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Author Topic: Man I give up trying!  (Read 2539 times)


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Man I give up trying!
« on: December 17, 2006, 10:01:28 PM »

I posted here out of how cool some of the members are and to learn more about ya all.I never wanted to,just talk about GTG,the reason i do is out of pure enjoyment of the projects,and i really thought alot of what we are trying to do at GTG and in the community would show we are not just trying to pad our own pockets.If i knew it was a rule not to post a raffle or a contest here i would nt have done it...Am i mad you locked the thread...,nope.Its just a shame the one thing i have been trying to do with all borads is get members involved in our projects,to make cool toys they would have wanted or still would like to have,guess thats my downfall,trying to do some good,its viewed mainly as just pimping GTG,not the case and not my intentions at all.Was i trying to pimp the raffle,yes and give thesame chance to all in the COMMUNITY not just GTG,i was trying to target us as collectors and us as people who like the hobby and spend alot of time on the boards saying what we do and dont like about hasbro,,this part make s no sense people come around ask for peoples opinions and carry them out too,and they are still viewed as trying to pimp a buisness.GTG is a buisness,but is it one i make a ton of money,nope,i cover all my costs,the raffle was taking out of what i was going to donate to a charity,like i said i thought i would dump some money back into the hobby and into somebodys hand to have maybe just a lil merryer of christmas or a new year.

Mike I have no bones about the lock,i only question is GTG worth keeping alive and trying so hard if we only get flak on the joe boards.This board is a really cool board as well,and there are alot of members who post here and JC and every where else too,I put the raffle post at sites that I am active at,and being that i wanted to get active here,and being that members said that there is not alot going on,i thought maybe i could help  change that,and make it so there would be more going on,and some exclusive stuff to this board,I never want to see GTG in stores like walmart or toys r us,i want to keep it where it belongs right here on the net where there is an equal chance for everybody,and cut down on the disappointment when you walk into a toy store and they have nothing... I hate that feeling,you finally get the day off,you have some money in your pocket and you have the whole day,you go hunting and come up empty at the end of the day,and with hasbro not giving anything to us now,i thought it would be a way of keeping things alive.

Guess you cant please everybody....I am sure this post will get locked as well for talking about GTG,but its cool and only fair,just wanted all to know,I am not only talking about GTG to create more sales,I am talking about GTG cuz thats whats taking up all my time,I will keep the gtg stuff to my forums from now on,I dont want to cause waves,first it just makes for drama and second it just kills my drive.

Mike i wanted to post here for veryone to read my thoughts,I have respect for you and understand the locks,just wanted my feelings heard.

David Gray(Bekker)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Man I give up trying!
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 10:24:26 PM »

I'm so tired I'm fighting myself to stay awake right now (have to pick up the wife at midnight).

Dave, if you think I locked the other thread because you were pimpin' G2G, then you really need to re-read that thread. That's not why I did it. You can pimp it all you wish - it's not for me to say. I was offering you some suggestions on things, and a personal observation. When U do see you post, it seems to always include G2G in some form. That's all.

The rest of this I'll reply to tomorrow when I'm more awake.... you have no clue how many spelling mistakes I've had to correct in this post alone due to how tired I am.

If anyone else wants to chime in here - please feel free. Some of you guys 'know' me and how I am, so you may even be a better choice to reply than me right now...... assuming you're awake.

Lord knows I'm not.

That line.... originally it said "Lork nows I'm bot." <--- sign of being tied... TIRED.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Pete The Greek

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Re: Man I give up trying!
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2006, 11:00:27 PM »

Mike, did bring up a point in the locked thread.  Please post a link to G2G in your signature as am not familar with the url link.   
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Man I give up trying!
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2006, 12:43:18 AM »

Thanks guys for the replys didnt mean to be a bother,and i really didnt want the raffle to be hassle,just thought it would be a cool idea,and would benefit somebody in the community.

Like i said if i new the rule was it wasnt allowed i would have not done it.

thanks again
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Man I give up trying!
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2006, 01:00:45 AM »


Seriously man, you're the strong link in the crowd that you run with. I know that Jin has ordered from you before and is very happy with your product.

We all feel for you, and the fact that it seems like whatever you do it seems to end up being damage control (at least on the boards I frequent).

Coming from anyonoe else I'd have said right out that the $20 raffle thing was a  scam. I know that since you're involved it isn't. But you gotta admit that it's pretty out of the ordinary ,and you're trading a lot on your good rep with the community to do it. If JR, Sev or Aly win it out of sheer luck, you'll see 10,000 new hits on Google for the word "fixed". ;-)   

But man, I can honestly say that your reputation is tight, and I'm glad of that. You seem like a decent guy, and the kind of guy we like to have around. Whenever anything happens on your little corner of the world, you try to make it right, and that earns you much respect.

If you want to give back to the community, I've got some suggestions: Keep G2G flush, in the black and a going concern. If it makes money, you can make it expand and justify spending the time on it that it really needs. Get products back in stock, and spend a little time tweaking the site. You've already got a fan base, give them more stuff to buy and a little cleaner way to buy it. Focus on the custom sculpted stuff, it's by far the best of your offerings, and no one can take it away from you as being your own.

And keep being a good guy when sometimes it seem like the whole freakin world is against you. That's earned you respect.

And my last suggestion? Put your URL at the end of your posts using the scroll feature. Because It's so freakin cool I can barely stand it.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Pete The Greek

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Re: Man I give up trying!
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2006, 01:14:27 AM »

Quote from: "Raptor"
We all feel for you, and the fact that it seems like whatever you do it seems to end up being damage control (at least on the boards I frequent).

For the amount of countless hours I spend a online (mostly for searching for items).... my response =  ???  I am out of the loop on what has happened in the past when it comes to this.   But I won't dwell on it. 

Dave, thanks for putting up the link.  By just browsing, there are some customs worth looking into from my end.  I just have to spend more time later in the week going through the complete inventory. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Man I give up trying!
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2006, 01:37:11 AM »

Coming from anyonoe else I'd have said right out that the $20 raffle thing was a  scam. I know that since you're involved it isn't. But you gotta admit that it's pretty out of the ordinary ,and you're trading a lot on your good rep with the community to do it. If JR, Sev or Aly win it out of sheer luck, you'll see 10,000 new hits on Google for the word "fixed". ;-)

Well just everybody knows no body at gtg can win,I have the sytem and i control the oney,i will make sure it is an honest win,this might just come back to bite me in the ass,and i am cool with that,I just know that hasbro never did anything like this for us,i really dont see anybody out there looking for ways to give back,most buisness only look to gain,not so here,i want to make a enough money to cover my costs and keep it running smooth,I have another buisness that keeps me really busy already.Thank you very much for the respect in this post.

At this moment i have been working my tail off to make some great changes to the store,but time is against me,one of my biggest concerns is that the toy hobby is in its last years,maybe 10,I am really hoping its not but i plan to do what ever i can to help fight the death of our hobby.Each year more drop off and more collections go on ebay...not me everything i collect is staying with me,what my kids do after i go,well cant have any control when you are about 6 feet under,can you?

thanks for the reply and the respect,makes me feel a hell of alot better.I have had some people take part in the raffle,and i really thought more would,I am going to limit it so its the first 100 people only,what comes in thats is above the cost will go to a charity of some sort,or back into another prize for another giveaway,I dont want anything over the cost of the PS3,i know in my area,these are selling like hot cakes,and thats why i picked one up,also made the option to do the cash value instead in case somebody didnt want the PS3,i mean cash is never bad.

thanks guys
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »