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Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?

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Ok, now I'm mad.

I was already pissed about the CI exclusives and what a $#@+ show they were to collect.  However I lucked out and got everything except the Cobra Trooper.  I was fine with getting the Infantry instead. 

Also Hasbro is apparently going to reissue some of the exclusives down the road.  So I can be patient for army builders, and Firefly is nice, but the vest is a miss for the character in my opinion.  So I can wait on him as well.

HOWEVER that Major Bludd that was just revealed, and is another CI exclusive is a different story.  Not only is the figure a thing of beauty, but he was one of my favourite characters growing up.  So this has pissed me off to no end.  I hope I luck out, but if not I might cave and pay scalper prices.


I haven't looked at the movie line. I have zero interest in the movie.

Hasbro are a shitshow all around atm, from what I've seen my American SW-collecting buddy say.


--- Quote from: Sundance on April 29, 2021, 02:19:21 AM ---I haven't looked at the movie line. I have zero interest in the movie.

Hasbro are a shitshow all around atm, from what I've seen my American SW-collecting buddy say.

--- End quote ---

Yeah toy lines in general are a disaster right now, not just Hasbro.

You should check the movie line you never know what might strike your fancy.  I also saw the synopsis for the movie on YouTube (from someone at a screening).  It sounds like a good movie, although it didn't sound like much of GI Joe movie.  More like a Snake Eyes origin with a set up for a sequel with emphasis on GI Joe.  Apparently a lot of great action sequences with a very Samurai feel for the setting.  Sounds a little hyperbolic to me, but who knows.

Fingers crossed it is good and makes a sequel possible. 

I recently saw on YouTube that someone on Facebook has files for 3D printing a 6" scale Skyhawk.  It looks great, a near perfect copy of the original 3 3/4" version. 

Apparently he is offering to either print it (not sure how much), or sell you the file for $20.


So it looks like we are finally getting the Alley Viper from the Classified back of the box art, and a BAT!!!!!!

If these are CI exclusives, and aren't sold in solid case packs, I expect Hasbro to be burned to the ground by the angry fanboy mobs.


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