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Messages - DPrime

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Pic to come soon. Price... well I'm looking to get around $200, hopefully.

I also have an extra Crimson Sabotage set MISB...

LMK if interested, this thing has never been assembled and comes with the original mailer box (unless you want to save on shipping or something). Also comes with bonus Cutter (who wasn't included with the mail-in) and an extra minty Shipwreck (sans accessories, but a very clean and tight figure). ... CT0991.jpg

General Joe Talk / Moth 3
« on: October 10, 2006, 04:56:10 AM »
Looks like I'm going to have to join, seeing that Shipwreck (I also want that Night Viper they put out). Looks pretty sweet!

Chuckles is alright, but I would have preferred another navy guy...

General Joe Talk / The 334th Joe Company Decals
« on: October 10, 2006, 04:53:12 AM »
Hey there,

I've used them. It's kind of hit or miss... He does good work, definitely, but a lot of them don't match the originals very well. Apparently there was a problem using white ink, but then again, some of his sets DO have white ink, so I don't know what that's about. Maybe he started out not being able to use it, and now he can.

Sets that I particularly like and have used are the Snow Cat, the Flight Pod and the CLAW, all of which match the originals pretty well as far as I can tell. The VAMP looks to have a white GI Joe logo too, but I don't yet have one to apply them on. Most of the Cobra stuff is pretty good, but if you're looking to a HISS or a Moray, go with Ruben's stuff.

I prefer Ruben's stickers because of their accuracy, but the 334th stuff is good too, and seems to be getting better. I only wish he'd update some of his sets to match his better ones, in particular the Armadillo (since I have one that is in sore need of replacement decals right now!).

Just thought I'd let you guys know, since this stuff is looking like it'll go cheap.

It's all located in Victoria, BC, so if any of you guys are locals, we can do a pick up.

BTW, here are some of my wants - looking to trade for these or will buy the parts I need and/or junker figures if the parts I want are in good order. Depending on the figure/part I would say it'd be in the $1-10 range:

Wave 6 Snow Wolves
Single Pack Neo Vipers
LEGO SW Clones (all versions)

Joe parts:
Skyhawk landing skids
Snowcat rear wheel (under the tracks)
Snowjob's left arm
Scarlett's right arm (swivel)
Lt. Falcon's head and back piece
Grunt's left arm (swivel)
Torch's head
Baroness (V1) upper left outer thigh piece
EELS' right and left arms
Snow Serpent AK-47
Lowlight's Uzi and sniper rifle
Mutt's gun

General Joe Talk / WTF Comic pack #7 fetches.....
« on: July 25, 2005, 03:43:56 PM »
That's absolutely crazy... Glad I preordered mine at the HQ...

General Joe Talk / What do people do with their broken vehicle shells
« on: July 25, 2005, 03:42:31 PM »
List what you have - who knows? Someone may want them for dios or something.

General Joe Talk / Dissed!
« on: July 25, 2005, 03:41:47 PM »
That really sucks...

General Joe Talk / Canadian Joe Collectors
« on: July 25, 2005, 03:41:17 PM »
I may very well be in Halifax next year, so maybe...

General Joe Talk / I NEED REPLACEMENT SCREWS... can anyone help?
« on: March 24, 2005, 11:51:59 PM »
Hey all,

Yeah, I know I can buy them from Smalljoes, but I'd like to get the blunt-pointed ones as well. Anyone know of a source?

Introductions / Hey fellow Canucks
« on: March 24, 2005, 11:50:49 PM »
I'm from South-West Ontario, but I'm in Victoria, BC at the moment, so I probably wouldn't be able to make it!!! Thanks though...

General Joe Talk / Army building!
« on: March 24, 2005, 01:30:28 AM »
Hey all.

I army-build... Not a whole lot though. I have 4 Cobra Infantry TRU packs from various sources, and four comic pack soldiers plus the officer. 3 CGs, plus two sets of OCS CGs. 2 each of Televipers, Snow Serpents, and Eels (plus two new Snow Wolves), and only one Viper, but there's more Vipers, Teles and Snow Serpents on the way. I'm aiming for 6 Vipers for the moment, and four each of the others. I'll probably buy a couple TRU CG packs too...

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