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Messages - Sundance

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 168
ouch, sorry to hear that.

so, I guess I killed the forum again...

Well, there's a Lego Batman kids comic over here, like the Lego Avengers one, with free minifigs on the front and I bought the first issue for Batman, just cuz I kinda wanted a Batman minifig cuz I love the Lego Batman Movie; they later did Robin II, Flash and Superman and I figured (lol) I wanted a Robin and then that I'd get Flash and Supes. After that, I decided I wanted Supergirl cuz I like her show, Nightwing and the other Bat characters, and Wonder Woman, so I bought the Batgirl LBM minifig split from a set someone was selling on Amazon just to spend some xmas cash, did the same with Batwoman to spend some birthday cash, then last year decided to get Nightwing, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Supergirl from eBay.

The Lego Avengers comic started last year and I bought each issue, except #2 which was Venom.

I guess part of it is that they're (generally) a damn sight cheaper than action figures (5 quid for the comic, I paid around the same for the ones I got from eBay, paid more for Batgirl and Batwoman) and they take up far less space. I have them lined up on my desk shelf in front of my 6in Black Widow, my 4.5in Captain Calhoun Trek figure, my 5in Master Chief, my 7in Soap MacTavish, my one Marauder figure and a couple of my AF figures I have on display still.

TBH, I'm kinda over collecting any Joes or other figures other than Lego minifigs. I've collected a nice set of DC heroes over the past couple years - Batman, Robin II, Nightwing, Batgirl from the Lego Batman Movie, Batwoman, Flash, Superman, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, Golden Age Wonder Woman and Green Arrow. Would like a Black Lightning, but the only one they've done was an SDCC exclusive... I've started getting issues of a Lego Avengers comic over here with free minifigs on the front and got Spidey, Thor, Iron Man and Captain Marvel. Next up is Cap America. I'm planning to get Hawkeye, Widow, Panther and maybe War Machine when/if they do them.

Meant to say, it's a shame the Canadian Con isn't around now with Marauder and all, it'd make it so much easier for them to do exclusives.

I was seriously considering making my own Joe Canuck and Valkyrie figures with Marauder figures last year at one point...

Introductions / Re: Greetings from Ottawa, by way of Toronto
« on: May 03, 2021, 01:52:19 PM »
*waves from Britain*

JoeCanuck Trading Cards / Re: Are trading cards still a thing?
« on: May 03, 2021, 01:51:27 PM »
no idea

I always wanted to go to CanaJoeCon, just the once to meet you guys... *sad face emoji*

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: April 29, 2021, 02:19:21 AM »
I haven't looked at the movie line. I have zero interest in the movie.

Hasbro are a shitshow all around atm, from what I've seen my American SW-collecting buddy say.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: April 13, 2021, 02:45:37 PM »
I meant Classified looks crap. Whoops.

If they want to do modernised ARAH retro stuff, they ought to hire Marauders and use their methodology for non o-ring/non-fugly chest hinged figures.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: March 31, 2021, 02:24:35 PM »
Not impressed with Retro since it's just modern era in throwback packaging. Retro looks crap.

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