Just think, now you guys don't have to spend the night in line.
As far as can remember the Mike saying, this limited pre-registration is in a way a thank you to those who contributed to the board to this day. I'm very glad I'm part of Joecanuck. But had I not made it past the pre-registration, I would still be lining up like a very happy trooper without any complaints. The con set is already a plus to the awesome convention experience, and the pre-registration will help me enjoy the convention in a different way this year. Thanks team Joe Canuck.
Grunt4mvp, Pdaat, it was a priviledge to meet you in the traditional line-up each year. Things may be a little different from now on if pre-registration becomes a standard. Let the good times roll and I'll see you again when they call us in to get our sets and into the dealer's hall :wink: