Canadian Sightings & Provincial News > Quebec

Single packs at Capitaine Quebec

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I passed by captain quebec on St Catherine yesterday and they had one lone signle pack bat on the shelf for 4$!!!! So i bought it, the guy told me they recieved the whole set but some guys bought all the other ones.


all of em eh?... Its nice to know we're not alone in Montreal...but who could do such a thing...

?? don't blame me I havent been there in a year!

I'm trying to figure it out myself. It's a shame not all montreal  joe fans come to this board.

Well you don't have to look here. I'm mainly into the old school stuff. So you don't ever have to worry about me hording anything or even buying any new scuplts for that matter. I have less new scuplts than I do fingers. However, I'm sure there are tons of collectors here in MTL, but choose not to post and like to stay in the shadows.

you must be right on that considering how fast the pegs get empty

!! Legends got the single pack as well two weeks ago, but they got all snached at the exception of the four I bought by the same guy. Might he be the same that emptied Captain quebec...


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