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Red and white once again! We've restored the classic look of JoeCanuck.


Who 'should' be the real owner of the MOC Joe Canuck Figure?

1st person that won it should STILL get it.
- 6 (50%)
2nd person that won it should have it.
- 1 (8.3%)
3rd person that owned it via a 'trade' should own it.
- 5 (41.7%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closes: March 19, 2038, 09:14:42 AM

Author Topic: The MOC Version of the Figure.  (Read 32348 times)


  • phpBB Junior Ranger
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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2004, 11:27:23 AM »


Thanks for making the offer to give up your figure... You are a really cool guy!

But DON'T GIVE IT UP!  The figure is yours and you definitely deserve to have it!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2004, 12:02:36 PM »

Quote from: """"

I started to write you an email because I had gotten advice that that was the best way to handle it -- not on a public forum

But then I received an email alerting me to this thread and I realized that you had made the choice to make this public - so, I wrote my email to you here!
.....and I merely stated my views on how I was feeling about the 1st draw....

Quote from: """"
What on earth do you think Colin was to think!  Blake told me that he started to take off his jacket ready to come help Colin if it did come to blows!!
Ok... so he 'THOUGHT' that..... I didn't DO that. So why would he say I PHYSICALLY did something? He lied.

Quote from: """"
And, by the way, Colin would have had NO PROBLEM at all trading the figure back to Deadshot, had Deadshot wanted to do so  without having firt been intimidated by you into making that request!!!
I just got off the phone with Deadshot. Are you calling HIM a liar then?
He told me to my face that he wanted it back..... And I made my point clear as to why the trade or selling of it couldn't happen in a previous posting. Deadshot will need to state his own postings as neither YOU or myself can speak for him.

Quote from: """"
Mike -- instead of making excuses, man -- Just make apologies!!

I agree..... I know I did that to Colins face that night. I don't see one for what he said on this board however. So I guess I'll need to wait then?

Quote from: """"
Let's end this!

Not happening until others speak.... so stop posting until they do. Nothing more can come from this until others speak what they saw.
This isn't about some damn figure anymore to me..... Hell.. I couldn't give a rats ass if I got sued over it now since I have nearly NO love of this hobby at the current moment.... Being lied about on a message board for all to see is completely different...  I didn't physically attack or physically threaten your son. NOT ONE BIT. YOU weren't even there..... So please do NOT tell me that I did.  I've apoligized to Colin at the meet - THAT NIGHT..... hell, I'm sorry Colin. There. I did it again. WTF more do you want from me? I know what I want..... I want an apoligy from Colin. One that says he lied. There's a reason NO ONE can edit their posts on this board.... so no one can 'alter' what they said.

I could just go delete your post..... or edit it if I wished.... but I'm not like that..... I admit that I got to angry with him. And I've also said that I would of been the same way with ANYONE had they done it. It was unfair to the rest - and I've stated my reasoning in my other post. You seem to want this thing more than Colin...... Why is that? For your book? All you need is a picture don't you?! WTF!!!! Screw it. I'll report mysefl to Hasbro. this is getting lame. I'm personally being lied about now........ all over a damn toy? Not even a REAL toy for that matter?..... Jesus.... how lame.

Oh, and a side note, the amends that I did make with your son already AT THE MEET..... he said that was fine with him.... why isn't it fine with you?

Nothing new can be said about this until someone other than you or me makes a post....... we've both made points..... and I think (hope) I explained myself very well.... Short of COlin being your son, you have no real say in this - other than what Colin and Blake tell you... so let them post.... you don't really know what was going on at the meet since it's a one-sided version.  You've heard from Colin that Deadshot was bullied by me...... I spoke to Pete - apparently not the case. True, it could be Deadshot lying in this..... I don't know.  Bottom line is you weren't there so you can't accurately say anything about what happened there. Only those who atteneded can - and I'm praying to god that someone else will so you'll see that what you've heard isn't entirely true.

Quote from: ""Spillspleen""
Forth?threatening any person with bodily harm is silly?and not cool?if this really happened then I would suggest a huge apology be made to the people threatened (I can not imagine going to another country and being threatened by the locals?that?s pretty scary?and if you?re a kid who is being threatened?well ?wow?and if it was me I would have laid charges right there as you can not do that according to the law in Canada) and an apology should also be made the people who witnessed this incident at the ?Meet? and now the whole Joe Canuck form as I am personally weirded out by this.

THIS is what I'm talking about Aire..... Spillspleen is partially believing what is written here... so he is 'technically' believing that I physically threatened your son.....

I didn't.... and that is the main purpose of my postings today.... to clear my name of something that I didn't do.

Quote from: "Spillspleen"
If the above details are incorrect then I apologize for any people who I might upset by making a public (Joe Public) comments. This is just my take?[/quote

Based on what you're reading right?... Of which I hadn't said much of anything.... Aire did - and she wasn't there.

Aire, please allow those who were there to voice their opinions.

I'm pretty sure I said it in a previous post, but I admit that I shouldn't of gotten as angry with Colin as I did..... this is because of my conversation with Deadshot - in which he did tell me that Colin wouldn't trade back now..... Colin claimed Deadshot only did because he got 'angry looks' from the others at the meet..... Deadshot never said anything like that to me.
Still hasn't.  You made a claim that Colin would of traded back if Deadshot has asked him..... yet he didn't. I had to agree to make one for your son in order to get him to trade back. I explained that I was going to alter a few things on it and Colin was fine with that.... That's how it was left. That's not doog enough for you now apparently.... you want one 'EXACTLY' the same? It's not going to happen. I'm sorry.

I'm a man of my word.... so I agree that I will make up his figure on a MOC card for him.....  But it will be altered slightly. Which reminds me.... I need your figure Colin... in order to make the MOC one. Since we have no more castings of the head.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Pete The Greek

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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2004, 12:08:29 PM »

The threat of a violent act (i.e bodily harm) to somebody else was not confirmed from a person who was inside the room when it happened. He knows better not to lie to Mike and I trust him.  I will not mention who he is as he doesn't want to be apart of this mess. We talked on MSN last night about it.

And Mike, if you are taking into account all expenses, then this convention was in the red.  It cost me 20 bucks in gas alone to get the 20 figures (not including the drive to Hamilton for the drop off, which is another 20 bucks).  If everything was done by the books, this was a money losing venture.  Why did I do this (i.e. get involved), find out below.

I just honestly think this is it for me. I'm most likely not doing another one of these things.... and highly doubt my original reasons for being involved in this hobby in the first place will ever really come back as they did Saturday night. Kinda pathetic huh?

What? Figure or convention meet, or both?   I was afraid of the ramafications of this.  The reason why I got involved in the planning was to met other collectors and shoot the sh*t with them. That was the only reason for wanting to be there.  If is heck a whole lot of fun to talk to GI JOE with somebody that actually knows the characters and product in person.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Go Leafs Go - just end '67

Pete The Greek

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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2004, 12:16:25 PM »

Quote from: """"

Thanks for making the offer to give up your figure... You are a really cool guy!

But DON'T GIVE IT UP!  The figure is yours and you definitely deserve to have it!!

My offer stands to end this mess.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Go Leafs Go - just end '67


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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2004, 12:32:40 PM »

Quote from: ""Pete The Greek""

Quote from: ""BHT""
I just honestly think this is it for me. I'm most likely not doing another one of these things.... and highly doubt my original reasons for being involved in this hobby in the first place will ever really come back as they did Saturday night. Kinda pathetic huh?

What? Figure or convention meet, or both?   I was afraid of the ramafications of this.  The reason why I got involved in the planning was to met other collectors and shoot the sh*t with them. That was the only reason for wanting to be there.  If is heck a whole lot of fun to talk to GI JOE with somebody that actually knows the characters and product in person.

Maybe I should of explained myself a bit.
I'm at a loss as to why an 'alternate' version (which Colin and I agreed on) isn't good enough for Aire (Colin's mother). THAT has me feeling like most people are into 'collecting' just to make a buck. I said since day one that the meet would loose some money. And I even said not to worry about it. (I had planned on picking up the remainder of the tab). The Hall was $172.50 including taxes. I was able to convince them to bring it down to $108.00. :shock: It just hit me now how much we 'COULD' of been in the red.

Anyway, when I typed that above, I was extremely pissed off and majorly depressed that Colin had said I physically threatened him - I know it was Aire that posted that - Radio Guy did the right thing and was honest about if that happened or not. Then Colin then came out and told Radio Guy that he was wrong.... that I had done that. Put yourself in my shoes for a second Pete, you spent all this time planning this (which you did as well), and you've attched 'your' name to it (being the store), and had a great night (the good outweighed the bad extremely!), only to read a lie about you online? Yeah... I'm at the point currently that I never want to do another meet again. I have no problems getting together with folks I know and shooting the sh*t, but this meet was a chance for us to meet folks we don't know - and shoot the sh*t. I got along great with everyone - including Colin (overall). But someone is lying here.... in my discussion with Colin some things he said didn't match with what Deadshot said... and as I sit here and read EVERYTHING over again, it makes me look like a bigger fool than I did. So yeah.... I'm done. Last month I told someone else (a customer/friend) that I was considering closing the store mainly because of the bullcrap that seems to come with it - and it shouldn't.
Something he said made me decide to keep the store open (that and me devoting 12+ years to it!). This meet also made me realize that not everyone is a prick.... some folks aren't just in this for money and greed.

The meet was the (technically) second one. This was the first BIG one where it wasn't just guys sitting around eating dinner and talking Joe. It was something better that I would of loved to see become a yearly event - heck twice a year for that matter. I just need to calm down from the lies that have been said first..... I'm really pissed about what Colin said.... and unfortunately I need to 'wait'.... to read what others actually saw. I know me.... I know how angry I was... and I wasn't angry enough to do physical harm to ANYONE. You have to get me pretty damn angry to attack someone.... which I haven't done since I was 20.

The meet will most likely happen again at some point..... Because as I said, I know me.... I enjoyed it too much. For all the RIGHT reasons.
It's just that if this becomes blown out of proportion, then it may actually be done..... and I mean the meet. :-)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2004, 03:38:26 PM »

Well this is certainly a fine mess  that  I have created.  

First   I would  like to  say that    Mike  did  not bully  me  into wanting the figure back.    After   the trade  was done  I , me,  MYSELF   had   second thoughts  about doing it and tehrefore  wished the figure back  .  Are  we clear on this point now?

At no point did  I  see or hear  Mike  threaten Colin  with bodily harm while  we  were  discussing  the  trade  back and ways  to resolve  the problem  ciivily.    In which   we ( Colin, Mike and myself) agreed  on the  returning  of  the figures for the figure.

Mike  even  went far enough to offer to make a custom  specifically   just   for him, with soe slight  varations  Ie a V2  of  the figure  ( which  would  enevatably  make it into the book  I belive)

Appologies were made, and hands shook  between the three of us.  To Me  this ment taht the matter had been  resolved  in  a polite manner   with  both parties  leaving  in agreement.   I did leave the figure with Mike  so that better  picture could be taken of  it, of my own free will.  I had no problem with it  then, nor do I  now.

Personally  I  belive that  a handshake  on an agreement struck upon is worth more than any written document  and shows  the character  of the person  you are dealing with .

As  for Blake.  He did hang  back   but  by the looks of the way  he was  standing,  to ME   he  didn't want to have any involvment in the  discussion at all,  even after  the  deal  was completed  he  had  said that  it  was for us to decide not him.

I Do  want the  figure, very much so.   Like in my previous post   I plan on having it framed in a case  beside  my  personal figure and file card from the meet   ( not!)

As  for the figure.  I DO NOT   Plan on  trading or  selling it  to  anyone ever , so far as much that  if I were to die  or  stop collecting  Joes at some point and sell my collection  that  the  figure will  be  destroyed, never to have another owner.

this  has all been very upsetting to  me and  I  do  not like the  way that Mike's  name, and character have been  dragged through the mud and should  stop.  

I regret  that this has all happened  and I am sorry   that my  lack of judgement  at one point in time  has led to this.


I am not  a liar, nor do  I like being called one   in any degree
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Jon S.

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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2004, 04:40:36 PM »

I was in the room for most of the incident, and I think I was able to see both sides of the story.

I've only met Mike a handful of times, but I can tell that he is very passionate. He's definitely very passionate about his hobby. He put a lot of time, effort and thought into this event. This wasn't just a get together, but Mike's chance to bring people together. I could tell from watching him during the event that he was under a lot of stress. This is the burden of hosting these things. You don't get to relax until it's over.

I got to sit next to Colin in the car ride from the airport to BountyHunters. A really nice guy. He was clearly the youngest of us. (even younger than me!) I was more than a little perplexed why someone would fly all the way to Toronto to attend a little convention. When he told me about his mother's book, it became clear to me that "Joe Canuck" would be appearing in a Joe book in the future.

The carded Joe Canuck figure was pretty much the symbol of the event. It was the combined effort of EVERYONE involved. There was a spectacle in the far side of the room Charles's terrordrome was decorated with the "leftover' parts from the 2-packs. Some Snow Job figures with Police heads and some Police figures with Snow Job heads. A couple of Loop's other customs and even Big Brawler had occupied the customized Terrordrome. A HEAT Viper MOC was being raffled off, but the carded Joe Canuck figure was the real prize.

Mike carried around the raffle box and asked us if we would participate. Pete and Ed each bought a number of tickets. Not just because they wanted the figure, but because they wanted to contribute to the expenses of the convention. I bought a ticket because I wanted to participate in the raffle. I already had a Joe Canuck figure. I just wanted to play the game! I watched Colin pull out a significant amount of money ($30) to enter the raffle. The bagged figure was a great find, but the carded figure was even better. Colin spoke of his mother's collection with such pride in the car ride over. This was his chance to add a one-of-a-kind item to it. I know that whenever a Cobra Mortal appears on eBay, airedevon tends to be the winner. One of the greatest G.I. Joe collections in the world would not be complete without this one-of-a-kind item. The Joe Canuck figure wasn't just a custom at this point. It was the centrepiece of the first Joe Canuck Convention.

We had the raffle around 7:30. The winner was announced. (his name was Ken?) Unfortunately, he wasn't even around to collect his prize. To some, this wasn't a big deal. We can wait. To others, this was a sign of disrespect to the symbol of the convention. Why would you sign up for the raffle if you weren't gonna be around to accept your prize? Shouldn't the carded Joe Canuck figure go to someone who actually cares enough about it stick around for the raffle? "Not to worry," says Mike. He said he'd be back at 8:00. We can hold it until then. To me, this was a fair compromise.

8:00 rolled around and Ken was nowhere to be seen. The Joe Canuck figure would go to somebody else. The next winner was picked at it was Pete (Deadshot). He pumped his fist and claimed his prize. The people who didn't win didn't seem outraged that Ken wouldn't be receiving the figure.

Some time, and several pepperoni sticks later I heard Mike confronting Colin about the traded figure. At first Mike only seemed a little intense, which tends to happen to people at the end of a busy day. Colin's arguments had phrases like "well, in business a deal is a deal" or "but you see, my Mom is a completist". Mike had a number of arguments, mainly involving the risk he was being exposed to "Hasbro can sue me!", the disrespect being shown to the figure "you traded a UNIQUE figure for a pair of Crimson guys!", and the drastic change in mood that occured once the argument began. I know some people were leaving because it was late. I also know that a number of us moved to the opposite corner of the room and tried to focus on other things. Still, it was impossible not to overhear what was happening.

You can describe it any way you want, really. You can liken it to a large man bullying a slight teenager, or you can liken it to the-kid-who-has-it-all ripping off another kid, then refusing to trade back. I find either description to be useless. What we had here was a very passionate person losing his temper and dealing with a scared teenager who really just wanted to please his mother. Mike was not systematically bullying anybody, he just had so many negative feelings flowing through his mind that he couldn't think straight (what do we do when we can't think straight? we get even madder). Colin had gone through considerable lengths to obtain the figure, only to see it slip away.

Last year's mini-con was Mike's reward to his loyal customers. He gave us a generous discount and we all went for dinner. This year had the same theme. Mike would find a way to please his customers. As far as G.I. Joes go, living in Canada and living in the US are two totally different things. Hasbro Canada ships very little to us. A peg-warmer in Texas is a prized possession up here. Very few of us have a chance to pick up Crimson Vipers or Black Dragon Ninjas. But someone always makes the trip. This year, a very dedicated collector flew to Toronto for the inverse case. An American travelling for the Canadian exclusive. It was at this point that the line between what the event was perceived to be, and what the event actually was became blurred. To me, this was never about exclusive figures or "conventions." This was about visiting my Joe dealer and meeting some local collectors. To others, this was OUR version of the San Diego Convention (or whatever the one that MasterCollector supplies to is called)

We can't put the Joe Canuck figure in the same category as Black Dragon Ninja. That's not what it's all about. This was a Bounty Hunter Toys event, not a Canadian Convention. The forces at work made it into a one-of-a-kind, special event that brought happiness to everyone, and for a time, reminded us of WHY we got into the hobby in the first place. (half a dozen of us were playing with the figures and making gun sounds - something I NEVER see around grown men)

If you want to talk about fair, I can propose a solution. A deal is a deal, and I can't help but think Pete was influenced by Mike to trade back, this may not have been Mike's intentions, but it doesn't matter. If you want to be FAIR, then you say that a deal is a deal and that Joe Canuck belongs in Texas as a part of "The Ultimate Collection."

But I don't give a shit about fair. I think there exists a solution that can make everybody happy. I would like to see Joe Canuck take a trip to Texas, carded, to appear in airedevon's book. This would make the book ONE OF A KIND. No other book would contain photos of the carded figure. Joe Canuck would then return to Hamilton and hang on the wall at Bounty Hunter toys. Mike is so generous that he was willing to give away the symbol of his convention to one of the attendees. I'm sure he was hoping it would go to one of his regulars, but I will not fault him for this bias. I would feel the same way. Pete was willing to trade his carded figure for some Crimson Cobras. He has them. As much as he loves Joe Canuck, I cannot believe that he loves the figure as much as Mike does. I'll estimate that Mike is too proud to accept the figure into his own collection. So it won't go into Mike's collection. It will hang on his wall so that whenever a customer walks into Bounty Hunter Toys, he/she is free to look at the spectacle that was the centrepiece of an amazing event.

We are stuck in a situation where there are a lot of broken hearts and disappointed people. The most common thing I heard was "it's just a custom." This is true to some, but to others this is a link to a unique event. I'd like to see the figure remain with the man who put his heart into the event.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2004, 07:21:35 PM »

This is all really nuts!!.

When Deadshot came back into the main room (right after Mike talked with him in the hall) he walked up to me.  He looked sad, he stared at the floor, while he was talking to me his voice was hard to hear and his speech was broken.  So, when he asked me to trade back, I was perplexed.  It seemed to me like he was doing something that he didn't want to do, and that is why after he asked me, I questioned him if it was really something he wanted to do.

It was at this point that Mike came over to us and started being belligerent.  And Deadshot slunk away and left the room.  He was clearly not comfortable with how Mike was acting.

The threats Mike made occurred at this point!!!

Mike, you did threaten me - You KNOW you did!!  And you threatened my belongings!!  And others know it too!

And, you DID tell us all not to talk about this publicly!  Why on earth would you deny that????

But back to the trade and Deadshot:

Ya see, when Deadshot and I initially made the deal he was REALLY happy.  When he had seen the crimson twins earlier that night, his jaw dropped, he was so excited to see them in person.  So when he won the MOC figure, I asked him if we could possibly trade.  I definitely did not force him to, In fact, I asked him multiple times if he was SURE that he was happy with the trade BEFORE the toys actually exchanged hands.  At this point, Deadshot's voice was clear and he was smiling.  He even told me, and I quote "I already have my personalized figure, what do I need another one for?"  He had been so happy with the deal: he had his other Canadian Ranger, and now he was going to have the Crimson Twins, figures that he genuinely wanted.

Considering his excitement, it was confusing for me when he came back up to me asking to trade.  The only thing that I knew had happened between the two events was that other people at the meet had been noticeably unhappy with what he had done, and Mike had taken him into the hall away from everyone else to talk to him about what he had done.

Mike, I am offended both for me and for Deadshot, that you would believe that after the conversation that we all had, you would think that DeadShot was still going to trade with me.  When you comment on the fact that he still received the Crimson Twins, it seemed as though you were accusing DeadShot of 'going behind your back' to trade with me again.  I gave DeadShot the figures the following morning because I had seen the excitement in his face when he first saw them, and again later when they were in his position.  I knew that he would enjoy them and love them.  These were my intentions, not trying to get the figure.  Mike and I had made a deal, and that was that.

Now Deadshot has the figure, the twins, and that nice Viper Glider that he wasn't able to get earlier in the evening because he didn't have enough cash on him.

I saw Deadshot's  home, and it is obvious -- from the FLAG in his Kitchen, to the posters everywhere, to the countless shelves lining his walls, and to the boxes of other stuff he had -- that Peter truly loves these toys.

The reason that I have posted on this board has nothing to do with trying to get the original figure back.  The reason that I am posting is because of the way that Mike deliberately intimidated me and treated me.

Mike - you do know don't you, that there have been a lot of places in this thread where you say one thing, and then later you say something different... In fact the number of times you do that is absolutely amazing!!!

When the first draw was made, Mike, it was YOU who first suggested that there be a new draw saying that you have to be present to win!!!, and then other people agreed that there should be a second draw - then someone (I don't remember who) said that Ken said he would be back by 8:00, and you made the ruling that if he was back it was his, otherwise there would be another draw.   When 8:15 rolled around, I did ask you if you were going to have the other draw, but I was not the only one interested.  I did buy 30 tickets, but like everyone who contributed, I was happy knowing that if I didn't win the money was going to the convention, I even said that.

Mike, if you truly intended to give the figure to Deadshot after "borrowing it" to photograph - then why on earth did you start this thread to try to figure out who to give it to -- and to try very hard in the beginning to get people to vote to give it to the first winner???????

It's nice that you want to give it to Deadshot now - You guys must have had a good phone conversation earlier today....................

Kinda like the night of the convention????

Jon, I have to say a couple of quick things about your post.  I never once used the argument that "my Mom is a completist."  I wanted the figure.  My mom does not worry about 'one-of-a-kind figures, she likes the stuff that everyone played with, or can play with.  I wanted the figure.  But I did know that my mother would have been more than happy and willing to feature such a cool piece in her book.  I want this clear.

Also, I really hope that I did not come across as "the-kid-who-has-it-all ripping off another kid."  My family has a very nice collection, but it is not without sacrifices.  Our home is devoted to these toys because we love them.  I have played with them for as long as I can remember, and I still do.  They are fun, and I love the memories that they create.  As for ripping DeadShot off, I made very sure that DeadShot was happy with the deal before it went through.  I asked him multiple times if he was happy with the deal, and he then he assured me each and every time that he was more than happy with the deal.

And as for Blake (the other American who was there at the meet), he would like to post on this board, share his perspective on what happened.  But even though he has registered, he is not receiving the confirmation e-mail that allows him to activate the account.  This is very weird to me because I know that when I
registered, and when my mother did, the confirmation e-mail came immediately.  Blake tried to register again, in case it hadn't gone through, but it said that
his e-mail was already registered, but he still cannot log in.

This is a crazy mess, and I wish that none of it had happened (I can honestly say that it was the scariest time in my entire life).  Aside from these 30 minutes in question, my time in Canada was great, and the people there were awesome, and DeadShot and I had a really good time after the meet was over.  I am sorry
that this mess has happened, but I maintain every word I have said.  And I must say that I am not a liar, it is not in my nature.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2004, 08:34:27 PM »

Wow...why not give me the figure and be done with it... :lol:

All my comments come from what I have read...that?s why I put the disclaimer at the bottom... :thumbsup:

I think at this point the draw should be null and void?this is not going to get resolved...the process was domed from the start?by no ones intention did this happened it just did? hold the draw for the figure again next year?problem solved!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2004, 09:32:55 AM »

Quote from: ""USWC""
And I must say that I am not a liar, it is not in my nature.

Colin, you say that I physically threatened you.

Now, about me 'Physically Threatening you'.... It's bull and you know it.

Including myself, there's 4 people that say I didn't do that. 1 of them however only 'The Greek' knows his name.

Quote from: ""Radio Guy""
Speaking as someone who was present for what went down...I did not hear any "threats of bodily harm".

Quote from: ""Pete The Greek""
The threat of a violent act (i.e bodily harm) to somebody else was not confirmed from a person who was inside the room when it happened. He knows better not to lie to Mike and I trust him.  I will not mention who he is as he doesn't want to be apart of this mess. We talked on MSN last night about it.

Quote from: ""Deadshot""
At no point did  I  see or hear  Mike  threaten Colin  with bodily harm

I don't think I need to say anything else on it at this point....

And before you say anything along the lines of 'They're just saying that because they know you'... well I don't 'make' people do what I want... hell if I could do that then I'd be filthy rich and have a complete set of Joe figures (variants included!)

Something else that I 'need' to mention is the fact that you say I 'bullied' Deadshot in the hall....
I said I didn't - you say I did. He's gone on record to say I didn't.

Quote from: ""Deadshot""
First   I would  like to  say that    Mike  did  not bully  me  into wanting the figure back.    After   the trade  was done  I , me,  MYSELF   had   second thoughts  about doing it and tehrefore  wished the figure back  .  Are  we clear on this point now?

So that's another lie?.... or did you ASSUME I bullied him?
Just because he looked at the ground when he spoke to you doesn't mean a damn thing. It could be 'his character' that he couldn't look you in the eye because no one wants to admit they made a mistake..... which  I'll do right now. Sorry I called you a liar Deadshot. Posting in my eyes proves otherwise as you've got an online rep to protect as well.

Colin, I came to an agreement for you... and I'm a man of my word - I WILL do it for you. But as to our verbal agreement to which you shook my hand on with me - it WILL be slightly altered. I'll admit I have no urge to do it for you... nothing at all makes me 'want' to do this for you ONLY since you flat out lied about me on this forum. (Don't deny it - see above).

I know it's a tough thing to have people find out that you lied.... but did you honestly think I would sit here and take it?

 Nothing you say can redeem yourself in my eyes right now. I barely know you, but strictly based on you being caught lying on this board, I also have no urge to ever know you. ONLY for that reason.

I apoligized to you for how I acted the night it happened... I still don't see an apoligy to me for you lying about me.

Blake wasn't a member of this site immediately due to the sudden batch of 'NEW' members on the site.... seems they're only hitting this thread... and then votes for your side jumped. Strange huh?...

So I've set it up that all people need to be approved for now.
EVERYONE will be approved - just not right away. If they were present at the meet - I'll approve them. It's that simple.

I'm waiting for Blake to make his first post - of which I'm sure he'll say I did 'Physically Threaten' you as well... that's what friends do... they stick up for their friends.

But honorable people tell the truth - which you haven't done, and I hope Blake honestly will. This entire thing is totally nuts - I'll agree with you there.... but it wouldn't of been half as stupid if you hadn't lied...... THAT is a constant item that I'm posting about...... ME. Not a toy..... ME and the fact that you lied.

I plan on posting later on to a few other comments.... buit I do have a store to run, and it should of been open a few minutes ago.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Radio Guy

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« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2004, 10:30:44 AM »


I also take offense to being called a liar by you Colin.  I, and about 4 or 5 others were in the room for the entire time, and with us only being 15 feet awy, it was easy to hear everything.  

Yes, Mike was upset.
Yes, he yelled.
Yes, he threatend to kick at your knapsack.

But I KNOW that he never once said that he would touch or hurt you personally.  Not once did he cock his arm back or make a fist to imply that he was going to hit you.  I think everyone who knows Mike can confirm that it's not in his character.  Taking a kick at a knapsack, maybe, since he was so upset.  But punching someone?  Only if it was over something a hell of a lot more important than a toy. Otherwise, why risk the assualt charge?

Also, as stated, Mike did not cause people to leave.  Some left before he started talking to you, others left during (and they were leaving anyway, as they had already taken their stuff out to their cars), and the rest of us were sitting by the video game.  Your freind Blake, as I recall, spent the majority of this time standing in the hallway just outside the room, as I passed him when Mike asked me to go get Deadshot (who was outside having a smoke).

I also heard and saw you and Mike shake hands at the end of the confrontation, and assumed that all parties were fine with the offer that Mike put on the table.  

Also, as we all know, your Mom was not there, and although I expect her to support and stick up for you, her opinion is biased, and therefore, without any credibility.

You don't know me, I don't know you, so I'm not expecting an apology from you.  However, Mike deserves one.

Mike apologised.  Deadshot posted the truth.  So should you.  
Make it right.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Wherever you go, there you are.

Pete The Greek

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« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2004, 10:34:01 AM »

Quote from: ""BHT""
And before you say anything along the lines of 'They're just saying that because they know you'... well I don't 'make' people do what I want... hell if I could do that then I'd be filthy rich and have a complete set of Joe figures (variants included!)


You forgot the foreign figures me and Ed have :D  On a serious note, I swear on the bible (I am Orthodox), that I am not getting any freebies or kick backs from this.  I just don't like to see somebody's name get run through the mud for no reason unless warranted.  Something must have got mis translated or mis interpreted during the heat of the moment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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