So I backed this already, but man the unlocks have really made this tempting to me for a second HISS.
However the price keeps that thought in check.
I was happy with the first unlock, but underwhelmed by the second tier. Then swung all the way back to impressed with the third tier. A female HISS Gunner (Driver) is awesome, and the nose guns are a nice addition. The only thing is that with all these accessories the HISS is starting to look a little ridiculous all kitted out. The picture of it with the missile racks, nose guns and turret guns is kind of busy looking. I'll probably keep it simple with maybe the missile racks, or one of the turret guns.
I think making it compatible with both 6" and 3.75" would be a cool idea, but Hasbro isn't going to "confuse" the brand with that kind of option. Plus they can try and sell us a second version for 3.75" separately down the line.
Overall this is a great Haslab in my opinion, and I am glad to see it is killing it compared to other projects.