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Messages - akpayne

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 74
General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 27, 2024, 10:17:01 AM »
So, the Walmart Black Friday event is to have toys in stock 😁

LOL!  Sadly true.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 26, 2024, 02:25:49 PM »
More on

G.I. Joe Classified Series #127, Night Force Jason "Shockwave" Faria & Night Pursuit Cycle is in stock.


G.I. Joe Classified Series #138, Night Force Vincent R. "Falcon" Falcone & Quarrel is up for Pre-Order again.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 26, 2024, 02:06:43 PM » has
G.I. Joe Classified Series Lady Jaye
G.I. Joe Classified Series Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Storm Shadow
G.I. Joe Classified Series Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Snake Eyes
G.I. Joe Classified Series Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Baroness
for $9.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 21, 2024, 10:11:34 AM »
Amazon black friday deals are starting to show up for some classified figures.
and it isn't really worth mentioning but has also put items on "sale" making them slightly more than what they should be priced at normally.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 20, 2024, 02:07:45 PM »
I decided to plasti-dip the yellow Dragonfly tail wings.  Flat black looks better in my opinion.
The benefit of plasti-dip, is if I don't like it later I can peel it off without any lasting damage.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 15, 2024, 10:08:07 AM »
Haven't noticed that on mine, but I could easily see it breaking or at the least creating some unsightly stress marks in the plastic.  I opened mine once, and thought it was a nice addition, but clear plastic has bitten me too many times.  As for as the brittleness of plastic it goes clear then brown.  Would love to see Hasbro get out ahead if there is an issue and offer a simple solution for everyone - they have our contact address.

General Joe Talk / Re: GI Joe comic disccusions
« on: November 15, 2024, 08:55:44 AM »
Sadly not a legit location.  It was at one point hosted on several Torrent sites.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 14, 2024, 08:53:20 AM »
This is the best version of Wild Bill, I am interested to see what they do if he makes it to the Retro line, but the cartoon colours just don't work for me.
However I am looking forward to Retro versions CrazyLegs and RipCord, the night force figures are fun and appreciated.

General Joe Talk / Re: GI Joe comic disccusions
« on: November 14, 2024, 08:50:52 AM »
I love the original Marvel run of the comics.  The issues towards the end felt forced, and any time they had to do an issue to introduce a new toy was always a little awkward, but over all the entire series is brilliant.  I have all of the original run, spent a couple years sourcing a few issue I missed, mostly from the Special Missions series.  I also bought the Trade Paperback editions years ago.
I finally hunted down a digital version of the original run and loaded them onto an ipad, that way I don't have to dig out the old ones if I want to re-read them (did the same for the transformers marvel series too)
I enjoyed the cartoon and all of its goofiness, but the comic books felt more grounded.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 13, 2024, 02:12:06 PM »
Funny, I haven't even opend the figures yet.  But I did notice crazylegs looks a little "off" to me.
Also glad I like the mold for Scarlet, this being the third use in a very short time period.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 13, 2024, 10:28:56 AM »
I spent some time with the DragonFly last night,  I am not in love with the stickers - I appreciate the option to customize and make it unique, but I hate stickers, so probably won't apply them.  However I am really debating about applying one of the large circular ones to the base.
Initial thoughts:
I feel the electronic lights on the HISS where more purposeful.
This thing is heavy, it could simply be the length, but I am glad it comes with a base. Not sure I would want the weight on the landing skids.
I haven't found any "easter eggs". I thought for sure there would have been thoughtful integration with Doc's stretcher, or even a lift harness for the RAM, or the VAMP.
Makes me really hope they make the rest of the 82-83 vehicles.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: November 12, 2024, 09:11:27 AM »
IG and immortal arrived while I was away last week - and on yesterday, the HasLab DragonFly arrived to more door!  Of course that was the first thing I opened and wow!  it is big, and awesome!
Can't wait to spend some time with it, get batteries into it, etc.

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