
General Section => General Joe Talk => Topic started by: olyeller01 on October 26, 2009, 09:53:02 PM

Title: Ol Yeller gets introduced to Power Team Elite
Post by: olyeller01 on October 26, 2009, 09:53:02 PM
Today while out Joe hunting I stopped in Big Lots just for the hell of it.  If you guys don't have Big Lots up there, they're one of those "clearance" stores.  The only Joes they had were a crapload of RoC Combat Heroes.  But they did have something else. 

That something else was Power Team Elite, which has been discussed on here before but I had never seen.  They had quite a few PTE items...the Lookout Tower, Patrol Boat-River, Howitzer, Hummer, Rocket Chopper, IFV, Abrams tank, "Battlefield" (essentially a string of bombed-out buildings) and the "Combat Outpost" (which I may be crazy, but it looked like it contained a bunch of Marauder furniture).  Prices ranged from $10 for the Lookout Tower to $30 for the "Combat Outpost" with most of the rest ranging from $15-20.  I picked up the Lookout Tower and will probably pick up another.  It's got a Mk19 40mm grenade launcher, it's pretty good-sized (much bigger than the original Joe Watch Tower) comes with some pretty neat accessories like fuel drums and a spotter's scope, and has a really neat "rope" ladder that can be hooked on just about any location.  It also came with 2 figs that are, well, pretty crappy, but who cares?  Your Joes can replace them!

These are some cheap, neat alternatives to official Hasbro stuff that I kinda dig.  I'm definitely gonna pick up another Lookout Tower and the Combat Outpost, and probably the PBR and the Howitzer.

Oh yeah, and I also noticed that Wal-Mart here had "Rollbacked" all RoC figures to $6 each, which I think is the perfect price for them.  Hopefully they'll now start to move.  I also picked up TF2 on Blu-Ray for just $20.  Can't beat that.
Title: Re: Ol Yeller gets introduced to Power Team Elite
Post by: B on October 27, 2009, 06:26:50 AM
I haven't seen these in Winnipeg at all, but I'll be honest I really only look for Joe items. I've seen pictures in the Sears catalogue  and thought they looked pretty sweet though. How is the quality of the plastic? Warp? flimsy? can you post some pics for scale with some joes?
Title: Re: Ol Yeller gets introduced to Power Team Elite
Post by: morgardee on October 27, 2009, 09:21:00 AM
When you say Walmart has rolled back the price to $6.00, is that in Canada or the US?
Title: Re: Ol Yeller gets introduced to Power Team Elite
Post by: Goldbug on October 27, 2009, 08:26:19 PM
Quote from: "morgardee"
When you say Walmart has rolled back the price to $6.00, is that in Canada or the US?
Definately US$
Title: Re: Ol Yeller gets introduced to Power Team Elite
Post by: martin-montreal on October 27, 2009, 09:19:35 PM

Martin  :wink:
Title: Re: Ol Yeller gets introduced to Power Team Elite
Post by: latinjoe22 on October 27, 2009, 09:28:49 PM
Quote from: "martin-montreal"

Martin  :wink:

Says you buddy. Olyeller's thousand words are worth easily a pic to me.
Title: Re: Ol Yeller gets introduced to Power Team Elite
Post by: olyeller01 on October 27, 2009, 10:23:16 PM
B, the plastic doesn't seem flimsy or anything.  It's not as thick as Joe plastic but it's not flat-out junk.  Of course this is a lookout tower so it's not like its a big thick tank or anything.  I'll evaluate more stuff as I pick it up.  I think the stuff scales perfectly with Joes.

Morgardee, the $6 is definitely US.  Hopefully you guys will see some rollbacks too...the rollbacks were discussed LAST MONTH in other regions but didn't hit down here until this week.

Martin, I guess I should have realized by now that I can't talk about anything like this without putting up pics, but A. I didn't have a chance and B. I thought another thread discussed Power Team Elite and had pictures.  So here ya go: (http://

And LJ, thanks for the backup  ;D