Well, the big event was tonight, and I won some golf balls! :shifty:
Hammer Viper pulled off one amazing night for his wife and his effort to get her to India - SUCCESS, of course! They're going in November.
LJ22. You sir got an actual "Thank You" when the list of "thanks" was being rolled off. (as did I, and JoeCanuck)
When they said "LatinJoe22", I had to give my head a shake as it caught me off guard. lol.
Tomorrow is the draw for everyone that donated via PayPal through here, or GeneralsJoes.com, or wherever the info was posted.
I'll post a thread tomorrow about it on it's own - and i think I'll just do the draw via a webcam live via our chat for everyone to see who the winner is!
I'm also tossing in a bonus item as a prize.
Thanks again everyone!