Canadian Sightings & Provincial News > Ontario

New Event for GI Joes & much more - Ottawa Ontario - Oct 19th & 20th


Just wanted to let fellow Joe Canuckers know that there will be GI Joes as well as many other toy lines & games available in Ottawa, Ontario on Oct 19th & 20th.

I personally will have a booth set up (#705). Please do stop by & if you mention you are a fellow Joe Canucker I will give you a great deal on whatever you are looking for.

Thanks & hope to see fellow members at the show


Hey, I will be attending this as well! Tables 823 and 824. Gonna have lots of Joes, including convention exclusives, but also a little bit of everything. Highlights for Joe collectors might include the following:

SDCC Slaughters (both), Jinx and Zarana (regulars)
Tons of GIJCC convention exclusives (including a couple full boxed sets)
Black Major troopers and CGs
7-pack figures (including Alley Vipers)
Hot Toys stuff
Lego minifigs (including vintage)
Boxed Dinoriders stuff
minty Transformers

And tons more. For the serious collectors, ask about my blue Snaggletooth and Jin Saotome custom Cobra Commander and Army of Two figures. ;)

PS: I am up for trading too, so if you have any of this stuff, bring it along. :)

MOTUC stuff: specifically Granymyr the dragon, Strobo, Clamp Champ, the Rock Lords, Castaspella, the Jet Sled, and this month's Horde Troopers, Mantenna, and the accessory pack with Kowl. I know the last few aren't in anyone's hands yet but if you've got some incoming, we can make a deal.

LEGO: Mainly Classic Space, also Futuron (especially the Monorail set) and to a lesser degree Space Police, Blacktron and Black Falcon stuff. Wouldn't mind one of those yellow castles, either.


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