Yeah Classified has taken over as my favourite Joe related line.
The size, style, design and overall "newness" has me in for the long haul. Newness meaning it is currently on shelves, not new designs.
I still get what I can in the 3.75" scale, but since Hasbro seems to have abandoned it, for now, I am not really into much anymore. I got the Skystriker, and for first two 2-packs from Hasbro Pulse. However those were on sale, and since they are Pulse only exclusives it really limits their market awareness.
I have a couple people recommend Action Force by Valaverse, but between my lack of interest in more standard military looks (I prefer the Joe military fantasy aesthetic) and my distaste for the owner, I haven't been bothered to check it out.
I am intrigued by the Hiya Toys 4" line they started last year, but between the lack of product (3 figures in a year), the choice to use the same figures to start (SE, SS, CC), and the price, I can't justify getting into the line......yet. Maybe that will change in the future, but for now it is a pass.