Quebec / Re: Montreal Toy Con, Sunday, June 8th 2014
« on: June 02, 2014, 06:42:16 PM »I was worrie about the construction, with free parking I will take my car.Oh crap, that's a good point. I have no idea about that...
Red and white once again! We've restored the classic look of JoeCanuck.
I was worrie about the construction, with free parking I will take my car.Oh crap, that's a good point. I have no idea about that...
I will be there, is it easy to acess in car or metro will be easier?Being just off the highway, I'd say it's easier to get there by car. It's not so bad by metro (but you'll then need to take a bus and walk for a bit).
Just a friendly bump to remind everyone that the Montreal Toy Con is this Sunday June 8th. Hoping to see some of you there!I'll see you there!
Ouin, on a eu quelques figurines chez Dollarama il y a deux semaines, mais le stock est parti vite. Sinon, rien de neuf.Je voulais dire que j'ai vu avec mes propres yeux.
tellement mort comme forum...J'ai pas trouvé grand-chose depuis... ben, mon dernier post.
Merci! Ouais, le Sandtrooper et l'officière impériale sont mes amis. Ils cherchent toujours les droïdes...Moi, j'étais déguisé come le Creeper du jeux Minecraft.
ah c'était toi ca? Nice le costume! Tu connais le gars qui avait le costume de Storm/Sand Trooper?