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Messages - martin-montreal

Pages: 1 ... 148 149 [150] 151
General Joe Talk / Re: G.I. JOE Movie to Be Directed By.......
« on: August 11, 2007, 07:15:27 PM »
For more info on the storyboard (If you don't want to know the strory, don't read it):


Quebec / Re: 25th anniversary at legends
« on: August 09, 2007, 07:03:24 PM »
Ok, I knew that version... The colors look strange.. paint it blue...

I also notice that version does not have a cover over the gunner turrent. I have the original one and also the A-10 Thunderbolt (still in box). I can't decide if I should open the box or not...



Quebec / Re: 25th anniversary at legends
« on: August 08, 2007, 07:40:32 PM »
I also picked up the re-release of the Cobra rattler

Do you have more info on that (a link? a pic?)? I didn't heard about it.



Quebec / Re: Sharing order for accessories
« on: August 08, 2007, 07:34:46 PM »
It was not that much for shipping, because I knew it was not expensive (first post):
We can buy value sets and split our order and shipping (shipping is inexpensive: $1,45).

It was more for value set. Value set comes in set of 12 items. He is also selling unit item, but the cost per unit is higher than the 12-pack.

Less order means less transportation by Canada Post... so it's also environmental wise (if we don’t use our car to meet)!

Questions about items showed in my post:
  • Does the AK-47 come with a thin handle that won't break a fig's thumb?
  • Does the sword will be a good replacement for Storm Shadow long sword? Will it fit into the backpack? 2 of them?



For Sale or Trade / Re: Part of 2007 convention set to share
« on: August 07, 2007, 09:28:22 PM »
Hello all,

I got a great offer. Someone is selling me a complete box for a good price. But, I'm still not interested in the 7 joes, the box and Clay Moore.

Here is the deal: $18 USD/each
The box : $20 USD

So I'm looking for someone who will spend 8 x $18 = $144 + $20 (the box) = $164 USD + Shipping to your home.

The only thing that I haven't control on is customs. But, I will scan the bill and we split based on 15 figs. It could be nothing or $$$.

I have to give an answer soon.



For Sale or Trade / 1986 H.A.V.O.C. (complete and C9)
« on: August 07, 2007, 09:03:23 PM »
For my Sale/Trade list including G.I. Joe (figs, accessories, parts), Star Wars, Clash Of The Titans, etc., see: ... pic=1895.0



For Sale or Trade / Re: Part of 2007 convention set to share
« on: August 06, 2007, 07:49:02 PM »
Hello Morgardee,

I'm a member along with at least 2 other people on this very board. We're a very friendly lot. All you need to do is ask around my man.

I also think it's a great idea and it was the first thing I did (first post):
Any Officer level member of the Club interested in sharing this buying?
Ref: ... pic=1867.0

But, got no answer. On the other hand, I respect the fact that a MC member want to buy a set for himself and get an extra set to sell it "full price + profit" on eBay later. It's fair. Why sharing it with someone else wihout extra $$$ (reducing the cost of the first set).

So, for a long story short, I'm now looking for someone to share a set (and still open to share a set bought by someone else).

Do you know when the 6-pack may come out and how it will look? It's also a great idea.



For Sale or Trade / Re: Part of 2007 convention set to share
« on: August 06, 2007, 07:44:06 AM »
Hello Morgardee,

Based on The Homefront Hero?s Package (see: ... ochure.cfm) the price is $268 for Club Officer level members and $318 for others. I'm the category "others"...

So I based my split on $318 / 15 = $21.20 (US) converted in canadian money ($23?) + shipping to Canada to get it at first ($1?) + custom fee ($1?) = about $25/each.

About the box, you are right. I add this after I did my maths, like I was thinking and writting in the same time. The thing is I will split the cost fair and square. If it cost me $23.32/each I will sell them for $23.32 (if you are right and it cost me $18, I will bill $18). But, based on my explanation I'm more likely to be right (you didn't know I wasn't MC member, but you should ask before writting this).

I didn't buy them yet and I still don't know how much shipping will be to send the set to Canada (they always charge an extra something for Canada and customs may also bill something). I prefer to be honest than to tell people a based price than coming back and say it will cost $3 more for each because I (deliberately) forgot X, forgot Y and forgot Z. I prefer the other way. Put a higher price first, than lower it after the facts. Hey, I'm like that. Some people prefer it the other way...

I hope this explanation makes me less look like a thief...


Hello all,

I'm still not sure about the 2007 convention set. If I buy it, it's for the 7 gilrs soldiers. Does someone is interested buying the 7 joes + Clay Moore for $25 each + Shipping?

I would also sell the box ($20?, still not fixed).

PM me.


Quebec / Sharing order for accessories
« on: August 03, 2007, 07:43:23 PM »

I'm looking for someone in Montreal area that wants to share an order from (or you may know a better place?)

We can buy value sets and split our order and shipping (shipping is inexpensive: $1,45).

They have some cool accessories (AK-47, sword, knife, machete, gun, ...) for 3,75" figs.


Also, some other accessories : ... ve+Weapons

I will finally give real AK-47 weapon to my Crimson Shadow Guard :wink:

Contact me!


Items Wanted / My complete vintage want list!!
« on: July 31, 2007, 08:35:55 PM »
W   A   N   T   E   D

1982/83 Breaker's head (on hold)
1982/83 Flash or Short-fuze's head  (on hold)
1983 Cobra S.N.A.K.E. inside rubber skeleton x 4
1983 Cobra S.N.A.K.E. weapon connector x 3  (on hold)
1983 Tan Breaker's backpack (from Battle Gear Accessory Pack #1)  (on hold)
1983 Original Breaker Headset
1983 Tan Grunt (v2) torso only (on hold)
1983 Tan Grunt (v2) complete  (on hold)
1983/84 Tan Grunt or Tan Clutch: waist, helmet and set of legs  (on hold)
1984 Clutch (v2) complete  (on hold)
1984 Clutch (v2): arms (only)
1985 Lady Jaye's: torso (only)  (on hold)
1987 Sneak peek: arms and legs only  (on hold)
1988 Accessory pack Blue Snow Serpent backpack x 1
1988 Accessory pack Brown Snow Serpent Missile and Stand x 2
1994 Action Sailor complete V2
1997 Bronze Bomber Backdraft (like a crimson Strato Viper)
1997 Torpedo (or 2001 Wet Down) Black Swim Fins x 2

Non GI Joe wants: Fisher-Price

Non GI Joe wants: Playmobil (all must be complete)

Let me know!


General Joe Talk / Re: Sigma 6 Ninjas in my new Stop-Motion
« on: July 31, 2007, 07:45:21 PM »
So hot !!  8)

I really like the smoke going out of the rifles, the Indiana Jones reference (so funny!) and also... your brown carpet!

Your moving around camera play was pretty cool!

Again, Again...


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