.4   Duke with Jetpack
Wave 4 2008 Revision 5 (G.I.JOE 25 TH ANNIVERSARY SINGLE PACK ASST. 63403092V)                     
Snake Eyes (Black)   Destro (Iron Grenadier)   Crimson Guard   Spirit Iron-Knife   Wild Bill   Flint (Tiger Force)   Cobra Commander (w. MASS Device Crysal)   Cobra Officer (Python Patrol)
Wave 5 2008 (G.I.JOE SINGLE PACK ASST.5 63403092P)                     
Wild Bill   Lt. Torpedo   Hawk   Bazooka   Barbeque   Storm Shadow (Black)   Snow Serpent   B.A.T.
Wave 5 2008 Revision 2 (?)                     
Sgt. Flash   Major Bludd   Hawk   Bazooka   Barbeque   1x Storm Shadow (Black)   1x Snow Serpent   B.A.T.
Wave 6 2008 (G.I.JOE SINGLE PACK ASST.6 63403092H)                     
Cobra Bazooka Trooper   Cobra Para-Viper   Duke (Tiger Force)   Wraith   Croc Master   Mutt & Junkyard   B.A.T.   Snake Eyes (Parka)
Wave 7 2008 (G.I.JOE SINGLE PACK ASST. 63403092L)                     
Cobra EELS   Agent Trakker (Matt Trakker)   Scarlett (Pilot)   Zartan (Swamp Squad)   Airborne   Cobra Flint   Cobra Bazooka Trooper   Cobra Para-Viper
Wave 8 2008 (G.I.JOE SINGLE PACK ASST. 63403092Z)                     
Dreadnok Ripper   Ninja Viper   Cobra Diver with Heavy Water Element   Cobra Trooper (with red logo)   Crimson Guard Python Patrol   Tripwire (Desert) with Meteor Element   Cobra Diver with Heavy Water Element   Cobra Commander (MASS Device)


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Re: 25th ann. Canadian carded figures checklist ?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 11:11:18 AM »

Hey man THANKS! for the info, you just made my year.LOL

can you answer this for me..?  Whats the deal with wave 2. I just got a snake eyes and hiss driver foil, but my cobra trooper from this wave is non-foil with the 25th logo in the corner...?

Is there 2 different versions of each..? foil and non-foil..? or did Hasbro just drop the ball on this one and released foil and non-foil ( with logo ) in the same wave..?

I also have a python patrol officer from the latter wave non-foil with the 25th ann. logo....?
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new retaliation movie/ notes/likes and questions.?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2013, 09:09:08 PM »

First off, i wanna say i was so dissapointed with the G.I joe the rise of cobra movie, that i held off going to see this one in theaters.
In r.o.c i found that the cobra characters where so poorly done. Cobra commander in particular was REALLY, REALLY bad with his breathin aparatous thinggy. Destro's look was bad too. And non of the cobra troopers ( did they even have cobra troopers in the movie ? Oh ya ...Thats right they had those horrible looking MARS troopers ) even looked remotely close to ANY of the figures EVER !

And non of the g.i joes had there own costume. Granted they each had there different weapons, but  every g.i joe was dressed in the same grey and black camouflage outfit.

The only characters that had a version of there original costumes was the ninjas.

Ok, that being said. I watched the new movie tonight: Retaliation. And it was good, i really liked it. I liked how Duke wasnt in it much. LOL
Cobra commander, Firefly, Jinx, Joe Colton, Lady Jay, and Flint where all very well done. They all had some resemblance or accessories with them that made you beleive that you where watching that character.

I do have to say, i was disapointed that the Eaglehawk chopper wasnt in the movie..?  Are they not re-releasing the Tomahawk under the Retaliation line...? I thought so..? ( I may be wrong ? ) I was expecting to see it in the movie.

And why did they ever release a Retaliation figure of Zartan as Zartan..? They should have released a figure of the president and just labeled the front of the card as Zartan, ( lol) because you only see Zartan as Zartan for 5 seconds in the movie, and its only his face a little bit.

Did the same person who wrote the first movie wright the second one too...?  Theres obviously going to be a third one coming out.
Did they have a trilogy planed from day one.?  If not. whoever took over wrighting the Retaliation movie did a fantastic job erassing the crappy characters from the first movie and making them look like they where supposed to.

I realize that every G.i joe or cobra character cant be in every movie, but it would have been nice to see Baroness in this one again. What..? since Destro's on ice, shes taking a break from the cobra organization ? And why the hell did Cobra commander leave Destro on ice ? I thought they where best buddys..?

Let me know what you thought of the movie.?

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Re: new retaliation movie/ notes/likes and questions.?
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2013, 02:09:29 AM »

i enjoyed it. it was better than ROC, but i still like ROC.

the writers were different. Baroness was left out by the writers because they had so many villains already with Firefly, CC, Storm Shadow and Zartan. they apparently want her back for 3, but bet on her being recast. in-universe, you could argue she's either in rehab someplace or she's relapsed to her villainy and been imprisoned elsewhere.

the thing that bugs me, is where the F this Cobra organsiation came from, CC barely has time to name them Cobra before he gets caught in ROC and then suddenly there's all this s**t with Cobra logos on and all these guys who know him as the commander and yet it's like only a few weeks have passed since ROC. it's a bit f**ked up...
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Re: new retaliation movie/ notes/likes and questions.?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2013, 09:47:24 AM »

Now that you say that, i bet i can answer both our questions.

Cobra commander must left Destro on ice so he could basically take the M>A>R>S organization from. Get all his money, weapons, resorses and people.

Stupid looking m.a.r.s. troopers become cool looking cobra troopers. All cobra commander had to do in those 2 weeks was change there uniforms. hummm..? Enough uniforms to outfit a whole army in 2 weeks...?  He probly went to ebay and order them BUY NOW, got em direct from China ....LOL
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Re: new retaliation movie/ notes/likes and questions.?
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2013, 12:22:00 PM »

Leaving Baroness and Destro out is good thing in my book.  It could open the door for both of them to be apart of the third movie.  Otherwise they might have been killed off. 

If the Baroness is back, find another female who is not the flat chested Sienna Miller to play the part. 

Enjoyed the second movie.  The ninja fight scene in the mountains was gold.

I still don't like Roadblock being the so called leader of the Joes.
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Re: new retaliation movie/ notes/likes and questions.?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2013, 12:30:21 PM »

i don't buy CC stealng MARS from Destro. there's supposedly little time since CC and Destro got caught to the start of Retaliation - Lady Jaye says about how the President's body language has changed in about a month. Zartan replaced the Pres AFTER CC and Destro were caught and whilst they're caged in the Carrier/transferred to Germany/frozen.

Cobra troops AND Firefly talk to the commander as though they personally know him and have met him before. plus there's the satellite being built and the new HISS tanks, and so on, plus Storm Shadow suddenly knows him and to pull off the whole Snake Eyes ruse? no way.

the talk of the nano-mite wars and the way the narrator talks about Duke leading the Joes makes it sound like some time has passed as well. it just doesn't fit and make sense.

time for the MST3K Mantra...
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Re: new retaliation movie/ notes/likes and questions.?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2013, 03:03:28 PM »

I didn't like it.
I thought it came across as a bunch of uneven fluff.........but then asking for some real "meat" in a GIJOE movie isn't going to happen anyway.
 It's probably the most politically "corporate" movie made in the last few years, what with its pointless delay for unneeded 3D enhancement, and its after-the-fact addition of more Channing Tatum, and the location of its climax.
It's clearly a movie-made-by-committee, bankrolled by a toy company looking to milk its IP.  Okay, that's a given. But it falls apart almost as soon as it starts.

We get force-fed Channing Tatum as Duke, a warm re-acquaintance in the first 15 minutes, showing how he's such a nice guy, so friendly and supportive of his comrades.
Then they just arbitrarily kill him.
But in doing so, they trip up because they just robbed the audience of the set-up emotional core of the film........the only "likeable" character in the whole cluster......and they just callously kill him off.
This does a couple of things: one-its squanders any peril for any of the heroes left, because we KNOW that with the slate wiped clean, no-one else is going to die.  No peril= no drama. No drama= no real point to the proceedings that follow.
2nd follows close behind this: why should we care from this point on? The character arcs in this movie are all pre-destined from the point of the GIJOE team being wiped out.......because the few that are left are the ones that have to rebuild. There's no REAL threat to them because they are all that's left.
Again, that's the under-lying corporate politics of the movie at work.
There's no reason to care about anyone, because they are all just cyphers, going through the motions. But GIJOE has always been this shallow, characterization is just something that gets tacked on.

The Fort Sumter location was dull. They filmed it in the most un-dramatic time of day possible, out in the open, in broad daylight--in a location that......well, made me wonder WHY they were there in the first place.

Well, I KNOW why?  Tax credits. The state of Louisiana and city of New Orleans offered irresistible tax credits to the production of this movie to film there, so as a corporate decision ( business politics, again) they picked that state and shoe-horned the tourist trap that is Fort Sumter into the story.
I mean, here's the litmus test: could they have located that meeting place anywhere else and told the SAME story, or bettered it with a locale more suited to more dramatic situations?
Well, you bet they could!
This was a case of a production trying to save some bucks and going with whatever was laying around. Namely what was cheap.
I thought the setting was like something out of a TV movie, and not really all that dramatic or interesting for a feature film. It was a weak sauce location, and they tried to make the best of it.  Yawn.

Joe Colton.
Big problem with the "original" GIJOE: he's GIJOE in name only.  Where's the scar that's been a part of the original GIJOE tradition since day one? The character is supposed to be a nod-of-the-head to the original 12" toys........but no scar? That ain't Joe, sorry.
If they'd added the scar.......I could have accepted whatever else they did with the character, but that ONE omission....blew it.

The missing ROC characters.
Not even a mention-in-passing for them. They simply do not get talked about.......they don't exist, as far as this movie is concerned--and yet, the director wants to bring some of them back for GIJOE3??? That also doesn't fly, because without a mention in Retaliation's script, one has to wonder, just waht are these characters doing? Are they still around? If they are, the dramatic points of a story would call for at least a cameo to address what they are doing.
Their team has been wiped out, they as members of the unit have been outlawed as criminals.

And only ONE person remembers enough about the team's history to turn to the "one man that can help them". NO-ONE ELSE knows or remembers the unit's first commanding officer???  That's a serious WTF, a HUGE plot hole--large enough to spin the USS FLAGG through.
The end result is that if we can't care about any of the old characters, then really why should we care much about the new characters?
That's a critical story flaw.

My last major beef comes back to corporate politics again.........the 3D gimmick. They delayed the movie for 9 months because of this boondoggle, and I thought it was a utter waste of time.  The 3D made this movie hard to watch, it was glaring and  made ALL the action sequences difficult to follow.  I have a bias against 3D to begin with, I went in being leery of it, but the execution of it in Retaliation just cemented things.
I learned later, to my chagrin that there was a 2D showing playing in my area, and I could have gone to that........but the damage was done.

I left the theatre saying that there probably was a movie that I could have liked somewhere in there, but a lot of things conspired against me.

Its the same thing as ROC, which I thought wasn't "awful", but wasn't very good either. Its just more of the same, with a little bit more window dressing to try to convince fans that the writers and director "get" GIJOE. I don't think the problem is that they get it, I think the end of the day, GIJOE just really doesn't have enough meat to its bones to make for a good movie.


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Re: new retaliation movie/ notes/likes and questions.?
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2013, 06:18:45 PM »

It's probably the most politically "corporate" movie made in the last few years, what with its pointless delay for unneeded 3D enhancement, and its after-the-fact addition of more Channing Tatum, and the location of its climax.

I saw it twice in the theater, and about 5 times at home, and in the store. (Advanced copy sent to me).

Between them, I'm shocked to say I enjoyed a bunch more in 3D.... And I generally hate the 3D versions.

I enjoyed it for what it was, an action flick, based in it's own G.I. Joe universe.


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Re: 25th ann. Canadian carded figures checklist ?
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2013, 07:47:27 PM »

I thought the reason they delayed the release of Retaliation for 9 months was because it was set to come out on the same weekend as Men in Black 3 and Battleship...And they figured a G.I joe movie relesed on the same weekend as those 2 blockbusters, was gonna get '' totally creamed ''....?

And then they just through on the 3D gimick as an extra, while they where waiting to be able to release it.

P.S Anybody ever heard of the  '' MGM 100 million ''..?  Kevin Smith talks about it all the time. How these big movie companies through a standard 100 million $ at advertising for that ONE BIG MOVIE.

Im sure they must have thrown there own 100 million in advertising @ Retaliation. They just did it smart as far as releasing it. Hold onto the movie and the 100 million for 9 months, until the only compatition is Olimpus has fallen, then release that F**kER !!!!!!
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Re: 25th ann. Canadian carded figures checklist ?
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2013, 02:05:20 AM »

no, the release was delayed to add 3D. rumours were they added more Duke scenes because he tested well, but that's been repeatedly denied by those involved.

i saw it in 2D. i refuse to see stuff in 3D unless i absolutely HAVE to.
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