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Author Topic: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?  (Read 15818 times)


  • phpBB Blue SNAKE
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So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« on: May 27, 2012, 08:45:52 AM »

Well they have finally hit the shelves.

What are your thoughts?

I picked up:

Cobra Trooper, Black CC, GI JOE Trooper, Red Ninja, Hiss Tank and Fangboat.

Here are my thoughts:

Black CC.  In person, I actually don't like the design all that much.  The helmet isn't as cool as I originally thought, and his outfit, while better hidden by all black, is I guess a little too "busy".  The blue version probably won't look much better in person.  The best part of this figure without a doubt is the Cobra head staff.  It is a great little accessory, but even better it is very nicely sculpted and looks outstanding.

Red Ninja.  A pretty good figure, I don't have Renegades SS to compare, but nicely detailed and the Zipline is actually kind of neat.  I could see kids having fun with it and trying to recreate the mountain battle.

GI JOE Trooper.  Hello Master Chief prototype!  Oh sorry, my mistake.  What looked like a good troop builder, upon opening is a disappointment.  He is accessorized to the hilt which is awesome, but it just don't work.  Personal opinion of course.  The heads are great, but again the helmet is a little too Halo.  The cape is just odd as an accessory.  I understand the logic behind it, but is seems out of place.  The backpack and gear are what really stand out.  The negative?  The connecting piece to the figure is too long so it doesn't stay on tight.  The shovel is neon orange for some reason and the gas mask is too small for the head it is supposed to go on.  The positive?  Nice large size pack with 6!!!! spots for weapons.   Overall this figure, in my opinion, just misses the mark.

Cobra Trooper.  Another figure that just misses the mark somewhat.  It is a nice figure, with a good design, but I think the colour scheme and helmet really detract from the figure.  Frankly the head is better suited to V4 of Snake Eyes than the one coming out at Dollar General in the US.  Don't get me wrong, the colours are nice, but the powder grey and light blue just don't work together for me.  They look almost a little too cartoonish, which I know is ironic.  The helmet is also very soft and I find it takes some doing to get it to sit just right, but then I noticed that it is actually warping a little from sitting on the figure's head.  It may just be one, or it could be a future ongoing problem for most.  The best part?  The PARACHUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This thing is incredible.  Not only does it have a giant Cobra logo, it is sturdy fabric and not cheap plastic or thin material.  I could see this thing outlasting the figure itself.  I already tested it out and it works great, but you need to be outside and give it a good throw.  I could see young kids not being able to get it high enough to open.  I am going to seriously look at using the parachute with a Rattler, or maybe the ARAH Night Raven.

Fangboat.  I actually wish the grey on this was darker.  The overall design is ok, the extra launcher can be removed which is a good thing and the colour combos are good.  It is a nice additon to the ranks, however..... The Swamp Viper.   What should have been a great figure falls way, way, way short.  Why?  Articulation of course!  Others have said it, but now I see it with my own eyes.  5 POAs?  Unacceptable.  The line has been great since 2007, but this is just not worth the money.  It is a great, unique design that gets totally lost on a brick of a figure.

HISS.  The significant changes to the vehicle are easy to overlook and make me still rank it as a great vehicle.  Yes the lack of moving treads and the removal of the raising feature are significant.  Also the new canopy looks nice, but I actually like the old one better.  The added weaponary is actually really nice, and gives the vehicle a sense of firepower that I felt was somewhat lacking on the earlier versions.  The fact that a figure can sit exposed in the turret is funny in that it is a throwback to ARAH when lots of figures sat exposed in vehicles with no sense of danger!!!  ;D   The CC suffers again like the Swamp Viper.   I read somewhere that this version would make a nice update to the Armored CC, but since it is a 5 POA brick it suffers.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 08:50:39 AM by canprime »


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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2012, 11:07:11 AM »

I only have the basic Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.
Both figures represent a very modern and cool incarnation of the Arashikage sword brothers.
Each is well sculpted and they're pretty fun to mess around with while watching TV. The abundance of articulation points really allow for some cool action poses.

They don't come with much in term of equipment, but the smaller gear load makes them easier to play with since there's not a ton of small parts that might fall like with Renegade SS and the PoC Snake Eyes. Kinda brings me back to the good old days.

SS comes with a cool little backpack that holds his swords and a zip line apparatus.
SE has a sword, a blue gun which looks like it's straight from an accessory pack and a body armor with wings which are also missile launchers. I would have appreciated a small scabbard for SE's sword.

While they are both another representation of characters we already have multiples of, I think that both figures are worth their price tags.
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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2012, 01:11:29 PM »

Personally I found the G.I.Joe trooper down right awesome and one of the best figures I've seen for a while. I've always hated when you have a billion weapons and no place to store them. This guy, aside from the extra head has a place for everything.

I think the problem you had with the back pack not fitting well is that it is intended to go through the cape. I tried it without the cape as well and yes, it will stand too far off his back if set like that. I had to fiddle with the cape for a couple of minutes to get it to line up right the first time, but after that it works. I'm also glad the cape and spare mask are tan and not blue. It ties the figure together better and makes it more realistic.

The Cobra (parachute) trooper is also a great toy. Dalton and I have had lots of fun throwing him around the pack yard. I agree the colours could be better, maybe more traditional Cobra Blue and red highlights might give him a more traditional look. Still, I'm enjoying the figure a lot, even if he's missing a bunch of articulation.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned anywhere is the lack of action figure stands. There aren't any. Good thing I have a bunch of spares.  ;)
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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 02:31:53 PM »

I've managed to pick up a few figures so far. Here are some of my thoughts.

Cobra Trooper: I agree about the lack of more traditional colors and articulation, but seeing it in person, it has grown on me. The parachute is really fun. I like that two sets of webgear are included so he's not always wearing the parachute.

Cobra Commander: I was looking forward to this one. I was thinking of turning him into a VvV type Viper and army building him, but having him in hand has changed my mind. He's not as cool as I thought he would be. I agree that the staff head is a great accessory and would look cool on top of a Cobra throne or something.

Red Ninja: Another one that I was very much looking forward to. I managed to snag a few. Unfortunately, he's lacking in the accessory department. Aside from the zipline accessory (which is cool, but not needed in multiples), he comes with two swords and... nothing to store them with. A small backpack to attach the swords is too much to ask for?

GI Joe Trooper: I wasn't looking forward to this one, but having it in hand has changed my mind. IMO, it's probably the best figure in wave 1. He is loaded with gear and super poseable. The 3 rifles are fantastic, the cape is a bit weird. Also includes 2 knives, 4 pistols, a gas mask and the spare head (that will be used to make a custom Dreadnok). It has a few flaws (that Canprime has already mentioned), but still a very solid figure.



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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 03:48:49 PM »

I like the Black CC, but more as a trooper type, like a Shadow Guard.  BUT his lack of ankle articulation really bothered me more than I thought it would when trying to pose him.  He cant stand in any pose without a stand(which is lacks) that isnt standing straight.  The single knee articulation doesnt bother me at all. 

The Red Ninjas are better than I thought they would be, I love posing them, just wish they had more weapons.

I got the Slice from the 3 pack and hes pretty cool looking, I havent checked out ss or se from the same pack yet, they look well articulated but stylistically kind of meh.  They will be going to my neice and nephew.

I haven't opened my cobra of gi joe trooper yet.
Im judging whether to get the Kamakura, Rock and BH 3 pack, but Kamakura doesnt look as good as the ROC one, Rock looks good and I think has the normal articulation?  BH is a throw away. 

I will say that the price of the fang and awestriker is very attractive and kind of understand why they gyped us on the driver articulation to get it to that price point. Though I would have paid a bit more to get an articulated version of some of those drivers.

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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2012, 04:51:37 PM »

So far I've just picked up Snake Eyes and the GI Joe Trooper.  I agree with the earlier comments about the stupid orange shovel and the long peg on the backpack.  Also, all I could find was the blue caped version, which looks dumb. 

I really like the simple design of Snakes and I think the Retaliation SE is a great figure.  I haven't hooked up the zipline yet but it looks fun.  Not a fan of the bright blue gun and accessories, however. 

While I know others like the new ankle joints, I'm not a fan.  The restrict the figure's feet from rotating side to side when standing upright.  Having the figures' feet point directly forward while standing straight up makes them look goofy & unnatural.  I'd rather sacrifice the slight articulation improvement & have them look more natural standing up
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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2012, 09:47:01 PM »

A few more thoughts.

3-packs: These definitely include the best figures of the line. Articulation is standard on all of the figs (except Roadblock that has no ankles) and they didn't skimp on accessories either. I'll definitely try to pick up a few more of these packs. The BH/RB/Kama one is the strongest of the two IMO, but you can't go wrong with the SS/SE/Slice one either.

AWE Striker: I like the retooled parts, they help differentiate it from all it's predecessors. The designers even included foot pegs to attach a figure on the back to man the gun. That is a nice touch IMO. I'm not crazy about the fact that the Arashikage clan symbol is printed on the vehicle's hood. I would have prefered a sticker, then I would have simply not applied it. It's not that big of a deal since I'm planning on repainting it anyway. In the end, it's still another AWE, but it's been changed enough to make it interesting. However, the Snake Eyes figure is totally useless.

Fang Boat: Basically a repaint, the only part that has been retooled is the spring loaded launcher. Unfortunately, it looks huge and ugly on the side of the boat. Fortunately, it's removable. I'll probably buy a second Fang Boat just for the small cannon. At 16$, it not too hard on the budget and the Swamp Viper head will be great for customs.

HISS: Call me crazy, but I like the changes that were made to the POC HISS to create this vehicle. The main body has been retooled. It has a main turret that can house a figure, it has two extra chain guns for the sides, the glass canopy looks great, even the color is pretty good. The downside is losing the rubber threads, but it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. The CC figure is pretty boring. At a quick glance, his head looks to be more movie accurate that the single figure, so I smell a custom in it's future. 

I didn't pick up the Ghost Hawk, not sure if I want it. Also passed on Zartan, Duke, single SE and single SS. Zartan looks dull, Duke looks horrible and SE and SS have better versions in the 3-packs.




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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2012, 04:03:53 PM »

I only got the Single CC.  I passed on the only Joe trooper I saw and the two Cobra troopers as well.  I did hold the Joe one for a while but the goofy Halo helmet(as mentioned earlier)and the lack of camouflage didn't impress me.  The only thing I liked was the extra head and backpack that can hold all the gear.  And with the Cobra trooper-helmet was wonky, colour was bad,weapons didn't do anything for me and I have two fisher price nylon parachutes already(no cobra logo though).  Zartan nah torso too long, duke and Rock UG, red ninja looks cheap, SE and SS look ok but I have too many already.  For me the $10.99 price tag just doesn't warrant buying them.

The Rock 3 pack did look cool but again too pricey.  And after Morgs review of the Hiss I'll wait on that one.
Besides, I'll most likely buy what ever movie stuff if and when I decide to get them from one of the site sponsors like HJL. 

On another note I received the 2012 SDCC Kim "Jinx" Arashikage figures last week and to be honest the Zarana figures last year blow these ones away.
 From what I see(didn't open them) the limited paint detail and the plastic looks soft making the figures appear cheaply made and somewhat boring.
On the positive side both figures come with their own accessory other than the two swords common to each figure, both different colour hilts and sheaths though.  The dojo outfit figure comes with a sickle and rope while ninja jinx comes with her original staff.
Also, a nice touch is that this year the card backs are different.  Once again they depict a comic scene with jinx in action but this time the scene is appropriate to each figure.  However I think there was a misprint because jinx in her ninja outfit states that the scene was from comic #24 Ladies Day issued in august 1989 and the dojo jinx scene states it's from comic #59 Divergent Paths issued may 1987.  Both are in star cases again with the SDCC Sticker on the front.
  All in all, not bad figures but not great exclusives either.  Unless you are lucky to get them for retail or close to it, I'd give it some thought as to whether you want to pay ebay prices.

When I get some time I'll post a couple pics.  Hopefully this week.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 04:07:11 PM by Realboss »
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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2012, 11:48:33 PM »

Man these figs are pricey...for what you get, it's a tough pill to swallow. With tax, it's almost $13 a figure.

I did bite the bullet and pick up a few figs. I'm passing on all the vehicles. I think everyone just needs to calm down instead of going bananas rushing to stores trying to find these. Most stores have just begun to put out the figures. These figures will get re-released next spring. I can't see Hasbro skipping this wave next time around and starting with wave 2...but who knows.

Red Ninja: Well if you loved the 30th SS, you'll love this figure too...but less haha. Unfortunately, this fig only comes with 2 katanas and a spring loaded zipline. If you have the 30th SS, then you can share some accessories.

Zartan: I don't know why, but I really dig this figure and the gimmick. The figure does not really portray the movie version, but it's neat. Comes with a decent amount of accessories and 3 alternate heads. The only thing that bothers me is knees down. No double jointed knees and no ankle articulation. I plan on fixing this.

Joe Trooper: Love alomst everything about the figure. It has all the articulation you've come to expect from a joe. Good amount of accesories. The only things that bothers me is the long peg for the backpack. It really only fits if you've got the "cape" on, that and the fact that the knees and lower legs appear to be of a cheaper/softer plastic. With the top heaviness of the fig, he tends to topple over...thanks for no figure stands Hasbro.

Cobra Commander: I liked this figure initially, but as soon as I opened him...that all faded. I still dig the helmet/head, but the rest of the figure it really lacking. The all black look really hides a lot of the flaws. Limited articulation on the knees and no ankle articulation. Crappy gimmick accessory. Tough to get in a great pose.

Cobra Trooper: Same like CC. Liked it intially until I opened it. Don't plan on getting any more. Love the head, but the rest just fails for me. The figure is extremely short...much shorter than the rest of the figures. Even stature wise, seems a little small. The lower arms just looks odd and the figure can't really hold his accessories and look cool. Lack of articulation on the knees and no ankle articulation really make this figure really limited in posing. Parachute gimmick would be fun for kids.

Roadblock: I only got this because I like the Rock. Figure is decent, but has the same articulation on the lower legs like Zartan, CC, trooper. No accessories other than the gimmick and his right hand is useless without the gimmick. Plan on swapping out the hands.

Overall: Higher prices, less accessories, less articulation, no figure stands, cheaper plastic on certain figure parts and accessories, generic card packaging, no file cards. If you are a die hard joe fan you'll pick and choose. Better bargain if they go on sale.

I wasn't caught off guard with the figs. I knew what I was getting, but am still somewhat disappointed with some of the figs.

Don't plan on getting Duke, SE, SS or anymore than I have unless these things go on sale, but I'd still probably pass. Same with the vehicles.



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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2012, 09:55:01 PM »

To further expand the thread.

What is your favourite, and least favourite item so far from the line? (figure, vehicle, role play, whatever)

For me, out of what I have picked up so far:


The HISS.  A nice update to a pretty good mold.  I have actually come to REALLY love the colour.  That blue is pretty swanky, and I would love for Hasbro to start using it a little more with Cobra vehicles.  There is a little bit on the Fangboat, but with the HISS it really "pops".

An honourable mention, only because I really, really like it.  The Cobra head staff that comes with CC.  Man I really want to get a bunch of these and have them mounted as security turrets for the Cobra Temple!!!

Least favourite:

The armoured CC that came with the HISS.  This was, unfortunately, a tough choice which doesn't speak well about the line so far.  I considered the GI Joe Trooper and the Swamp Viper, but in the end it was CC.  The design is a little too funky, and the colour choice is again pretty bland, but what of course put it over the top was the lack of articulation.  It just isn't right with all the fantastic stuff we have gotten since the 25th line began.


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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2012, 07:22:13 AM »

I've picked up pretty quite a bit so far. I don't have the bikes, the Ghost Hawk II and the off scale stuff (10'' figures, masks, etc) and I skipped Duke, Zartan, single SS and single SE. Of this list, Duke and Zartan are eventual maybes for custom fodder (if I can get them on sale, but if I miss them, I wont be disappointed) and the rest are no-gos. So here are my picks.

Favorite figure:
GI Joe Trooper. The hands down winner. The helmet looks cool, he's loaded with accessories, the 3 rifles are great, the backpack can store all of his gear and he's super-poseable. Honorable mentions to Cobra Trooper (lost points for reduced articulation), Red Ninja (lost points for lack of accessories) and 3-Pack Snake Eyes (lost points for being in a 3-pack and also for being another Snake Eyes ;D).

Favorite vehicle:
HISS: This one is a tougher choice. I also really like the Fangboat. It has awesome colors and the Swamp Viper head is good for customs, but it loses points for having a big honking spring loaded launcher on the top. It's removable, but it shows that something is missing. Points in favor of the HISS are: it's huge, it has more weapons than the PoC version, the added turret is great, I love how they added the gunner station and the spring loaded launcher isn't as obvious if you remove the missile. Also, the price (21.99$Can) is pretty terrific. The only downside is that the CC figure is crap. The head will be used to make a Ret accurate CC, but that's it.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 07:27:21 AM by Oreobuilder »


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Re: So, thoughts on Retaliation toys?
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2012, 08:18:50 AM »

I bought everything for wave one, except the motocycles.

The only figures I've opened and examined yet are Roadblock, Duke, Cobra Commander and G.I. Joe Trooper.

It is a disappointment that the figures don't come with filecards, stands and reduced articulation on the figures.  I hate spring loaded weapons, so there's another negative there.

But I see a lot of positives with the figures.

First off after opening Duke, Roadblock and Cobra Commander I noticed the knee joint only has one articulation point, and there isn't a pivot point in the ankle anymore.  I was disappointed at first then I put the figures on my shelf.  They didn't fall down.  With the lower leg being rigid, I don't need a battle stand for the figure.  This is a benefit to me because I can fit more figures on the shelf.  Other ROC/25th/30th/POC figures with the extra articulation in the lower legs keeps falling down on my shelves, so I need to use the battle stands.

I don't like Roadblock's weapons or right hand.  I replaced the right hand with one from an extra ROC Heavy Duty I had laying around.  I then geared up Roadblock with some extra ROC heavy machine guns.

Duke's weapons are not very good either.  I ditched them very quickly and he is now geared up with some ROC extras as well.

I like the sculpting of Cobra Commander.  Only the black version was available when I bought my Cobra Commander.  I like the sculpt of the figure and the black colour scheme really works.  His weapons are nicely designed. 

G.I. Joe Trooper... this is just a really nice figure which will fit in perfectly in my collection with all my Steel Brigade figures.

I don't mind the lower quality plastic utilized and the loss of articulation.  Yes the figures are expensive, but I think Hasbro lost a bunch of money on the 30th anniversary figures.  With the amount of detail used and the articulation, they were the best figures ever produced for G.I. Joe.  Those were made for die hard fans.  Retaliation toys are made for kids.  IMO Retalition is comparable to Valor Vs Venom for quality.