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Author Topic: Customizing tips  (Read 2685 times)


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Customizing tips
« on: February 17, 2012, 12:24:26 PM »

I've been doing a lot more detailed custom work as of late with 25th / 30th anniversary stuff lately and learned a few thing along the way. Maybe some of this is common, some of it is not but it might help.

Splitting the torso on a modern G.I. Joe figure can be tricky. I've sliced up my hand a lot lately working on getting bodies apart. I was taking a box cutter knife and following the seems all around the figure trying to pry them apart.

A few days ago I had a breakthrough. Boiling hot water is your friend. I've used hot water for arm swapping for a while now. Look at Captain Ruin and Traceroute from last years set for an example, but I never used it to separate the bodies. What I found was soaking a body in hot water for 30 - 60 seconds really makes it much easier. Once soaked take your box cutting knife and slit up from the rib cage to the arm pit on each side. Insert a small flat blade screwdriver in the gaps (while the plastic is still hot / warm) and give it a gentle twist. The body pop apart very easily. What took me many cuts and over 1/2 hour I can now do in minuets and with practice probably seconds now.

You'll notice I said Box Cutting knife and not exacto knife. Exacto knifes are sharper and fine to work with but I have learned to prefer the wider blade of the standard disposable box cutter. The wider blade is easier to work with.

Anyone else with tips, please add to this thread.
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Re: Customizing tips
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 02:14:16 PM »

Simple tip:
I goes without saying that keeping EVERYTHING goes along way in helping with kitbashing or customizing. Items from past lines, like Spytroops or Valor vs Venom can be a BIG help in creating new and interesting customs/kitbashes. Keep your eyes open for stuff that goes on sale really keep, or is given away by friends, family and other collectors. Since the earlier lines have fallen out of favour with some collectors,  you might be able to get a bunch of stuff for pennies on the dollar.
Also, don't restrict yourself to just GIJOE brand items. Other 1/18th scale figure lines can have a variety of gear, from weapons to helmets to other items that can work seamlessly with GIJOE customs.

Another simple tip: a customizer's best "expedient" friend: poster putty.
 I love this stuff, because a small blob can do so much. Have a neat looking helmet, that looks right, but fits too big on the figure's head? No problem, a small blob of putty on the crown of the head and the helmet will sit secure for as long as you want.
Pistol falling out of a holster all the time? Same dealio--small blob of putty on the barrel and slide the weapon in. It'll hold fast.
Removal is easy: if the putty sticks or gets caught in rough textures, use another blob of putty to pull the trapped stuff away. It grabs itself very well.
It can also be used to add another attachment point for feet on stands.

Torpedo Rob

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Re: Customizing tips
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2012, 11:03:34 PM »

I've been working on some ARAH customs and repairs and am having trouble getting rusty screws out. I tried to drill one out with a Dremmel and melted the plastic in the torso. Anyone have any luck getting them out without damage?