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Author Topic: my want list  (Read 5730 times)


  • phpBB Dead Eye Mechanic
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my want list
« on: January 12, 2004, 04:17:18 PM »

My  list  were pretty long   so  i broke em down into two posts

I need the following figure accessories

Aero Viper Helmet
Alley Viper V1 1x face shield, 1x bp
Astro-Viper V1 2x laser
BAT V1 11x hand, 6x claw, 3x flamethrower, 6 x gun, bp x2
Cobra Blackstar 2x missile
Cobra Officer 1x gun
Cobra Trooper Need Right straight arm 2x gun
Crimson Guard 5x rifle, 1x bp, 2x right arm
Doc MIndbender white pistol
EELs v1 5x breathers, 1x gun, 2x lower jet
EEls v2 tail fin x1
Eels V3 guns (minus flame thrower ), missiles, launcher knife
Flak Viper V1 need bp, 2x missiles
Frag Viper 1x fat hose 6 x grenades
Gyro-Viper Helmet x1
Heat Viper 91 shells, 1x bazooka, 7 sight hose 4 bp  

(  yes  i do need 91 shells)

Heat Viper v2 2x missile, missile launcher, knife
Headhunter V1 missile launcher, missile, gun, backpack
HYdro viper 2x gun, 2x knife , 1 bp
Ice Viper sai x2
Incinerator 2x Orange orbs , 1x catapult, 1x catapult launcher
Iron Grenadier 2x sword, 2x uzi , 2x red gun
Lamprey V2 sub machine gun , 2x bi pod, 1x scope rifle
Major BLudd V3 large gun, small gun, missile launcher knife
Metal Head V2 Missile launcher, missilex2, small gun
night creeper V1 1x bp
Night Creeper V2 , small knife x1
Night VIper light/scope x2
nullifier visor x1
Range Viper gun x1, missile launcher x1, missile x1
Red Ninja Axe x1
SAW Viper 2x bi pod, 2x ammo belt, 1x gun
Sea Slug gun x1
Scalpel lil saw for wrist
Skycreeper gun
Slice V2 staff, big knife, axe, 2x double blade knife
Sludge Viper 2x water cannon , 1x gun , 1x bp
Snow Serpent V1 4x waist pack 3x missle launcher 7 x bi pod, 4x gun
, snow shoes x3
Snow serpent v2 bp x1 snow board x1 launcher x1
Storm Shadow nunchucks
Targat 1x bp, 3x grey gun, 1x gold gun
Techno-Viper wrench x2, hammer x1, bp x1, cutter x1
Tele-Viper Camera, x1,
Toxo-Viper 3x bp, 6x gun
Viper V3 Hand gun
Worms 1x antenna 2x helmet

now for the joes accessories heheh sorry its a long list!!

Ace V2 sub-machine gun, helmet,
Action Pilot green handgun, rifle, helmet , mask, parachute
Ambush v2 helmet , T-rat gun, airborne V2 gun, machette, blaster gun, knife, hand gun
Big Ben V1 bi-pod
Bullit-proof mic
Bushido V2 axe, long + short sword, sickle, knife, forks x2
Clutch V3 sub machine gun, machette
Duke V7 clear Visor
Dusty V2 bi-pod
Gen Flagg gun
Keel haul v1 gun
Law V2 hand gun, machine gun
Life Line v2 back pack
Muskrat v2 board machette
Mutt & Junkyard gun, missile launcher , missile
Outback gun with strap
Ozone V3 shotgun
Payload V4 all accessories
Payload V5 grey sun machine gun
Red Dog handgun
Rock & Roll V1 bi-pod
Rock & Roll V4 big gun
Sgt Slaughter baton
Shipwreck V2 mask, flippers x2
Skymate bow
Sneak Peak mic
Star Duster Gun
Wet Suit V4 gun, 3x missile, sled w/ orange tab, helmet
Windmill hand gun

almost done now its tiime for vehicle parts

AWE Striker ariel x2
Bivuoac canteen x1 , machette
cobra wolf 2x small wheels, 1x ski
stun flags x2
cobra maggot radar diash x2
cobra parracite launcherx2 5x projectiles
Cobra MSV steering weel, gun, gun support, black gas can x2
Cobra Detonator back gun,
Cobra moray searchlight lense
Falcon Glider right aileron
Fang V1 rollbar
Ferret hose, right and left fender flashing
GI JOe HQ V1 1x gun
Night strom missile x6, main gun (missiles pending)
MMS computer stand
MOrtar defence unit gun , explosives box
Outpost defender Airbornes gun, cobra trooper gun
Python Stun engine cover x1
Python asp 1x blast shield
Raider canopy
RC Crossfire missile x4, front gun x2, main gun, searchlight, turret knuckle
USS Flagg mast cap
Wolverine tow line

Oh but wait there's MORE !!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I need these complete figures . c-7 or better

Agent Scarlett V2
Alley Viper V3
Back Blast V2
Big Brawler TF ( Brown Hair) (pending)
Big Brawler V3 (pending)
Black Out
Blowtorch V2
Bullet Proof V2
Charbroil V2 ( NF)
Cobra Coils
Cobra Ninja Viper
Deep Six V4
Destro V9
Dial Tone V2
Dusty V7
Dusty V8
Firefly V3
Firefly V4
Firefly V5
Firefly V6
Firefly V7
Flint V4
Flint V6
Flint V8
Frostbite V7
GI Joe
GI Joe Reservist
Grunt V4
Grunt V5
Gung Ho V4
Gung HO V5
Gung HO V9
Leatherneck V2
Light foot V2
Low Light V4
Low Light V5
Major Altitude V2
Neo Viper V2
Neo Viper Commander
Night Creeper Leader V2
Ninja Viper
Nunchuk V2
Overkill V2
Ozone V2
Ozone V4
Payload V3
Psyche-Out V2
Repeater V2
Ripper V2
Rock & Roll V5
Rock & Roll V6
Sgt Stalker V2
Ship wreak V4
Shockwave V2
Shock Viper V1
Short Fuse V2
Side Track V2
Snake Eyes V11
Snake Eyes V13
Snow Serpent V4
Snow Serpent V5
Snow Storm V1
Spirit V3
Stalker V5
Stalker V6
Storm Shadow V8
Sure Fire V1
Undertow V3
Wet Suit V2
Wet Suit V6
Wild Bill V3
Wild Bill V4
Wild Bill V5
Xamot and Tomax V2
Zartan Clear

also  and  new  figures   from  wave 7  and up
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • phpBB CanJoeCon Staff
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my want list
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2004, 07:39:36 AM »

Hey Deadshot,
I have a Dusty v7, Firefly v6, and Stalker v6; couple of them may be missing one accessory each, but I'll go look for them. I'll see what you have in person at the Joe Meet.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • phpBB Dead Eye Mechanic
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my want list
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2004, 04:00:27 PM »

Alrighty .. looking forward  to it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • phpBB Dead Eye Mechanic
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my want list
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2004, 09:43:10 PM »

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Radio Guy

  • phpBB CJC Media Liason
  • phpBB Dead Eye Mechanic
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my want list
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2004, 05:31:15 AM »

Hey there!

I'm new to the board, but was checking out your wants.  I'm bringing an incomplete Awe Striker (missing roof cannon and black tubing), but it has both areols.  I'll see you there!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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