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Messages - roshan

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16
No worries, I was passed out half the con in my car, I would have missed the announcement anyways :P
I'm just mad, I lost one of the blast doors so it wasn't complete :(

Quote from: "Jon S."
I just moved a set of toys that hold a *very* prestigious position in my collection to the storage locker to make room for the Convention Set on my shelf.

I hear ya, I'm scratching my head as to how to make the tank fit on my con exclusives shelf right now, and I'm thinking I need to just build a new shelf :P

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: Thanks for the great show, guys!
« on: May 04, 2009, 09:26:29 AM »
Quote from: "dryhawk37"
Waiting in line for those 5 hours was freezing, but was made easier by the great Joe talk and meeting some of the members here in person.

Freezing?  pshaw, it was barely 40.  I was in shorts and a t-shirt, and I know I wasn't the only guy in shorts.  You want cold, wait in line at target or best buy on the day after thanksgiving sales.  That can get bitter.   
Although, I did envy that one guy in the sleeping bag.  ;D

Oy!  Finally woke up after getting home last night.  Best con outside of sdcc I've ever been too.  The way you guys throw a con shows that you don't need a huge con to have a lot of fun.  You've perenially hooked me now.  The only part that sucked about it was I wasn't able to stay awake through the whole thing having driven through the night to get there.  I fell asleep in the car around 10 planning to wake up at 11 and didn't actually wake up til 2 :(  Thankfully, speed painting ran long so I could jump in.   I'm still on a sugar hangover from eating at least 100 timbits.  There should be a warning label on those......and there should be some hortons in iowa. 


The con set is the perfect size.  MC should take a page from you guys.  Spending $500 for all the exclusives at a con is NOT cool and also making it enough so everyone gets one and not multiples is nice, because you don't have people coming from all over just to resell on ebay.  $125 is not enough to scare people away, yet still gives a nice set of action figures.  MC makes the mistake of assuming that everyone is an army builder and pumps the set full of them (well fine, I'm an army builder, but a lot of us are not). 

CUSTOMS! (the bad kind, not the nice plastic ones)  In the info section when telling americans about crossing the border, warn them that customs agents can be real jerks.  I brought a bunch of  joes with to trade and the terrordrome and the canadian agents were trying to make me itemize everything I had since I was going to a toy show and wouldn't believe what I was bringing was for trade and not sale.  Fortunately the way back the american agent was a star wars collector and he just drooled over the con set ;) 

Terrordrome update:  I pieced my extra terrordromes together enough that I have a complete terrordrome base with no broken parts (other than one of the gun turrets that has a loose tab so the guns can't stay in an elevated fixed position).  I also have a firebat now to go with it, but it unfortunately has no missiles.   So for everyone who was thinking of putting in for the raffle, this is going to be a pretty kick ass terrordrome if you've been looking for one. 

Quote from: "Radio Guy"
Tim Horton's IS a donut shop...and they have sandwiches, soups, and other stuff.

Ok, that's awesome.  So can we just make it official to say, you can step out of line to get coffee or donuts or a bathroom break for five minutes and then get back in?

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: Trades?
« on: May 01, 2009, 12:58:03 PM »
Bringing a couple big boxes of joes to sift through.  If any of you have any extra Remco knockoffs, BRING EM!!

Coffee is all fine and good, but more importantly, where are the closest donut shops?

Quote from: "gsmiley007"
I'm also looking for a US carded Zartan with Swamp Skier

Will buy or trade  ;D

Aww snap, I just sold mine on ebay last weekend :(

I'm looking for international joes and remco american defense figures.  But I'll probably blow all my money on whatever looks cool.

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: Early Bird Vs. VIP Pass
« on: April 30, 2009, 12:43:55 AM »
Quote from: "pdaat"
Does this mean the early birds gets first shot at the freebie table then?


So am I going to put the terrordrome on the freebie table with a raffle jar then or will it have it's own spot?

Quote from: "THE Mike?"
Both stations will be giving away two sets of double admission tickets to the Canadian G.I. Joe Convention this Saturday, May the 2nd at the Hamilton Convention Centre. So tune in for your chance to win! (Convention Set not included).

do they accept collect calls from iowa?   ;D

It is incomplete so I wouldn't feel good having put money in, unless it was like a suggested donation jar for the charity.  I've got five extra terrordromes in the basement (used to have a massive diorama dream with these that died long ago when my wife decided I couldn't have the whole basement for my toys ;)  ) and I could try to get it as complete as I can using the other pieces.  There is no firebat with it, but I suppose if someone could donate a 25th firebat it would fit in fine to make it look good.  My stores locally don't have one at the moment. 

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