Canadian Joe Con Section > Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion

Lack of Interest?

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Ok. So I've contacted the 6 people I had lined up to 'set up tables' and sell items at the meet this year, I've yet to hear back from 2 of them, but of those two, one mentioned he was getting married that weekend on the board before.

The other 4 have 'lost interest' in setting up.

Here's how it stands POINT BLANK.

If I don't have 4 or 5 people paying a price of $20.00 per table to set up and sell items at it this year, then we're not doing it.

I got a sweet deal on the hall last year - new owners now and they're not so willing to give anyone a deal.

So, anyone out here want to sell off some of their items at the meet and make some money? You'd be helping out 'THE MEET' by doing so.
Otherwise, people are gonna have to pay to attend - and I'd rather not have to do that.

Last year, I made money on this thing - mind you, I spend it on a .com domain, the pizza for the night, and recouped funds for the 'figures'.

After all was said and done, I 'made' a whopping $1.30.

This year there are no exclusive figures.
There's no 'prizes' for a draw (not yet anyway?)
And no free food.

Basically, I'm expecting to be out the full cost.

So, I'll ask once more, anyone interested in setting up this year and SELLING at the meet? Know anyone interested in setting up and selling?


I could see if the Quantum Cards ladies are interested in sending a few boxes of GI Joe TCG, but I don't want to be picking your pockets Mike.

Jon S.:
To be honest, I wouldn't mind paying admission if it comes to that. I may be a cheap bastard, but I'm not *that* cheap.  

I don't say much on the board, but I'm always reading...  I am looking forward to the meet and the main reason(s) are the trade/sale areas.  Unfortunately I don't have much of volume that I can sell, but I might bring a small box of 'tradables'.  

So basically this post is to say that I hope more people with the means do set up a sellers/traders table.  It goes without saying the more items to be browsed/sold/bought, the better for everyone.  I have no problem paying entry due to lack of sellers either (although the opposite would be much better), but I hope this isn't the case simply because that would mean fewer options for parts, pieces, and figs.

Thats my two cents... I look forward to the meet and seeing everyone soon.


Hmm....I wouldn't mind paying for admission as well. But I may be able to sell some Japanese imported 1:18 AvP and DOA to name a couple.


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