I sometimes wonder if the nature of the hobby isn't changing for a lot of people. In the beginning you had basically one group of people who bought the figures and vehicles and played with them. Next came the people who stayed with the line to the end and the people who, for their own reasons, got rid of everything. Those who took advantage of all the loose figures and vehicles floating around at that time, and who wanted the line to continue anyway it could, got the whole customizing ball rolling. As time went by the whole nostalgia aspect appeared and those who got rid of everything years ago suddenly wanted everything back. Prices started to rise, GIJoe became popular again and Hasbro re-released the line. Now, with the original RAH series, the new Joe VS Cobra series, the Mastercollector offerings every year, Ebay, customizers, older collectors vs kids, MOC people vs open everything, play or display, army builders, etc., the Joe line has become a lot of different things to different people. It's probably this lack of unity which keeps Hasbro guessing what everyone wants and why not everyone is happy when something new comes out. It probably also makes people who offer Joes on the secondary market cringe with fear because what one person will pay $500 for another wouldn't even give it a second glance.
Just my two cents.