Site Stuff > Newsletter Section

JoeCanuck Newsletters?

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Hi all,

Are the JoeCanuck newsletters archived anywhere, or does anyone have them available to share? I'm looking to learn more about this interesting corner of the Joeverse.

they were archived somewhere on here. I remember digging around and finding them... but that was a long time ago and they might not be there...

damned if I remember where they were though...

could try googling for "Joe Canuck newsletter PDF"

Yeah, I've brought all my Google-Fu to bear over the last few weeks, but no dice. I've identified at least three places they used to be hosted (, an old /NL directory on this server, and one other I'm forgetting at the moment), but nothing current.

That's why I figured I'd journey North to the source!

in that case, I guess you're SOOL.

Pete The Greek:
I have no clue in what Mike did with the newsletters.


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