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Super7 GI Joe discussion

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 Well well well. What do we have here.
is that articulation I see?! Perhaps this line is worth second look.

Doc looks real nice at first glance.

$55 US each!!! I'm out. New toys shouldn't cost the same as vintage. I'm out!!!


--- Quote from: B on March 23, 2022, 02:23:47 PM --- Well well well. What do we have here.
is that articulation I see?! Perhaps this line is worth second look.

Doc looks real nice at first glance.

$55 US each!!! I'm out. New toys shouldn't cost the same as vintage. I'm out!!!

--- End quote ---

Yeah Super7 is not cheap, but the Ultimates line is a great way to get fairly cartoon accurate looks for a lot of different lines.  With good articulation, and a lot of accessories, especially deep dive type accesssories.   Not to mention some deep dive characters that wouldn't probably show up in a Hasbro line.

The big test will be whenever they go up in price again, and how many people will still be willing to buy at $60+US.

Toysrus is having them online and in store in CANADA! I was very surprised to find them on peg in Quebec because of language law. I would have picked snake eyes but he was already gone. The shock trooper is nice.

I wonder if it didn't sell so great in the US and now they have stock to sell up in Canada?

$23 + tax is still too rich for me. I can get two sailors or go and buy a vintage figure that I don't have....can't decide what I want to do.

Yeah the ReAction figures do look great in person.  I would definitely have trouble saying no if they were under $15, but at $23 they are an easy pass.

I have to give Super7 props for the army builders.  Not only are they offered in a huge number of varieties (skin tone, facial hair, Cobra Trooper suspenders!!), they do a great job of evoking the cartoon. 

I will definitely be keeping an eye out for any future sales.


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