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Messages - canprime

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General Joe Talk / Re: peg warming a bad sign?
« on: September 14, 2008, 12:18:16 PM »
Looking at my local TRU (Victoria Park & Lawrence), I get the feeling we will be seeing a lot of product sit on the shelves.  Specifically at TRU.  The latest batch of vehicles (just HISS & Armadillo/Chariot) are on the shelves, wave 8 is on the shelves, with some wave 7, and the DVD packs are on the shelves.  Right now the only thing moving well is the comic packs, and that is probably due to pricing more than anything else. 

I can see the Armadillo/Chariots and wave 8 sitting for a long time due to the high price and low interest.  The HISS should move well, and so should the DVD packs.  However only time will tell for certain.

Zellers and Walmart don't seem to have the same problem.  Of course their price in general is cheaper than TRU's by a good 10% at least.

General Joe Talk / What is the deal with single figures on Ebay (25th)
« on: September 14, 2008, 12:13:19 PM »
What's up with sellers on Ebay?

I have noticed a very strange trend on Ebay.  Especially from Canadian sellers. 

A strong majority of single 25th figures are being put up for $12US+.  Now I understand that these figures can cost anywhere from $8-$10 pre-tax.  However, it just seems ridiculous to me to keep seeing the same figures over and over again for $12-$17 each.  Especially since most are on Canadian cards, which is no longer a quirk worth paying extra for.

What is your opinon?

General Joe Talk / Re: Any news on Hasbrotoyshop shipping to Canada?
« on: September 13, 2008, 06:32:11 PM »
Quote from: "THE Mike?"
Newsletter has the newest reply.... should be out on Monday. ;-)

Let me guess.  Some date in the future, but nothing specific that can be put on a calendar? :lol:

General Joe Talk / Re: Any news on Hasbrotoyshop shipping to Canada?
« on: September 13, 2008, 05:12:51 PM »
I wouldn't hold your breath either.  When HTS first started, I asked one of the marketing managers (Greg Lombardi?) at Botcon about Canada and got the same response.  "We are working on it"

It seems like a nice idea, but I really don't think it will happen.  I don't know if it is just the same weird attitude about shipping to Canada that other US corporations and Ebay sellers have, or if it is just a lack of caring.

Either way, it has become a joke.  If companies like L.L. Bean can ship to Canada, it shouldn't be a stretch to believe a much bigger company like Hasbro could as well.  Then again, hearing the horror stories of how items are shipped, I don't know if it is a blessing or not that we don't have the option to order.

General Joe Talk / Re: Other vehilces
« on: September 12, 2008, 11:04:06 PM »
Well one of the recent Walmart listings had the Whirlwind or HAL listed (I can't remember which one).

As for others, I like the idea of the MMS, but I would really love to have other "vehicles."  Meaning the Slugger, Moray, Skystriker, WHALE, etc.

Off Topic / Re: transparent cases to protect/display MOC figs
« on: September 11, 2008, 09:33:11 AM »
Hasbro sells GI JOE star cases on their site

However they don't ship to Canada.  So unless you have someone to get them for you, I would stick with the other versions available to Canadians.

General Joe Talk / Re: peg warming a bad sign?
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:15:06 AM »
I would wait and see how the fall plays out.  With the Christmas season coming, it should pick up sales across the board.  However I understand, and I also think the ridiculous case assortment for the vehciles is going to be a problem.

Off Topic / Re: Millennium Falcon under 2 bills?
« on: September 09, 2008, 07:47:34 PM »
I would say try the US, but that would only be worthwhile if you were near the border.

Otherwise try Ebay.  You probably won't find anything though until Christmas or after.

General Joe Talk / Re: WOW! Talk about a big ticket price. Ebay item.
« on: September 04, 2008, 09:16:08 AM »
Quote from: "THE Mike?"
Quote from: "canprime"
Hey Morgardee, I'm not sure you would get $1000 for it sealed.

If it is a US box, then it will go for a good bit of change.  As well, if you were willing to go with AFA (I won't go into them here), then you would probably get $1000 for it (depending on the quality of the box).

I think he'd get close to $1000.00 for it. If it's in a CND box, he may have two people that HAVE to have one of everything from every country bidding on it. I know of two people that would have no problems dropping that amount of cash on a sealed item like that.

That's the beauty of Ebay.  Timing can make all the difference.  One week, you get people like you said, then the next, those people are not surfing.

That is what happened with my Sky Raven/Night Raven purchase.  The Sky Raven alone should have gone for close to $55, but I managed to get both for $55.

Good Luck with whatever you decide Morgadee

General Joe Talk / Re: WOW! Talk about a big ticket price. Ebay item.
« on: September 03, 2008, 08:16:07 PM »
Hey Morgardee, I'm not sure you would get $1000 for it sealed.

If it is a US box, then it will go for a good bit of change.  As well, if you were willing to go with AFA (I won't go into them here), then you would probably get $1000 for it (depending on the quality of the box).

General Joe Talk / WOW! Talk about a big ticket price. Ebay item.
« on: August 31, 2008, 11:27:11 PM »
Hey Mods, if this is not the right place for this topic, please move it.

I had been watching 3 auctions by the same guy in toronto (goes by genxtoys).  I bought a complete w/box Sky Raven and a complete Night Raven (minus one bomb) w/ box and sealed Strato-Viper for $55 from him.  So when I saw he had more vehicles for sale, I of course kept an eye out.

Thankfully they went for some pretty high prices to keep my from thinking about it.  He had a MISB Thunderclap (US box) go for $200+.  A set w/Phantom x-19 and the 2nd JOE base, both MISB, both US boxes went for $300+.  Then the big one.  He had a Rolling Thunder (MISB, US box) that went for $1025!!!! 

I am always fascinated by these kinds of auctions.  It also makes me realize that Hasbro needs to get us a large vehicle/playset in the 25th line.  Hopefully all the chatter about a Terrordrome will make Hasbro look twice at possibly doing one.

General Joe Talk / Wave 12 (Wave 8 2008) "Bonus Wave pics on
« on: August 25, 2008, 11:13:24 AM »
I'n not sure what, if any, policy there is about linking to other sites, so feel free to add a link.

Hasbro's "Bonus" wave now has some pics.

We get 6 figures.

Tripwire (desert scheme) w/meteor element.  Doesn't look significantly different from the comic pack version, but at least he comes with the element.

Storm Shadow w/ninja gear.  Looks to be a wave 1 SS, but all white and with "ninja gear."

Cobra Diver w/heavy water element.  This looks to be a pretty sweet figure.  It is just torpedo in red, with black down the middle.  I like it, but it seems kind of moot with the Eel coming out so near.

Ripper.  Overall he looks exactly like the comic pack version, just the colours appear to be lighter.

Cobra Trooper.  Same as wave 1, but with a red emblem.  Apparently a lot of fans have been asking for this.

Python Patrol Crimson Guard.  Finally, we get another figure to add to the PP ranks.  It will be nice to have.

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