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Author Topic: Vintage Review - Dreadnok Cycle  (Read 4228 times)


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Vintage Review - Dreadnok Cycle
« on: June 14, 2010, 11:03:19 PM »

Due to their cool factor, comedic value, and sheer nastiness, the Dreadnoks have long been favorites of Joe fans everywhere.  Rough and tumble bikers with a preference for grape soda and chocolate covered donuts, the Dreadnoks were both alternately frightening and hilarious.  They were one of the more popular sub-groups as well, gaining quite a few members and several vehicles during the course of the original line.  And, feeding on that popularity, the Dreadnoks will gain another member and another vehicle, the Doom Cycle, in the upcoming Pursuit of Cobra line.

Before the Doom Cycle, there was the 1987 Dreadnok Cycle.  By 1987, the Dreadnoks had been around for a couple of years already and were well established in both the comics and the cartoon as bikers…yet Hasbro had failed to release any bikes for them (assuming you count out the Sears exclusive 1986 Dreadnok Ground Assault set, which featured a recolored RAM).  To correct this, Hasbro commissioned the Dreadnok Cycle, and in true Dreadnok fashion, decided to make it over-the-top.

The Dreadnok Cycle actually uses a tricycle design, with a long, chopper-style front fork and wheel, and two drag slick style rear tires.  There is room up front for a driver to sit, traditional motorcycle style (straddling the bike) though long cruises would be made much more comfortable with the addition of a high-back bucket style seatback.  Behind the driver is a large engine…probably a V8, though it’s really hard to tell.  Being positioned over and directly driving the rear axle would make that engine a lot more efficient too (no parasitic driveline losses).  Plus, it provides plenty of base area for a platform on top of it.  There is indeed a platform on top of the engine, and it has a turret on top of it!  The turret features a seat for one, and can turn a full 360 degrees. In front of the seat is a large cannon, which can elevate and depress, as well as turn a full 360 itself.  There are red guards that stick out at an angle on either side of the gunner.  To round out the Cycle’s armament, two medium-sized missiles sit underneath the edge of the gunner’s platform on either side.  The missiles are set at a slightly outward angle, for reasons I will explain in a minute. 

As for the Dreadnok Cycle’s high points, it definitely fits the Dreadnok’s style.  The overall design just screams biker gang.  For starters, there’s the Dreadnok logo on the rear seat (a horned skull with a knife through it set on a flaming background with “Dreadnok” written underneath in blood red) and the “lucky 13s” emblazoned on the front and sides of the bike.  Second, it’s definitely over the top, garish, loud, and evil looking.  For a bike, the DC is pretty well armed with both the cannon on top and the two missiles.  The fact that both the rider and the cannon can be turned completely around the bike mean that it can quickly respond to threats and deal with them with extreme prejudice.  The design also makes the DC appear fast and very maneuverable.  There’s also nice detail all over the trike, from the handlebars to the engine to the hexagonal lugnuts on the rear wheels.

The Dreadnok Cycle is very Dreadnok-like, but it’s got more than a few flaws…just like the Dreadnoks.  The most glaring flaw is the garish color scheme.  I do like the black and Cobra blue…but purple, teal, and bright red?  Are you kidding me?  Even the Dreadnoks wouldn’t be caught dead on this garish thing.  “Oi, those are some right stupid colors on that Cycle.  Monkeywrench musta been on a sugar rush when he painted that bloomin’ trike!”  Other than the paint, there are a few military weaknesses as well.  For starters, because it is a bike, both the driver and the gunner are not very well protected (particularly the driver).  The three-wheel design, especially with all that weight up high on the rear, would make the DC prone to easily tipping over.  The big slicks on the back mean that control would go to hell in the rain.  The cannon cannot aim down directly in front of the Cycle without blasting off the handlebars or front wheel, meaning that threats to the front must be dealt with from a distance.  The missiles are angled to launch outward, but the driver still stands a good chance of getting his legs roasted off by their exhaust.  Speaking of roasting, the driver better be very careful getting off the DC, or he or she will torch the back of their legs on the exhaust pipes.  And finally, I just hate the side shields on the gunner platform.  I have no idea what purpose they serve.  Perhaps, if they had bulletproof glass in them, they would add a bit of protection to the gunner…but the blueprints call them “reinforced aluminum alloy deflector shields.”  I don’t think ALUMINUM stops bullets too well.  25th figures do not fit too well on it, as seen from my pics…the biggest issue is that the gunner’s feet stick out over the top of the footrests, meaning that the turret can’t rotate.  Of course, this vehicle wasn’t DESIGNED for 25th figs, so I’ll give it a pass.

The Dreadnok Cycle is a militarily flawed, over the top, but still fun vehicle.  Honestly, I do like it, and would consider it a great vehicle except for the color scheme.  It’s just flat garish and ugly, and I hate the stupid shields on the side…though at least they’re removable.  It won’t set you back a lot of dough, as nice complete ones run in the $15-25 range, so if you’re a Dreadnok fan or if you like purple and teal, get it.  However, I can see the rest of the Dreadnoks ripping by on their Doom Cycles and laughing at the two poor ‘Noks who get stuck riding this thing…at least until the gunner’s had enough and starts shooting at his compatriots, anyway. 


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Paint/Mustang Man
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Re: Vintage Review - Dreadnok Cycle
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 11:35:58 PM »

Great review of an horrible vehicule.. but the play value on this one was great! Thx oly!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • Black Ice Wannabe
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Re: Vintage Review - Dreadnok Cycle
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 08:41:12 AM »

Well done! I look forward to the next review.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Vintage Review - Dreadnok Cycle
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2010, 06:50:21 PM »

haha I forgot I even had this thing as a kid! I thnk only the cannon is left now but I'm not even sure about that. Great review as usual. I always pictured that once the noks got close enough,  that they'd just prefer to take a run at someone then to shoot them with the cannon or missiles.  I don't remember this vehicle lasting intact for very long.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • phpBB HATE Mechanic
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Re: Vintage Review - Dreadnok Cycle
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2010, 12:27:21 AM »

I actually dig this thing.  Got it a few months ago. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »