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Who 'should' be the real owner of the MOC Joe Canuck Figure?

1st person that won it should STILL get it.
- 6 (50%)
2nd person that won it should have it.
- 1 (8.3%)
3rd person that owned it via a 'trade' should own it.
- 5 (41.7%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closes: March 19, 2038, 09:14:42 AM

Author Topic: The MOC Version of the Figure.  (Read 32350 times)

Radio Guy

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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2004, 06:53:04 PM »

Speaking as someone who was present for what went down...I did not hear any "threats of bodily harm".  

As for "several people leaving due to the screaming"...some people had packed up their stuff and were getting ready to leave anyway...we had just taken a group photo because of this, and once the picture was taken, they headed out.

i also understand that mike offered to "make it right" and everone involved decided it was an amicable solution.  

I agree with Damed this point, it's not worth in the now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2004, 07:31:54 PM »

I know that what happened last night wasn?t very pretty?  But, right now, enough has been said about that ? I really don?t want to go there --- Other than that one long incident?.  I had a GREAT time!!!

THANKS to everyone there especially the guys who organized this meet and to everyone who helped out others there!!!

PeteTheGreek ? Thank you again for picking us up from the airport.  That was really cool of you.  We enjoyed meeting you, Ryan, and Jon!!

Charles ? the custom Terror Drome that you brought was great!  I am so glad that I snapped some pictures of it.  The snow soldiers that you made were cool too.  (Blake and I each got one of your ?Snow Police?  :)   )  Oh, if you get a chance, can you e-mail me a copy of the group photo that you took?  I would really like to have one!  (

Loop ? The customs that you sculpted were AWESOME!!  Man you really have some great talent.  I still can?t get over those!  (George Bush, the Canadian Ranger, even you!!)

Ken ? Thanks again for that Frag Viper!!  After getting to e-mail with you, I was worried that I wouldn?t get a chance to meet you, but luckily you got to show up!  I am so sorry about all this mess!!!

DeadShot ? Thank you soo much for putting me and Blake up for the night, and for taking us to the airport.  Getting to hang with you afterwards was a lot of fun.  I know you said that eventually you want to see Texas, when you do look me up most definitely?You will have a place to stay!

Mike ? And thanks to you, too, for making this con happen.  I really want you to know how much I appreciate all the effort and time you put into this!  It was great to meet people who share memories of these great toys, and have such a passion for them.  Canada was great and I am glad that I got to meet everyone!

But you know it was hairy there at the end of the night, and I?ve got to admit that it is good to be home.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2004, 07:56:22 PM »

I know I just said that I didn?t want to talk about this anymore, but I had not noticed Radio Guy?s post at that point.  Radio Guy, I have to say, that what you are saying is simply wrong.

Mike DID threaten me and the toys that were in my bag with physical harm.  He told me that he would jump on my bags, he told me that he would rip the MOC figure in half, and he told me that under no circumstances would I leave the con with that figure.  He said that he would do anything that was necessary to stop me.  Even after the incident was over, Mike told me, laughing, that normally he wouldn?t hit someone, but he was ready to punch me if it meant getting the MOC figure back.

The group photo was taken, true, but most people had stayed to continue playing the wrestling game on the PS2.  The convention, and the good times that people were having all stopped when Mike made the scene.

And yes, we did agree on an amiable solution, but Mike also made it very clear to EVERYONE who witnessed the event, that it was not be spoken about.  That what happened in that room stayed IN that room.  He said this multiple times, and then he decided to start this thread about the topic, after he requested that we don?t.

I am sorry about this whole situation, none of this was necessary.  But most of all I am  sorry for Deadshot who got put in the middle of all this.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2004, 09:10:58 AM »

I have an idea that might work as a solution to "who gets the MOC figure"

Mike, maybe you could make 2 more MOC figures IDENTICAL to the one you have now -- and then there would be 3 figures - and each of the 3 people involved could have their very own figure!

You could even mix up the 3 figures before sending them to each of the guys - so that all the figures have equal validitiy.  

This way, 2 of them would be in Canada - and 1 in the US - Would that work for you?  For the others involved?

I havn't spoken to Colin yet about this as he has already left for school - but I bet he would be happy with this solution.

I know for him the point is not being the owner of a "one of a kind" piece - but it is the honor of having a piece of Joe convention history that was, according to him, so exceptionally well done!!!  

Apparently the card art was wonderful and the text on the back of the card was truly inspirational!  Colin tells me that Mike just did an outstanding job on this careded figure!!

Being the owner of one of a "three of a kind" internationally held piece would equally as good!

Mike, would you be willing to do that? To make 2 more figures?

They would have to be EXACTLY  the same as the one you have (and you probably already have the template for them) otherwise they would just be customs.  Not that customs aren't great in and of themselves - but what makes this piece special is that it is tied to a convention--that it commemorates a special time when a bunch of Joe fans got together to mess around with Joes and share great complany!

Any feedback on this idea?  Or other ideas that would work such that everyone involved feels good about the outcome?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Pete The Greek

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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2004, 10:17:27 AM »

These are my views and opinions.  Thus do not jumped own anybodys throats except for mine.....................

I have kept silent of this issue until I can gether all the information regarding this.  (I was outside with Scramble and a couple of other guys at the meet when the events occurred).  I have asked certain people to what happened as I don't speculate or assume.   I have a good picture on what was said and what wasn't said.  I will keep those conclusions to myself.  

This is what I propose.  Since Aire sent two people to another country (I know there visit was tainted from this incident and if it wasn't I don't buy it), I am willing to give up my custom figure to be used for a another unique carded item to be sent to the States.  After all Colin and Blake were the very first Americans to meet us Canadians.  They should get something for the efforts.  If this meet was a steping stone for something bigger in the near future, why not acknowledge this on a unique custom carded item.  I wouldn't alter the original carded item that much to make the second one.  Something that states the first Americans ever to come for such an event.  Then Pete keeps the first carded item and he could in theory bring it back every year to the meet or convention (if it gets that big).  Aire gets to use the carded item for her book (it would be great exposure for BHT). So both carded items would be unique.  Everybody wins except the first guy (but that will depend if he cared about getting the item or just wanted to contribute to the convention like my intentions when I bought some tickets, including the friendy rivarly with Ed).

After all this is a custom were are talking about.  I wasn't going to lose sleep over who got the carded item.  Honestly, I was hoping it would stay in Canada but that is my opinion.  I am a completist but this item was not supported or endorsed by Hasbro Canada.  Keeping that in mind, that carded item was a backup incase we were in the red (the hall cost was higher than expected and some people didn't show up).  As a result, it would have been sold off on ebay if the the loses were greater than first expected. So the notion of keeping the carded in Canada doesn't hold any water as I know that somebody in the US will bid for it.  If this was the case, then the Americans would have not been allowed to participate in the draw if the item was intended to stay in Canada.  Right? But when the loses were lower than first speculated, I was glad the item was NOT put on ebay as Hasbro could go after Mike or I for making a profit of their figure.  My view was that trading the carded item lost it's meaning or significance.    

Like I said, worst comes to worse, I will donate my figure and time to ensure everybody is happy in the end.  This is not worth fight over.  There are more important things to worry about in the real world than this.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2004, 10:43:48 AM by Guest »
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The MOC Version of the Figure.
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2004, 10:24:33 AM »

Quote from: ""USWC""

And yes, we did agree on an amiable solution, but Mike also made it very clear to EVERYONE who witnessed the event, that it was not be spoken about.  That what happened in that room stayed IN that room.  He said this multiple times, and then he decided to start this thread about the topic, after he requested that we don?t.

Colin, YOU are a flat out liar.

There are witnesses in that room - I'll 'out' the folks that were there if need be, but I did NOT say anything of the sorts to you. Not once, not twice, and sure as hell not multiple times.

I made my points abundantly clear that night as to why I was so pissed off with what happened. I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves, but unfortunately, I won't be doing anything like this again - MAINLY due to what I consider unfair (to everyone else) way Colin got the figure.
IF Deadshot didn't want it, then he shouldn't of bought into it at all.
Raptor had no interest in it - so he bought none. I was the force behind the figure, so out of fairness I opted to not purchase any tickets as well.

When Deadshot won it, and he was willing to trade it, then perhaps he should of taken 'trade offers' from each person that was there...... All that happened was Colin rushed up to him, offered to buy it, then traded for it.
That immediately made a few people angry at the show and they approached me about it..... They felt it was unfair since THEY all wanted it as well. True, you did purchase 30 tickets for it - but you still lost - TWICE.
Had people not been saying "He's not here - do another draw", I wouldn't of felt pressured to HAVE the other draw. When I did, even while doing so it was bugging me. 2 people had even said to me that I shouldn't do that other draw anyway.

Talking after the fact and saying "I would of hit you" is heresay..... Does it mean I would of? No. Does it mean I wouldn't of? No. Neither of us know.... I can honestly say that I wouldn't of done so.

Currently, the poll I put above is at 5 for Ken to have it. 4 for Colin to have it. Seeing as Aire just joined this board (obviously to voice her opinion HERE instead of emailing me directly - which I was expecting - but didn't get). and Colin is a member of it - that accounts for 2 of the votes for him.... the other two.... I'd assume one is Deadshot (who obviously lied to me then since he HAS the two figures anyway) and (out of friendship) the other would be Condor Knight.

I find it interesting that Aire (not talking to me - or posting for anyone elses info first) has come to her own decision.... then again.... Colin is her son.

As for everyone leaving, at that time, MOST were already leaving - some already had and have NO CLUE about what we're talking about.....  There was still 6 or 7 folks left after everyone 'officially' left  - how do I know for sure?..... We ALL came back to the store.

Yes, I did say I would of kicked your knapsack if you didn't trade back.

But this is what led up to it:

When I confronted you about the trade, and informed you that Deadshot wanted to trade back, you started saying stuff about 'In business you can't do those things - when a decision is done - it's done.'

This wasn't business....... this was a hobby and Deadshot had told me that he had changed his mind. HE even went up to you and asked to trade back. I (and a few others) watched as he did it - you said NO.

So I explained to you how you lost the draw the same as EVERYONE else in the place.... should Deadshot want to trade back (which he told me he did), then you should be man enough to do so. You told me No.

You made it so difficult to make you understand that what you did was wrong (by not trading back), that yes - I threatened your BAG and the toy inside.  Fo you to come out here on this board and say that I DID threaten YOU directly is a flat out lie and everyone in that room knows it!

I accept 100% blame for the entire evening.... the good parts... the bad.... all of it. I don't care anymore. For awhile now folks have known that I've been loosing my love of this hobby.... That night renewed my faith in the fact that not everyone is into these toys for 'just money' or greed. It was all about the love of the hobby.... the enjoyment of our childhood heroes. One person even said that this was fun and that he'd been away from it for far too long. That told me that this meet did it's job. It made everyone appreciate the hobby for what it is..... fun. When I posted this thread, all those feelings I've had in the last few months started to come back.... the greed, lying, backstabbing, scalping and other crap that goes on in this hobby... that's why I almost closed a month ago. There's far too many people like that in this. Colin, you made your point how much you love this hobby that night..... as I did I. True, my voice got loud.... I got angry. But I NEVER lied in my post above and said YOU said something you didn't.

As I said. I'm done. This is pathetic. It's a custom figure.... that's it.

Aire, no offence, but you weren't there - so you really have no say in this matter until you've talked to all the other people that were in that room - including myself and Deadshot. heck.... Even then you're just taking peoples words for it - and I highly doubt anything you hear will go against what your own son has told you.

Already, Radio guy posted saying that I didn't physically threaten your son at all..... your son then came out here and lied saying I did.


I guess he thinks the other folks in the room were actually just sitting in chairs and NOT listening right..... they were listening.... how could they not.

Quote from: ""'"
The thing is.... there WAS a second draw - That's just the simple fact! and it was Mike who decided to have it.
Yes... you're right. I decided to because people wanted a winner - and they started saying it out loud to have another draw. When I came back after leaving for a few minutes, Colin and Blake were right there saying "It's been 15 minutes, He's not back".

So I did the draw. I didn't want to..... but I did.

Quote from: ""'"
Mike had previously taken Deadshot out of the room and bullied him as well -- Deadshot came back into the room white as a sheet!

Bullied? Deadshot....  I never bullied you. I spoke to you in the hall and merely asked questions and told you my opinions..... Again, no offence Aire, I'd like to hear from Deadshot on this and not have someone that wasn't even there say what I did, or did not do. Deadshot?....

Quote from: ""'"
Threatening bodily harm to my son to keep it in Canada was definitely NOT COOL!!!

Which is why I never did that. NOT AT ALL. I never once threatened your son with bodily harm. If the others that were there would post and say if I did or not, that would end THAT portion of this I'm sure.

Quote from: ""'"
As to who should get it....

Well, you essentially "stole" it from my son -- I don't know why you should have any decision making powers over it!!

In the hallway I asked Deadshot that if he got it back, could I borrow it to take a good, clean, crisp picture of it since I couldn't take a good one in there. He said yes. He said it was no problem. I told him I would mail it to him this week. Once Colin DID give back the figure to Deadshot, and Deadshot gave back the two figures he got from Colin, Deadshot then put the figure ontop of his stuff on the table. A few seconds later I asked him if I could still borrow it to take the pictures. He HANDED it to me and said "oh yeah... sorry". I thanked him.... How does that have me STEALING it from your son?..... Not at all. SERIOUSLY. Your son never passed it to me - it went from Colin to Deadshot, to the table, to Deadshot, to me. WTF?

As for any 'power' I have over it....  It states on the back "NOT FOR RESALE". It states that to cover my own ass, and to ensure that I don't get a letter from Hasbro over it.

"Intellectual Copyright". - Look it up please.

If I make money off of the name 'G.I. Joe' on an item that was not approved by Hasbro, I can face a huge fine. This is why we had a raffle for it. NO money was made from the MOC figure during the raffle. I've done all the paperwork from the meet now, and the meet had an 'entire' profit of  $8.67. I suppose I could split that with Pete the Greek and Loop for the gas our vehciles used while all three of us did driving around for it.... so I will. Loop, Pete, I owe you guys $2.89 each. I know we're technically in the hole due to the cost of gas... but hey... I don't want to get sued by Hasbro for having that figure MAKE a profit.

NOT FOR RESALE. A trade for an item(s) at a higher value means that the figure (AT THE MEET) made a profit from it. Therefore, since Bounty Hunter Toys and's names are on the back of it - and it says in detail how the figure came to be could result in the owners of those two places (ME again.) getting a fine from Hasbro if they decided to take action - WHICH they have been known to do in the past and will no doubt do in the future - all because money was made from an item having the 'G.I. Joe' name, likeness, and logo on it.

I'm sure that's taking things a little extreme, but since so many people at the meet were annoyed and pissed off with how Colin got the figure, all they would have to do is contact Hasbro and viola! I'm screwed, and my store is closed - therefore resulting in me facing a fine or worse.

So yeah.... since I made it, and I raffled off the thing... I think I did have some say in what happened with it at the meet. Hypothetically speaking, lets'  say Deadshot and Colin did their trade at Deadshots that night..... none of us would be any the wiser and therefore I wouldn't give a crap.
Since it was done at the show that I put together, and with a warning posted right on the back of it..... I NEEDED to ensure that the winner of the item owned it. This "the first winner should have it" stuff was in my mind at the meet (whoever would of won it), and has been bothering me for all this time.  That was actually the intent of this thread.... because it was bothering me and I wanted to know how others felt about the fact that Ken wasn't there when he won.

Quote from: """"

You made a big point before the con, letting everyone know that you needed to be actually present to get a convention figure -- Taht seemed VERY important to you!

By the same token, you made the decision that in order to win the raffled MOC figure, you needed to be present...

You HAD to be at the meet for one simple reason... the figure was for the attending people ONLY. Otherwise we would of had people from all over the world wanting to 'BUY' a figure..... We weren't selling customs to make money off the damn thing, we well selling them as a means for us to break even and help cover the costs of the hall rental and such.

The MOC version NO ONE had a clue about until they showed up that day. Therefore, I never said you needed to be there to win the raffle ticket.
It would of been a given of course since the raffled figure would onlt be eligible to those who attended.... Ken attended. Is it his fault that he had to leave due to having to take care of his daughter? He said he was coming back - he didn't. How do we know something didn't happen to him or his daughter and that's why didn't come back? He was there - he paid for tickets. He bought 10 before he left - then later on I went around and asked everyone else if they wanted any. Why would he buy ten tickets and leave? He had planned on coming back and he had no clue when the draw was. So yes.... you had to be there in a sense for the draw to purchase a ticket since NO ONE knew about it until you got there. Had Ken NOT been there, he would of never known about the draw or the figure. Nothing was said that you had to be "THERE" when the actual draw was being made.
Therein lies the entire basis of this ORIGINAL thread. Ken WAS there - he bought tickets. He wasn't there when the winning ticket was drawn.
Had I not felt pressured due to people (I have no clue who or how many) saying 'He's not here', do another draw!', then Ken would still be the original winner of the figure. Which apparently some folks on this board feel he should be.

Quote from: """"
The first person, wasn't there, so he forfeited.. (That's hard, but it's reality and it's only fair - everybody else went by the rules!!)

But as stated above, we had no 'rules' for someone that had to leave to take care of his daughter....  If you don't show up for work because you 'suddenly' needed to tend to your son, does that mean you should be fired? No. Family comes first. He shouldn't be punished because of it.

Quote from: """"
The second person who won it, Deadshot, won it fair and square - and once it was his, it was his to do as he pleased!!! Even if you don't like his choice. It is HIS choice!!!

NOT FOR RESALE. Kinda explains itself in my opinion. That's my view on anyone trading it. Well documented above.

Quote from: """"
He opted to trace it to my son, Colin, because he knows how much Colin wanted it - the lengths to which he had done everything in his power to get to the convention - and he knew that, by letting Colin have it, it would be featured in my upcoming book and the CXanuck Con and Bounty Hunter toys would get lots of great press!

He opted to trade it? Maybe he felt pressured to trade it?
If he didn't want it, he should of given EVERYONE the option to trade for it then. He wasn't given that choice. Bottom line is, he shouldn't of bought into the raffle if he had no interest in it then. That's a discussion I'd like to have with Deadshot then.....  since things that were said with me and Colin, and on this board don't seem to add up with what Deadshot said to me.

Quote from: """"
I think it was really decent and cool of him to do that!

Yes, you would. It was your son he traded with. What about the other people that were pissed off about the trade? They weren't happy about it. Since I seemed to be the 'main guy' in charge of the meet, I talked to Deadshot and he asked to switch back with Colin. Colin didn't respect the fact that Deadshot had changed his mind - or that others were angry.... so I became angry with him.  It's great that someone wanted it so much..... but don't sit here and say that it was COOL of Deadshot to trade it to your son..... WHAT IF Deadshot had traded it to Damned Viper, or Loop, or Raptor...... would you still think it was so cool? Would Colin think it was cool? I'd be just as pissed off regardless who got it..... so I didn't think it was so cool.

Quote from: """"
Bottom line, Deadshot won it fair and square -- Whatever he wished to do with it was his business and not yours or any one elses!

Again, you weren't there, and you haven't seen it, but it does clearly state NOT FOR RESALE - which I've explained how it does concern me above.

Quote from: """"
-- and you first try legalese on him (Hasbro said it couldn't be sold and trading it was tantamount to selling it... By the way, was Hasbro really involved in the production of the figure -- if so, that's really cool!)

If Hasbro was involved with it in ANY way at all - I wouldn't care what happened to it.... not one bit. But the 'bottom line' is that hasbro had NOTHING to do with it....  Which is why the figure wasn't to be traded or sold.

Quote from: """"
My son is a cool kid and I am so glad that he surrendered the figure to you rather than risk escalating the violence-- Maybe the police should have been called in - but it is over - you took it from him.

Your son is a real cool kid. I got along great with him the entire night. He couldn't seem to grasp the fact that the figure was my butt on the line as far as it being sold, or traded. Can you honesly blame me for wanting to protect my own ass?

He didn't surrender it to me - he traded back with Deadshot. WHY he left the figures with Deadshot when he went home is a mystery to me.... perhaps they still planned on doing the trade anyway? If you didn't mention it here I wouldn't of known would I? So don't say I took it from him - when I didn't. Deadshot loaned it to me to take pictures. I don't appreciate being attacked here for something I didn't do. I yellled at your son. I yelled pretty damn loud at some points. But I never made any attempt to go towards him, threaten him, or did I make any physical attempt to go towards his bag. Saying something is one thing.... attempting it is another. Getting angry, voicing my opinion, and then resolving it is another. Deadshot SAID he wanted to swap back. Don't put ALL this on just me. Had the police been called..... NO ONE would of gotten the figure, and Colin may of gotten a fine for being in possession of an items that violates Copyright laws. I would of gotten the fine as well for being the creator of it.... once the Police knew Deadshot owned it and swapped for something of a higher value, HE may of gotten a fine as well.... NO ONE would want to claim the figure was theirs then would they?

Quote from: """"
By the way, if it was so important to you to keep the figure in Canada, why did you let Colin participate in the raffle? He bought 30 tickets!

You know..... I wasn't the only one that would of liked it to stay in Canada.... but it wasn't a 'rule'....  I would of been 150% content if Colin had won it fair and square. The problem is.... he didn't.
Someone else did. And now based on two things that Colin has said either on this board, or to your Aire, this isn't going to end soon.

Colin claims (going from this thread) that I physically threatened him in the room with other people in it. No bloodyt way in hell would I EVER do that. The only time I will physically harm another is if my family, friends, or business is being threaten. None of those 3 happened. Was I pissed?...... Without a doubt! But I NEVER physically threatened him.

Colin also claims that I 'Bullied' Deadshot in the hallway..... I don't recall bullying him in the least..... I asked what happened and said I'd like him to trade back (without going into the entire "NOT FOR RESALE" thing) - and as far as I knew, he had changed his mind as well...... apparently since he now owns the two figures that were originally traded for - he's changed his mind again.  

I 'need' to hear from others in that room. Radio Guy has spoken up and said he never saw or heard any threats of physical harm to Colin....

Beach Head
Condor Knight
Pete The Greek
Jon S.
Radio Guy

All of these guys were still at the hall when I was with Colin.
Radio Guy has stated that I didn't do that.

I'm interested in hearing from the rest of the guys in the room.

Scramble is on - so we'll need to get him over here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Pete The Greek

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« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2004, 10:32:54 AM »

Mike, Scramble and I where not inside when this happened.  I was looking for a Toronto road map (to find out where Elizabeth Street is in Toronto to drop off Ryan) in my car and tagged along with Scramble to check out your store from the outside.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2004, 10:43:43 AM »

Ok  just  to clear some thiing up here  for the voting.. I have NOT voted. Nor do I PLAN  on voting   as I am  part of this whole mess.   As  for the  figures,  I gave them  back at the show  yes, I admit that   you  saw me do it.  They were  given  back to me  the next day   before I left to take Colin and Blake back to the airport    for  letting them stay  and taking them  back.    I have not lied to you.  

If you  wish to talk to me  more about this  call  me at  home

my  phone number  is   519-XXX-XXXX


ADMIN EDIT : Peter, NEVER post your phone number on a publicly viewed message board. I took it off. - Mike
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2004, 10:43:44 AM »

Quote from: ""Pete The Greek""
These are my views and opinions.  Thus do not jumped own anybodys throats except for mine.....................

Like I said, worst comes to worse, I will donate my figure and time to ensure everybody is happy in the end.  This is not worth fight over.  There are more important things to worry about in the real world than this.

Two main things for me.
First.... MAN I typed a hell of a lot on that previous post. But I'm 'personally' being attacked, so I don't mind wasting an hour typing.

Aire, what you suggest doesn't bode that well with me for a few reasons.
  1. It takes time to do those things.... Approximately 3 hours working on the PC for the one (so that time is gone anyway), and about 2 hours to card it up.
Cutting, gluing, cleaning the bubble, attaching. Ensuring it's attached. etc. I take great pride in my work and it does take time (which i don't have much of)
  2. It was to be unique.... just one. And it will stay that way.

Now Pete's idea..... I agree with..... partially.
I will NOT make another one exactly the same as this one.
It will say version 2 or something on it. The write up will be basically the same, with an added line stating that this one was made a special edition for the first Americans that attended the Canadian Meet.
I see no reason why this shouldn't be ok with you Aire... actually.... isn't this for Colin? Didn't Colin do the trade anyway with Deadshot? Once Deadshot gets this, he'll no doubt be mailing it out anyway..... so this is basically finished and Colin will still have one..... So I guess there's no need for a second one anyway.

I just honestly think this is it for me. I'm most likely not doing another one of these things.... and highly doubt my original reasons for being involved in this hobby in the first place will ever really come back as they did Saturday night. Kinda pathetic huh? A meet for fans of Joe to get together and enjoy it ends up ruining my entire reason for having a store.... to enjoy my childhood toys and experiances with fellow collectors... how lame  that someone claiming that I physically threaten him with bodily harm has such a huge effect on how I'm feeling.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2004, 10:45:32 AM »

actually my plan  if i do end up  getting the figure is to have it framed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2004, 10:46:53 AM »

Quote from: ""Pete The Greek""
Mike, Scramble and I where not inside when this happened.  I was looking for a Toronto road map (to find out where Elizabeth Street is in Toronto to drop off Ryan) in my car and tagged along with Scramble to check out your store from the outside.

My apoligies.... All I saw was you walking in once with a map..... I assumeed you were just out in the hall. Sorry.

Those who were inside...... I really hope you do speak up.
This isn't my store being talked about out here.
It's ME.... a person.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2004, 11:22:55 AM »


I started to write you an email because I had gotten advice that that was the best way to handle it -- not on a public forum

But then I received an email alerting me to this thread and I realized that you had made the choice to make this public - so, I wrote my email to you here!

Yes, I am going to get involved!  Colin is my son!!

He told me that the encounter with you was the scariest experience of his life!!!

You say you would not have hit him?  He doesn't know you -- and your body posture and yelling was threatening.  You yourself said in the above post:

               "Talking after the fact and saying "I would of hit you" is heresay..... Does it mean I would of? No. Does it mean I wouldn't of? No. Neither of us know.... "

What on earth do you think Colin was to think!  Blake told me that he started to take off his jacket ready to come help Colin if it did come to blows!!

And, by the way, Colin would have had NO PROBLEM at all trading the figure back to Deadshot, had Deadshot wanted to do so  without having firt been intimidated by you into making that request!!!

Colin was just doing his best - as a kid - to stand up to a person who had bullied his friend and was now bullying him!!!

Mike -- instead of making excuses, man -- Just make apologies!!

Let's end this!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »