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Author Topic: Anti Venom Task Force in hand?my review!!!!  (Read 4358 times)


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Anti Venom Task Force in hand?my review!!!!
« on: August 17, 2004, 06:54:26 PM »

Anti Venom Task Force in hand?my review!!!!

This is a nice set?I like the color scheme and they go well together as a team!

Mutt & Junkyard: figure looks alright, V1 mold for head and chest?but someone elses arms and legs?Junkyard looks the same as ever. All new weapons?no leash for junkyard and several generic weapons. The Steel Brigade helmet looks good on Mutt but I miss his V1 weapons which suited him better than a lifeline pistol.

Barricade: Better thank the pink but not really as nice as the blue versions. Again the helmet looks good on this guy.His color scheme look good.  I have no idea if his gun is a Joe weapon?it looks new to me?not bad though?no other accessories other than the one gun and helmet?!

Roadblock: they use V4 for this one?he looks god?although I am not sure about the red scarf around his boots?looks like something Spirit sound be wearing?.V1 backpack again?no pin and the ammo box does not come off. V1 browning 50 caliber?seen this one to many times, has bi pod at least. I would like to see Rock-and-roll?s M-60 one of these times?o?well. The helmet looks good on this guy as well

Lifeline/Stretcher:  Not a bad character?but not a good one either. The weakest in the lot really?all with version V1 weapons in black. Color scheme is good but it is not Lifeline?! Not helmet for him?which makes him look odd in the set?!

Charbroil?good colors?V1 all around?except the helmet?the Steel brigade looks good again on this guy!

Duke: V1?I do not like his arms?look all wrong?make him look smaller than the rest of the figures?comes with a life line pistol and a generic gun?not really a benefit to this team?lol..!!!

Overall I would say a 8 out of 10! I really like that when the helmets are off they are there own character?but put the helmets on and they become a team! One thing though?.all the helmets have there name on them?why is that?I guess if they sit down to have coffee they knows whose helmets whose?lol????

Also as with the Venom Strike Force?.they have all the filmcards and pictures on the package showing V1 characters in the original colors?why is this?.when you see lifeline he is in red and the same a the V1?same with charbroil?barricade?mutt?roadblock?.maybe not duke?he looks like the Spy Troops version. These guys come with stands so that a bonus?!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Anti Venom Task Force in hand?my review!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2004, 11:56:06 AM »

Nice review. Besides for Roadblock, do all the others have flesh painted heads?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • HATE Mechanic
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Anti Venom Task Force in hand?my review!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2004, 05:12:12 PM »

Yes...and it does not look so good...not so bad but not so good...!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »