
General Section => General Joe Talk => Topic started by: latinjoe22 on September 08, 2009, 10:52:02 PM

Title: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: latinjoe22 on September 08, 2009, 10:52:02 PM
Everyone must've started their collection somewhere, so wouldn't it be nice to recall that fateful day you got that first Joe toy that started it all?

So what was the first Joe you ever owned and when did you get it? Try to remember the details of it, think of it as a Brain Age exercise ;D.  And don't be shy if you only started collecting a year or a month ago, it only means that you have more to tell us than you can remember!

I'll go first. I got my first Joe in 1985, It was Shipwreck, my all time favorite character, and my mom bought it for me for 3.99$ at Eaton's of Downtown Montreal. My brother got his wish: Crimson Guard, and strangely I don't envy him to this day. It wasn't on a special occasion, she just wanted to give us a little treat on that day.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Kronz on September 08, 2009, 11:19:48 PM
My earliest memory is getting Zap and being frustrated he couldn't pose like he was on the card. I was three.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: olyeller01 on September 08, 2009, 11:50:41 PM
My grandparents gave me Sgt. Slaughter and the Triple T for my kindergarten graduation in 1985. 

That was my first Joe, and while the vehicle isn't the most wonderful, I was always glad to have Sarge!
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: dodge822 on September 09, 2009, 05:40:49 AM
I got my first gi joe in 1987, it was outback, I got it for my 5th birthday, and althought the kness are loose, the crotch is broken, the arms are 92 gungho, and its had 9 o-rings in it, i still have it, - flashlight, and handle on his gun (strap still atached), and it is still my favorite one out of all my collection.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: pdaat on September 09, 2009, 06:02:40 AM
Stalker, Scarlett and Rock'n'Roll 3 pack from Sears.

Many, many years ago.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: B on September 09, 2009, 06:41:16 AM
  To be honest, I'm not really sure who I got first, I seem to recall several but no definitive figure. The early ones I remember where Big Boa, Dr. Mindbender, Lady Jaye, Viper.

  One of those four was first, and I remember choosing one of them because my brothers also collected joes and they decided that each of us had to have different ones from each other. I purchased them with refunds on pop bottles that we used to collect. That was the source of money for buying my toys in the 80's.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: morgardee on September 09, 2009, 08:47:15 AM
That's a though one. I'm petty sure my first G.I.Joe set was Secret of the Mummy Tomb:


If your talking A Real American Hero then that is easy. Grunt and Stalker. The Irving boys bought them for me for my 9th birthday. I took them with me to Mothers Pizza and forgot Grunt's gun on the table. The waitress ran after us and gave me back his gun. Good times.  ;D
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: thatcarlguy on September 09, 2009, 09:29:07 AM
My first was Destro. My mom had a nack for picking out the really cool characters. She also got me Skeletor and Skywarp.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Editor on September 09, 2009, 10:16:12 AM
Serpentor. Beyond him and a few tiger force and python patrols, I never collected joes as a kid. Blame limited funds and a preference for the Transformers and MASK lines at the time.

Getting back into things last year it was Resolute Cobra Commander.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: akpayne on September 09, 2009, 12:30:45 PM
Mothers Pizza beside Swiss Chalet on Upper James?  Loved that place!!  Deep dish chicago style pizza!

Anyway - back on topic my first figures were Breaker, Clutch and the Vamp & RAM cycle.
I didn't have any cobra figures until almost a year later and it was Destro.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: NeoDragonKnight on September 09, 2009, 02:16:05 PM
I dont remember exactly which one, I was so young, like 3 or 4 years old.  My brothers bought a few for me.  It was something probablly something from 85 think it was either, Snake Eyes, SS, a CG, airtight or televiper
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Realboss on September 09, 2009, 04:22:57 PM
The first 12" was adventure team talking Joe, later destroyed by my brother and 3 3/4 was straight arm Short Fuse, my brothers got straight arm Stalker and straight arm Flash.  I still have them.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: BHMike on September 09, 2009, 05:47:42 PM
My parents dumped me on my grandmother one weekend so they could go away.
She took me to a store and bought me Rock N Roll, and the RAM.
His thumb broke off when I tried to put the gun in his hand, so we went back the next day to get another one. The store owner said to keep Rock N Roll and pick another one since they didn't have anymore of him.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: akpayne on September 09, 2009, 06:07:34 PM
Quote from: "THE Mike?"
The store owner said to keep Rock N Roll and pick another one since they didn't have anymore of him.

... And who did you pick?
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Jay on September 09, 2009, 06:16:17 PM
Well having been born in 1984, I was a bit of a late starter in terms of Joes.

I didn't get just one first Joe, I got a whole bunch (a few incomplete) secondhand from my cousin, all at once, some time in '88.

Sci-Fi (complete, rifle holder on backpack broken)
Tomax and Xamot (complete)
Crimson Guard (with backpack only)
Barbecue (Backpack and axe only)
Frostbite (no rifle, but Snow Job's ski gear)
Mainframe (backpack and computer only)

If you mean something I got myself, brand new, that has to wait till 1993, and even then it's a bit iffy which one it was. I know I got two Joes that year, so it was either Vega from the Street Fighter line or Ace and the Ghoststriker X-16.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: latinjoe22 on September 09, 2009, 10:04:21 PM
Quote from: "B"
  To be honest, I'm not really sure who I got first, I seem to recall several but no definitive figure. The early ones I remember where Big Boa, Dr. Mindbender, Lady Jaye, Viper.

  One of those four was first, and I remember choosing one of them because my brothers also collected joes and they decided that each of us had to have different ones from each other. I purchased them with refunds on pop bottles that we used to collect. That was the source of money for buying my toys in the 80's.

Hey, talk about a curious coincidence. The second Joe figure I got was Lady Jaye, followed by Dr. Mindbender.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: CF on September 09, 2009, 10:32:06 PM
I was born in 92 so my first joes ever where Sgt. Savage I had some great times with those guys. I still have my Iron Stormtroopers kicking around the house. after that it was all Spiderman :spidey:
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Sureshot on September 10, 2009, 02:29:11 AM
My first was Grunt, purchased at Capilano Mall Woolco in Edmonton in the fall of '82. I wanted Flash but didn't see him until after the swivel arm battle grip was introduced, which in a way I guess, was fortunate, as the playability/poseability was helped out a lot by that feature.

I suddenly feel old. Why, I remember in my day we didn't even have swivel arm battle grip...
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Redmao on September 10, 2009, 11:23:38 AM
The first Joes I got were Torpedo, swivel arms Snake Eyes, Gung Ho, Doc and Cobra trooper for my fifth birthday.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: BHMike on September 10, 2009, 03:20:35 PM
Quote from: "akpayne"
... And who did you pick?


Cobra Solider or Cobra Officer. Not really sure.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Canuklehead on September 11, 2009, 08:09:36 AM
It's hard for me to remember, because the ARAH line was pretty much coming out at the same time I was...

So, I was started pretty young.

But, I distinctly remember having the Skystorm...  Not first, but early on.  That was one of the first that was all mine - I got a bunch from my brothers, when they outgrew playing in the mud.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: sniper on September 11, 2009, 11:33:48 AM
First one is a toss up, since I received 2 vehicles and some figures at Christmas.  I am pretty sure I had Steeler, Stalker, Snake Eyes, Short Fuse, Cobra Officer and 2 Cobra Troopers.  All I know is that I was hooked.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: akpayne on September 11, 2009, 01:14:50 PM
Was anyone able to get the SNAKE armour back in the day?
I remember looking for that at every toy department - I never did own it when I was a kid.
I even went so far as to write Hasbro in Quebec a letter asking them if there was anyway of purchasing it directly.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: morgardee on September 11, 2009, 01:30:27 PM
Quote from: "akpayne"
Was anyone able to get the SNAKE armour back in the day?
I remember looking for that at every toy department - I never did own it when I was a kid.
I even went so far as to write Hasbro in Quebec a letter asking them if there was anyway of purchasing it directly.

Funny thing with the snake armour. I got the blue version and always hated it. I wanted the white one like they had in the cartoon. Good thing I kept it and didn't play with it. It's probably at least an 8 out 10. No, I'm not going to trade it for a white one.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: B on September 11, 2009, 02:25:37 PM
Quote from: "Canuklehead"
It's hard for me to remember, because the ARAH line was pretty much coming out at the same time I was...

So, I was started pretty young.

But, I distinctly remember having the Skystorm...  Not first, but early on.  That was one of the first that was all mine - I got a bunch from my brothers, when they outgrew playing in the mud.

Yeah I got a whole bunch from family too. Most from my cousin and I split it with my oldest brother. My two other brothers gave me theirs and eventually I convinced my oldest brother to sell his stuff to me. Sadly, I think I have very few of my own original toys left. I think I've lost over 20 figures over the years.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: martin-montreal on September 11, 2009, 09:11:35 PM
Quote from: "morgardee"
Funny thing with the snake armour. I got the blue version and always hated it. I wanted the white one like they had in the cartoon. Good thing I kept it and didn't play with it. It's probably at least an 8 out 10. No, I'm not going to trade it for a white one.

I was about to ask you a trade...  :P

My first joes... it was in 1983 with: Airborne, Gung-Ho and Doc. I discover few years later that a previous wave existed including: Rock and Roll, Grunt, etc. In fact, I just got Rock and Roll, Grunt, Flash and Cluth... and I'm still looking for Breaker... :-[

Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Radio Guy on September 12, 2009, 01:21:21 AM
Fall 1982...The VAMP with Clutch and The FLAK...the next day we went back to Woolco and got Breaker because the FLAK didn't come with a figure, and I maintained that Clutch could not be in two places at the same time.  That Christmas it was raining Joes!!! (Including the Cobra Missile Playset, from which I still have the file card holder)
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: thatcarlguy on September 13, 2009, 01:01:07 AM
Although not my first figure by any means, I remember the day I got Duke because that was the day of the big tornado in Barrie. We were...I think in Toronto that day (I cannot remember for sure on that but I know it wasn't Brantford) and I found Duke at this huge department store as well as a few Constructicons. I remember the weather was really bad where we were too and us driving home in some crazy wind storm and me holding Duke for dear life. My brother broke one of the Constructicons in the car that day...we had to glue one of the legs back on.
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: Silverhawk on September 24, 2009, 03:25:31 AM
Duke and Major Bludd as birthday gifts. Been a fan ever since!
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: starviper on October 17, 2009, 11:28:21 PM
'82 straight-arm Flash. I was 7 and I still have him complete!  ;D
Title: Re: What's the first Joe Toy you ever owned?
Post by: silentdusty on October 18, 2009, 08:37:30 AM
The first Joe toy I ever owned was the Adventure Team Helicopter, which I got for Christmas in 1978, whew, man I'm old. The first 3 3/4" I got was Straight Arm Snake Eyes, and the RAM cycle, and the Colorforms playset.