Hello I am looking to buy the following and can pay with paypal. Only looking for original parts not any accessory pack. Would prefer to buy from someone from Canada so I don't have to pay 25 for a $1 item. I do have some parts/filecards for trade so if you would like to trade send me a wantlist and I can see if I have anything from it.
Vehicle Parts (all version 1 from 82 to 90)
ram saddlebag
apc gun turret
dragonfly 2x rubber blade ends, 1 landing skid
snake missile attachment
asp 2x blast shields
claw missile
rattler turret canopy, 1 front landing gear, 2 rear landing gears
flight pod missile
awe striker cannon with cap, 1 antenna
tomahawk canopy, 2 rear engine covers
triple t engine cover, missile
maggot radar dish
mamba pod canopy, pod gun
imp 2x mines
hissII seat clips
evader 2x missiles
python Patrol asp 2x blast shields
python patrol stun antenna
I am looking for blueprints for any of the vehicles that I need parts for except the PP stun, hissII , maggot. Looking for ones in excellent shape
Figure parts
82/83 stalker waist
84 duke waist
84 firefly right arm
roadblock right arm
zartan waist
cobra commander waist (hooded)
86 monkey wrench waist
zarana chest front and back
89 slaughters mauradars spirit left and right arm or whole figure
90 metal gear legs
90 metal head 1 yellow missile
89 heat viper 1 missile
gnawgnhyde machete, knife, bow
snake eyes backpack, sword, 3 piece nunchuks, blowgun
stalker knife
track viper gun
spearhead n max machete
road pig forearm shield
tiger force lifeline handgun, backpack, airmask, case
87 outback 2x flashlights
crocmaster mask hose
jinx 3 x swords
tunnel rat tnt bag, 3x flashlights, backpack
ice viper sais
blocker visor
86 bats backpack, 1 hand, 1 claw, 1 gun, 3x flamethrower
dialtone backpack with mic
dr mindbender stun rod
viper white gun backpack
wetsuit backpack mouthpiece
85 barbeque axe , nozzle
crimson guard backpack gun
shipwreck hook/handle with string
eels harpoon, complete backpack, mouthpiece
snow serpent grey gun, blue waist pack, missle and stand
torch 2x torch
84 blowtorch green flamethrower
duke green gun
firefly green gun , complete backpack, walkie talkie ( green but will take other colors)
spirit freedom
zartan leg pads (both sides), 3 x mask, backpack 3 x gun
cobra commander black gun
82/83 breaker headset
zap bazooka x 3
destro gun x2
gung ho gun
major bludd gun
complete figures
88 Tiger force duke, roadblock, dusty, flint, tripwire, bazooka ( figure only)
Slaughters muaradars sgt slaughter , barbeque, mutt