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Renegades Storm Shadows at Canadian TRUs


Just a heads up for everyone: Canadian TRUs are receiving shipments now and in the past week of GIJOE assortment cases with Renegades figures. Storm Shadows ARE in these cases at ONE PER. Apparently cases are marked as "Renegades" ( assumed to be "wave 9")and should have SS in the assortment. I purchased my second SS today from TRU--my first was back in Dec from a LCS.
Additional case assortments have the first wave of 30th Anniversary ( Sgt. Stalker etc.) My local store received 6 cases total, 5 of which were the 30th Ann. Assortment, and 1 case was Renegades. Understand that there COULD possibly be mixes of cases, some wave 9, some wave 10, of which wave 10 does NOT ( to my knowledge) have the Storm Shadow figure.
Larger stores in larger centres may have a correspondingly larger order, and thus possibly more of these cases.
Indications are that these shipments, and possible following shipments will be the LAST 30th product shipped to store just prior to the release of Retaliation stock, which should start arriving in the next month or so.

If you have a established relationship with your TRU store, and they will hold back items for you.......NOW is the time to inquire with them. Otherwise you will need to be johnny-on-the-spot to snag these. Assume that, after this, you will not see these in-store any more, except on the secondary market.

Yeah, my local TRU was already picked over. I hate that. They take all the hot figures and leave rows and rows of Blowtorch. It just kills it for everyone when only the hot figures go. That leaves the store showing inventory. Those guys need to pick up a peg warmer every once in a while. Make a custom, give it to the tree of Angels, anything. Just take a peg warmer with you so more stock will come in.

Never saw the storm shadow down here, or a few othes, but I've read that they have been seen recently at tru in the states as well. 


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