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Author Topic: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures  (Read 20452 times)


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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2012, 02:45:24 PM »

To be honest and candid, I'm indifferent about these new reveals.  They are not bad, per se, but I was expecting "more"--something more exciting in them.
They are not ho-hum, but certainly not  "hoooo-hah!" either.

Jon S.

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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2012, 08:17:10 PM »

The black and yellow Jinx looks great. But I really want a red one. I'll be shelling out for it. The Shockwave H.I.S.S. is also a thing of beauty.

The Bruce Willis fig also looks incredible. I always wanted a John McClaine action figure.


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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2012, 08:25:34 PM »

Been looking at the reveals today, and my opinion hasn't changed........if anything its taken a darker turn.

Just not feeling a lot of these as toys, and granted some of them are clearly protos put together and painted in time for the event. But they are not reaching out to me as interesting toys.

Case in point; Joe Colton a figure, he's mighty weak. The aged visage of Bruce Willis was a sort of nagging concern in the back of my head.....along with the question: how were they going to make him appear heroic and translate that into a toy?
Frankly, he looks like "Gran'pa Joe", armed with his suspenders and missing only his "jug 'o 'shine"! For such a cornerstone character in the mythos (he's supposed to be the ORIGINAL GIJOE), there should have been more careful thought put into his toy design.
I hope I'm dead wrong about this, but I predict this figure is going to peg-warm. Snake-Eyes, or the Rock, with guns and swords............yeah............old fart with gun..........bleh.
Ain't gonna fly.
I'm done going on about the vehicles. They are 100% flat-line dead for me. Zero interest.

There were two figures I saw at the end of a photo series of the Hasbro Joe display that did get my notice: a new Crimson Guardsman and Night-Viper. Nice looking figures and nice army builders. They make me glad there will be some stuff to buy, and golly.......there's not a huge amount here. Some figures look nice, certainly nice enough to add to my collection, but the big verve; the sparkle that would make me want to collect them all ( rather than cherry-pick) just isn't here. Disappointing because a movie line SHOULD be an event in itself. This one, like so many others, isn't.  :(



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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #39 on: February 12, 2012, 06:53:47 AM »


Here is my usual long take on things.



Colour me unimpressed.   The Ghost Hawk II looks even worse "in person" (not official images).  The colour scheme, missile colour and overall (my opinion) poor design combined with being able to hold what?  1-2 figs?  Horrible.  I won't be getting it until a sale.  Thorw the Ninja 4x4 on there as well.  I don't need another AWE Striker done up as something else.  Really Hasbro, this mold has been used what?  10 times since the 80s?  This is what?  The 6th version since 2000?  Enough!!!  Also this is the 3rd "black" version out of those 6.  Tiresome, uninspired.  You could have repurposed a vehicle from one of the Marvel lines and it would have been better.  The motorcycles are ok, I like the Firefly one, but not the SE one.  I originally thought that the SE one was just the Ninja cycle repainted, but it looks like a new mold.  The Fangboat is nice, although I actually would have liked all black instead of grey, but it is a nice look.  Just wish I could ditch the launcher for another gun.  Swamp Viper looks interesting as well.  The Tread Ripper is growing on me, but I HATE the new molded tracks.  A real step back from the HISS Scout.

The HISS is where it's at apparently.  I like the new mold, but again HATE the molded tracks. I love the colour and new canopy.  I actually think the weapons are bordering on "kibble", but at least it has a bit more punch.  I'm not sure about the CC that comes with it though.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  the SDDC Shockwave HISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The colour is great, the G1 cannon homage is awesome and the mini Soundwave with cassettes is incredible!!!!!!!!!!  Add the energon cubes and 2 figures and this is a great exclusive.  I don't actually care for the purple Destro and 90s dayglow BAT, but still it is an interesting looking exclusive.


First, I don't understand the large amount of whining I am seeing on other boards about ankle articulation.  I understand how much better a figure is with it, but the way people are talking it is like that is a deal breaker and they won't be picking up a lot of figures because of that reason.  Weird.

So, from what we have seen (take a look on toynewsi for a breakdown of waves 1-5 of what is known/pictured)

Wave 1 - We've all seen this already.  Love the CC, especially the snake head staff.  Most of these will be a must buy.  Good selection for wave 1.
Wave 2 - I actually prefer this RB to wave 1.  SE, meh, but I think most of the SEs look meh.
Wave 3 - Alley Viper.  Did we really need another one?  Especially in a bad camo pattern?  I am thinking Crimson Alley Viper.  Cyber Viper??  Really???  I guess Hasbro really wanted to justify the Wraith mold and get some money out of it.  Really poor choice, especially since the look is basically Wraith with blue highlights.  Black Dragon.  Great mold, but now we have white, red, black and kamakura blue?  I already have a ton of Ninja figures.  It is going to be tough to justify more unless they are on sale.  Joe Colton.  HAHAHAHA.  I love it!!!  A John McClane (Bruce Willis) figure at last!!!  Too bad they made him a "roid rage" figure and totally unrealistic to the actor.  Still, it will be bought.  Lady Jaye.  Great figure, horrible camo.  If she was in green, maybe, but that colour ugly.  Probably will get her on first run, but might wait until a sale.
Wave 4 - Blind Master and Jinx.  Both look interesting and movie accurate I'm sure.  I probably will get both.
Wave 5 - Finally, something to drool over!!!  I am not sure about the helmet on the new CG, and Hasbro please, please, please don't screw up the helmet for the Night Viper, but otherwise these will be multiple purchases no problem!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few final notes for now.  I am disappointed in the packaging.  I think the colour choice is bad, and too reminiscent of Lanard-type figures.  As well the Roadblock/SE art looks off to me.  Since when is Roadblock part of the Arahshikage clan?  I also would have liked to have seen the Vamp remold and at least one or two store exclusives.  I'm hoping that there are some and we just aren't seeing them yet.  Someone else wrote something that really summed up this product offering so far......timid!!!  The figures look really great for the most part, however a movie line is pretty easy on the figure side when you can basically do the characters.  The vehicles are definitely an admission by Hasbro that they are not really behind the line since they were burned by the ROC line.  It is fairly uninspired.  I am excited by new product, but disheartened by the scope of the line.  I of course wanted more.


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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2012, 08:08:38 AM »

So now New York comic con gets and exclusive? C'mon Hasbro Canada. We've got Fan Expo. That thing is getting huge. Give us an exclusive. Something we can use to trade to our American buddies for those cool Jinx figures.

Like most I'll pass on most of the vehicles. I'll get a Hiss tank and maybe the Vamp and wait for Winners to sell off the rest.

Ninjas ninjas ninjas. Well they made it easy for me. At first I was thinking I was going maybe 5 of those red ninjas. Now that I see there is going to be a bunch of the same figure with different outfits I'm just going to buy one of each. So thanks for the heads up Hasbro. Any chance you'll give us a baby blue (Cobra blue) ninja? At first I was joking when I thought now, however now I would buy one.
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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2012, 10:49:10 AM »

To be honest and candid, I'm indifferent about these new reveals.  They are not bad, per se, but I was expecting "more"--something more exciting in them.
They are not ho-hum, but certainly not  "hoooo-hah!" either.
I feel the same way.  Just more of the same. But not sure what else to expect.  I do like the feel of them better than ROC.
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  • phpBB Timbit Wannabe
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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2012, 03:22:51 PM »

so far I'm not interested in like 90% of what I've seen. Disappointing.


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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2012, 05:54:51 PM »

To be honest and candid, I'm indifferent about these new reveals.  They are not bad, per se, but I was expecting "more"--something more exciting in them.
They are not ho-hum, but certainly not  "hoooo-hah!" either.
I feel the same way.  Just more of the same. But not sure what else to expect.  I do like the feel of them better than ROC.

That's it exactly. Better then ROC as Cobra was pretty bad and they Joes without the body armour were middle of the pack as far as G.I.Joe goes.

There were a few stand out ROC figures:
Pit Commando
Bench Press.

I'm sure there is more but that's off the top of my head.
Night Force, the exact opposite of everything chrome.


  • phpBB Timbit Wannabe
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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2012, 09:00:02 PM »

Im expecting to only cherry pick from this line too, the exclusives for sure I want, Lady Jaye, Night Viper and maybe the CGs.  I want a Rock and John MacClane more for the novelty more than anything.  The Black Dragon Ninja is tempting, I never got a renegades SS (to be honest I still like my 25th one), but from what everyone has been saying its one of the best figures ever.
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  • phpBB HATE Mechanic
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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #45 on: February 12, 2012, 09:24:23 PM »

Im expecting to only cherry pick from this line too, the exclusives for sure I want, Lady Jaye, Night Viper and maybe the CGs.  I want a Rock and John MacClane more for the novelty more than anything.  The Black Dragon Ninja is tempting, I never got a renegades SS (to be honest I still like my 25th one), but from what everyone has been saying its one of the best figures ever.
Renegades SS is a great figure. I was lucky to get mine right away from my LCS. There are some dealers here that apparently can still order in the wave 9 cases with the figure.


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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #46 on: February 12, 2012, 09:40:50 PM »

It just struck me what those 5 POA driver figures remind me of......surprised I did not realize it before:

They are glorified "Happy Meal" toys!! :o :o

Can we get fries with them???? ::) ::) ::)


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Re: First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« Reply #47 on: February 13, 2012, 12:41:30 AM »

I'm all about the vehicles, and the vehicles disappoint.  I'm not a big fan of any of the bikes.  As for the HISS, I have 5 of the black PoC HISSes, and I think they're just about the end-all be-all for that mold.  While I do like the new canopy, that alone is not enough to get me to pick up yet another HISS.  I already have multiple versions of the AWE Striker and the Water Moccasin, so no go there.  While I like the mods to the PoC VAMP mold, I don't like the color or the Arashikage symbols all over it.  The HISS Scout update is OK, but I like the original better.  The one thing I was really interested in was the Ghost Hawk II, but I really dislike the bright orange missile color.  That, and it's a reuse of the Cobra Black Dragon mold, which while not terrible is not very big and only holds one fig.  The Shockwave HISS is just ok to me.  It's not a home run like the SDCC Starscream, though I do really dig the small Soundwave accessory.   Price will be the big determinant on if I get that or not.

As for the figures, I'll get the Rock, Bruce Willis, and the Adrianne Palicki Lady Jaye figs on the Joe side (maybe the Joe trooper too) and the Cobra paratrooper and Night Viper on the Cobra side.  The Siegie is a maybe, while the Alley Viper is a HELL no.  Without body armor, he looks terribly skinny and weak, especially compared to the 25th and PoC releases.  As for the SDCC exclusives, the red Jinx is a no-brainer.  Not a fan of the white one.

And whoever at Hasbro decided to cut down the articulation on the vehicle drivers needs to be taken out back and slapped 50 times.  There have been several times I have bought vehicles mainly for the drivers (see: 30th VAMP among others).  But I'm not spending a dime to get those Happy Meal toys, as Arrow so accurately put it.  And it's a shame, because the driver for the VAMP repaint looks pretty sweet.  Why oh why would you get us spoiled with more and more articulation over the past 5 years and then CUT IT BACK for your major movie line????????
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