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Messages - canprime

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Ontario / Re: Exclusive Troop Builder Packs @ Toys'R'Us
« on: October 22, 2008, 04:46:23 PM »
TRU at Victoria Park and Lawrence had at least 6 of each (CG, FFvsGS) today at noon.

General Joe Talk / Re: New Vehciles in Canada?
« on: October 22, 2008, 11:20:53 AM »
So I swung by Silver Snail today to see what they had out.  They didn't have any wave 10 figures.  They had a couple wave 9 US carded BATS, but most everything else was wave 9 or earlier on Cdn. cards.

As for vehicles, they had everything up to the SHARC/FIREBAT/FANG/AWE.

All the vehicles are $24.99.   They moved the Joes closer to the comics in the back and the vehicles are on the top of the back issues shelves. 

I picked up the FIREBAT and the FANG/CLAW packs.  On my way back to the front I saw in the stock room (door was open) at least 8 cases of wave 3 Vehicles, so I am assuming they have a good amount left over.

Items Wanted / Anyone have the 2 guns for the FIREBAT?
« on: October 21, 2008, 07:11:49 PM »
Just need the 2 guns on the front bottom of the Firebat.  I have everything else from an original but them.


General Joe Talk / Re: New Vehciles in Canada?
« on: October 20, 2008, 06:24:28 PM »
Someone please buy the HISS and Armadillo/Chariot sets at my local TRU (Victoria Park/Lawrence)!!!!!

I went in on Saturday, and they had at least 6-8 of each!!!!

General Joe Talk / What's your favourite 25th vehicle so far?
« on: October 18, 2008, 12:18:57 PM »
Simple question.  It can include any thing released, or coming up.  Even Zartan's swamp skier or Matt Trakker's helipack.

I went with the Rattler.  A great update (minor updates, but still) on a classic vehicle.  Excluding the decals which are cheap!!  It was a close decision between the Rattler and Firebat, but in the end the Rattler is just a bit more iconic to the franchise.

General Joe Talk / Another "toy swapper" strikes.
« on: October 17, 2008, 09:23:05 PM »
I'm having trouble uploading a pic so I'll just have to describe what I saw today.

I was at my local TRU (Victoria Park/Lawrence) here in Toronto.  I of course swung by the Joes.  Nothing of note, a few singles (wave 8 Cdn), the first 2 DVD packs, a couple Destro/IG comic packs(gold head), and a ton of HISS and Armadillo/Chariot packs.

I then saw one of the latest 3 packs.  I already have all 3, but I noticed that it had something wrong.  Upon closer inspection it had figures swapped.  It was the Destro/IG 3 pack.  Whoever it was left the Destro and took the 2 IGs.  In place of them was a Star Wars droid (black C3P0 body, bug-eyed) and an old 80s IG Nullifier without his visor. 

It has been a while since I saw this type of thing, so it was a bit of a surprise.  I won't bother with the "oh no, theft" line.  It is wrong, most of us know that, and it would just fall on deaf ears for those who don't have a problem with doing it.

General Joe Talk / Re: 25th Anniversary - Vehicles Series 05
« on: October 17, 2008, 09:09:42 PM »
Here is my breakdown on these:

FLAK w/OUTBACK:  Upon closer inspection it looks like the FLAK is the exact same mold as the original.  I can't see from a side by side look at the original and new one any difference.  The paint scheme is obviously different, but the mold itself looks exactly the same.  OUTBACK looks great.  I would hazard a guess that he has a new head, new web gear and gloved hands, but otherwise I would bet the rest of him is reused parts.  Overall a great figure and an ok "vehicle", but I can think of a lot of other smaller vehicles I would have preferred first.  On the flipside, I can't really be too upset with an original 82 mold.

CLAW w/STRATOVIPER:  WOW, what a difference a colour can make.  The red really does make this mold look a lot better.  It is still a crappy update on a great toy, but the red is striking.  It is nice to see the extra bombs as well.  The STRATOVIPER is one of my all time favourites, and I"m glad to see him.  From what I see, he has a new head, and the vest/web gear is added on, and not molded to the body.  So I would say the those are the only new things (oh and the shin guards).  The rest is probably once again reused parts.

STINGER w/STINGER COMMANDER:  This a a great vehicle, and I love the little updates done with it.  The same differences from the VAMP are there that the original had.  A new front bar, no gas cans but rather step platform and bar, a cannister instead of pack on the hood and best of all... a gun instead of the shovel detachable on the front.  The STINGER COMMANDER looks to be a simple repaint of the trooper mold, much like the STINGER DRIVER, except he has the COBRA BAZOOKA SOLDIER head, red mask and web gear.

ARCTIC HISS w/ARCTIC HISS DRIVER:  This one has me torn a bit.  I am glad to finally see a HISS that isn't black, blue or crimson, but the all white look is a toss up for me.  I like it, but I'm not sure if it wouldn't be better with a little camo.  I also don't like the missile rack instead of cannons.  Why would you bring a HISS all the way to somewhere arctic to only have it shoot 4 missiles and be done?  I love the new rack with the blanket!!  I think that is a nice little touch that adds to the vehicle.  The ARCTIC HISS DRIVER is another thing I'm torn on.  On the one hand, it is another HISS DRIVER, but on the other, they did go a bit extra to make him different.  I think it was a good choice, but I might have been just as happy with another Snow Serpent.

So, the short of it is, I would say all 3 are must buy.  The FLAK/CLAW moreso for the figures than the vehicles.  The STINGER is just too iconic to pass up.  The ARCTIC HISS is a nice chance for the mold and comes with a new take on the vehicle and driver so I would say it is a good purchase.

General Joe Talk / Re: 25th Anniversary - Vehicles Series 05
« on: October 15, 2008, 11:23:05 PM »
Quote from: "martin-montreal"
Quote from: "canprime"
This set is obviously going to be sold on their figures.  A Stratoviper and Outback!!! Outback is a good figure as well, and one that is fine for a vehicle pack rather than a single card.

I disagree on this part...  I love Outback! Seing him release with the FLAK means he won't have accessories  >:(. He won't be the same without his web belt and his green flashlight!!  :'(


That may be true, but I would hazard a guess that most people won't be looking for another CLAW, and while the FLAK is new, it isn't the most visually stunning "vehicle".  The 2 figures however, won't be available any other way (at least until after the movie most likely).

General Joe Talk / Re: 25th Anniversary - Vehicles Series 05
« on: October 14, 2008, 10:49:49 AM »
Here's my thoughts on this list:

Ghost Hawk.  Already known and pictured.  As Redmao said, I too am happy to see windows.  Overall this a a great update on the original.  I also like the Liftticket figure.  A good use of other figures and new parts.

Arctic HISS.  Finally a HISS repaint that isn't blue or crimson.  Of course it is a wait and see on the paint scheme, but at least it is a different idea for the mold.  I am concerned about the "Arctic Driver".  This better not be a simple white repaint of the HISS Driver mold.  I would prefer a "new" frankenjoe Cobra arctic soldier, or a reuse of maybe the Snow Serpent mold.

CLAW & FLAK.  Again with the CLAW?  This mold is fine, but nowhere near as good as the original.  The FLAK is a good toy as well, but I wouldn't have put this in my top ten of what I would want to see this soon.  This set is obviously going to be sold on their figures.  A Stratoviper and Outback!!!  I love the Stratoviper and can't wait for it.  Outback is a good figure as well, and one that is fine for a vehicle pack rather than a single card.

Stinger.  This was confirmed a while back.  I am anxiously awaiting this vehicle.  I was kind of hoping the Stinger Driver would be rereleased with the vehicle, but I guess it is wait and see for the Stinger Commander.

The \'Show\' Room / Re: My 25th collection so far shelf by shelf
« on: October 10, 2008, 09:36:50 PM »
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are the Python Patrol CGs customs?  I didn't think that wave was anywhere near being out yet.

For Sale or Trade / 25th Rattler and Conquest FS. $40CDN each.
« on: October 05, 2008, 07:39:20 PM »
As the title says, I have one of each for sale.  Both are MISB.

I'm asking $40 Cdn each (not including shipping).

Local pick up is available in the GTA.

Ontario / Re: Exclusive Troop Builder Packs @ Toys'R'Us
« on: October 01, 2008, 08:55:29 PM »
If anyone can post the SKU for the 5 packs, it would be appreciated.  It seems like the 5 packs are in the same situation as the 3 packs.  Meaning they are going out on the shelves without being in the system.

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