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Messages - dudewheresmycobra

Pages: [1]
Storm shadow Shadow ninja MOC - SOLD
Cobra Worm (worm driver? ) - SOLD
Cobra decimator - SOLD
Cobra Helicopter pilot ? (purple figure ) - SOLD
ninja viper - SOLD
cobra de heilio - SOLD
Satan MOC - SOLD
strom shadow loose - SOLD
firefly open bubble - SOLD
Funskool Beachead - SOLD
Funskool Zartan - SOLD

Action Force MOCs - pending (all 3)
NINJA-KU - pending

picture uploaded and all pms replied to.

serious offers over 400$ on all the action force MOC figures, All three are DEAD mint and AFA ready if you are the type to waster your $ on that type of thing  :P

General Joe Talk / PLease help identify storm shadow variants
« on: June 01, 2011, 11:28:20 PM »
hey all!


I feel shame having to come here and ask but I looked everywhere on the storm shadow figure version pages (on yojoe) and couldnt identify these figures, I know one is the urban strike team, (dont know if its the lighter grey or darker grey) another is even darker and is painted camo. I used ot know their lineage but have forgotten, I picked them up on ebay but dont remember anything other than being TRU exlusives.


thanks in advance for your help!! ... 2162_n.jpg

ninja viper - SOLD
cobra de heilio - PENDING
Ninja viper loose - PENDING
strom shadow loose - PENDING
firefly open bubble - PENDING
Funskool Beachead - PENDING
Funskool Zartan - PENDING

Thanks for all the interest ad pms! I am concluding a ccouple of deals and will update and get better pics soon of more detailed individual items

The cat tank is in bad shape. missing top gun, battery cover and the pin/hook thingy in the back is snapped. (for those who are curious)

I have updated the facebook album as well in the orginal post taking more detailed pictures of some specific items people had requested, have a look.  :spidey:

Storm shadow Shadow ninja MOC - SOLD
Cobra Worm (worm driver? ) - SOLD
Cobra decimator - SOLD
Cobra Helicopter pilot ? (purple figure ) - SOLD

I live in rosemont, work downtown montreal
ENglish and french.

looking to sell locally !!

Thanks to Montreal martin for directing me to this site.

MAssive album with more detailed pics coming...

for now... ... 244357d6b9

nice!!  :cobra:

ooops sorry guys,
other forum I bleong too states that we talk cash and offers through pm only. ;-P

Ok so here is the link to what I am selling. ... 244357d6b9

Some things to note.

I am willing to take more detailed pics of ANY items you may be interested in. All of my loose figures are very minty mint. I hate scratched cobra logos and loose limbs, Dont hesitate to ask about exact condition and any questions you may have. I will let you know the exact condition of all items you plan on buying.

I have filecards for over 90% of my loose figures.

I will give a good deal to those wanting several figures to save trips to the post office.

All shipping charges will be ACTUAL shipping charges, unless agreed upon during offer stage. I will not chaarge any handling or packaging BS. I will charge what you will see on the package when it arrives. That being said I may have to go to the post office to determine actual shipping costs.

Items to be shipped from Montreal Canada.

I will only accept paypal payments or money orders.

At this stage I am accepting offers for the bigger items. If you want to make me an offer on a lot or a bunch of figures feel free. No offer will be considered too low, but please don't be insulting either. I know what I have I just havent been in the game for a few years! ;-)

Any questions or If you would like more detailed pics just ask.

My ebay handled is also Dudewheresmycobra
for those who would like to go check my feedback rating.

Figure specific details:


The ninja-ku has a cracked bubble, (I will take more detailed pics for those who may be interesed)

The hasbro firefly has been removed from the bubble using a thin razor blade (figure is dead mint) you cant tell unless it is in your hands. (more detailed pics for those who may be interested.)

The hasbro strom shadow has been removed from the card. Displays great (once again impossible to note unless in your hands, more detailed pics for those who may be interested.)

The funskool cards (like all funskool cards) are thinner and a little "bendy"

The plastirama cards are in good shape although thinner as well.

Introductions / New Member from Montreal Looking to sell
« on: May 30, 2011, 06:57:25 AM »
ello All,

I just signed up to this forum, I have quite a collection of joes (more on that later) unfortunately due to circumstances outside of my control (I.E. Huge Bills) I have to part with a large part of my collection.

I was wondering if here, like on other forums, would be the best place to start selling, I have a well established reputation on a vintage skatebaord collector forum as well as excellent ebay reputation. The thing I've learned is that one usually finds better connections on forum moreso than on ebay, am I right ?...

I will spend some time looking around the threads to get accquainted with procedure!

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me out!

Highlights of my collections

Mainly all pre-85 joes, all complete and grade c-9 or higher (I was super picky about what I bought and will just as honest and brutal on condition when selling)

Some highlights of my collection are

MOC action force firelfy (blue, yellow and red background)
MOC action force snake eyes V2 (blue, yellow and red background)

Here is a link to a very small portion of my collection, but I think you start to get the idea, I also have almost every version of storm shadow up until 2005. ... 244357d6b9

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