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Messages - custo

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 26
General Joe Talk / Re: New Vehicle Pics! Python Conquest, Tiger Rat!
« on: December 16, 2008, 07:44:30 PM »
Quote from: "canprime"
Sweet Sally Mugumbo!!!

Thank you Hasbro!!

Pay no mind to these heretics, this is great news.  I already have a PP Conquest, but a new one is always welcome.  Also, a chance to get the Tiger Rat?  I'm in. 

I figured Hasbro would try and use the molds again, and thankfully they did it with my two favourite subgroups.  I wish they would have used Skystriker instead of Wild Bill, but otherwise great news.

I'm with you buddy!

I've always wanted a PP conquest and now I can finally have one! (Or three  :shifty:)

Quebec / Re: Cobra window display?
« on: December 16, 2008, 07:40:22 PM »
Quote from: "Scramble"
Quote from: "latinjoe22"
Hey Guys!

A Cobra Musical that is seriously not taken seriously heh? Sounds like total fun to me! I would be in I guess, it would be great to meet a lot of you guys for a starter.

Here's the info, latinjoe:

21 December 2008 at 22:00
Mainline Theatre
3997 St-Laurent Blvd.

I'll be reserving some tickets for the show. You want me to reserve one for you too?

Can you reserve me 3 scamble? I'm bringing two buddies.


General Joe Talk / Re: BAT's on
« on: December 13, 2008, 09:52:58 PM »
Ya they've been sitting on the site for about a week now - with shipping and tax it's almost 15$ a figure, wayyyyyyyy too much imo

You are for sure right buddy, I'm so far behind on joes that this break is welcome indeed...then again i dont intend on picking up half the stuff they've released in the last couple months

Quebec / Re: Cobra window display?
« on: December 09, 2008, 09:28:46 PM »
Alright I'm for sure down for the 21st. Anyone know where to buy tickets and if we have to get them in advance?

General Joe Talk / Re: Wave 7 2008 Canadian Card Images
« on: December 09, 2008, 08:21:01 PM »
Quote from: "thatcarlguy"
I got a few of these with the small amount of cash I had taken to the States last week. I love the American cards. It feels so much like the ones we had as kids. Not sure why they can't do the same cards here (the front at least) and a bilingual backing.

As the saying goes in Quebec: "c'est la faute du federale"

Quebec / Re: Cobra window display?
« on: December 08, 2008, 07:00:40 PM »
Quote from: "Scramble"
Quote from: "custo"
I havn't been to st-laurent lately but I did see an add for Cobra the musical in last week's issue of the Mirror.

15$, december 18-21

If anyone is thinking of going on the 21st let me know

That is, in fact, the exact day I was planning on going.

Sounds good to me. I finish my last exam of the semester on the 20th (yes I know its a saturday lol) so the 21st would work for me. I guess we can make some plans next week.

Any other takers?

Oh my God! I just checked out the website for the guys that do this, extensive enterprises, turns out one of them used to own Empire Comics - Ace Lopes - which is where I would always go when I was like 10 for my comics and cards. Crazy coincidence.

Quebec / Re: Cobra window display?
« on: December 08, 2008, 06:58:57 PM »
Quote from: "Raptor"
Quote from: "custo"
I havn't been to st-laurent lately but I did see an add for Cobra the musical in last week's issue of the Mirror.

15$, december 18-21

If anyone is thinking of going on the 21st let me know

Warning, it's not suitable for kids. In fact, I don't use the term "childhood raping" that often, but it's amazingly suitable in this circumstance. If you're even the slightest bit homophobic or don't enjoy a *lot* of profanity in your comedy, you might want to give it a pass.

If you enjoy the idea of Serpentor walking around in a towel and a cowl, or Zartan in nothing but a pink thong, you'll have a blast.

- R

Wait, there's people in montreal that don't enjoy a *lot* of profanity in your comedy!!!!!!!!

Sounds great (except the Zartan in a pink thong...unless Zartan is played by a chick)

Quebec / Re: Cobra window display?
« on: December 08, 2008, 04:07:07 PM »
I havn't been to st-laurent lately but I did see an add for Cobra the musical in last week's issue of the Mirror.

15$, december 18-21

If anyone is thinking of going on the 21st let me know

Quebec / Re: Wave 9 and 10 available at Walmart Lasallle
« on: December 08, 2008, 04:06:11 PM »
Damn i drove by there this morning and didn't go in

Quebec / Re: Quebec Sightings Thread
« on: December 05, 2008, 07:47:25 PM »
Zellers Lasalle:
- 2x Hiss Tank
- 2x Serpentor Chariot and that other little tank

For Sale or Trade / Re: $5 each, 25th Figures MOSC.
« on: November 29, 2008, 10:12:42 PM »
Must resist urge for extremely affordable vipers :shifty:

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