Well, I got into collecting Action Force
RED SHADOWS a few months ago, and have become quite fond of this action figure line, aside from collecting Star Wars vintage and bootleg action figures like the Uzay bootlegs.
Here is just a small part of what I have acquired in the last 2 months. I am getting this all together, in order to create a Red Shadow's headquarter's, and bunker diorama I plan on doing. It'll have figures, buildings, and vehicles in it, along with tree's, grass, and a path / road in it to. The carded figures will stay on the card, but loose figures will be used, along with a box set I have.
My collection is small, but I'm happy with what I have.
My Baron Ironblood
My Muton
My Red Shadow
My Black Major
My Shadowtrak & Red Vulture, mint in box with unused decals, and variant Red Shadow that also came with the Shadowtrak, aside from the usuall Red Vulture which had the black hands.
My 2010 G.I. Joe convention, Red Shadows staff car, and a 2010 G.I. Joe convention Red Shadows trooper. He comes with a file card, 2 stick grenades, rocket launcher, ammunition pouch, and a machine gun with 2 clips.
My 2010 G.I. Joe convention Action Force: Red Shadows bunker. Yes, it looks just like the Star Wars Endor bunker, with a few exceptions. This has the Red Shadows skull 'n' crossbones logo on the door, cannon, and barrels.
My G.I. Joe 'Junkyard' dog. Gonna use him in my Red Shadows headquarters/bunker diorama as a guard dog, and I'm thinking of getting one more.
My 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Action Force items. I got the Vacation in the Shadows box set, Flint in orange uniform with parachute, and the Z-Force Silver Mirage motorcycle.
My 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Action Force, the Vacation in the Shadows box set.
My 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Action Force, the Vacation in the Shadows box set, and the figures inside.
My 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Action Force, the Vacation in the Shadows box set, and all the figures.
My 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Action Force, the Vacation in the Shadows box set, with it's letter of authenticity, and comic it came with inside.
My 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Action Force, the Vacation in the Shadows box set, and the figure file cards, and accessories/ weapons for each figure.
My 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Action Force, Flint in orange uniform with parachute.
My 2010 G.I. Joe Convention Action Force, Z-Force Silver Mirage motorcycle.
Some bonus convention pamphlets, booklets, and G.I. Joe Cobra magnet I got as an unexpected bonus with my Vacation in the Shadows box set and figures.
This is the Red Shadows: Enemy battle gear (MOC) There is one rifle in this gear that came with the only Star Wars snowtrooper action figure known as the German YPS snowtrooper. This came with the bagged German YPS comic #510, and the Snowtrooper also had a cape with 2 round holes, and scarred coo.
Just some neat facts on how this Action Force rifle was a part of another toy line, just like some carded Baron Ironblood's came with a Han Solo variant blaster. Star Wars and Action Force variants in both lines of toys. Cool isn't it!
My Action Force Red Shadows: Skeletron, and Kraken figures.
My Red Shadows: Roboskull with Red Wolf. Pretty excited to add this to my collection.
My Red Shadows: Roboskull with Red Wolf.
I have another Red Wolf figure coming in the mail that I'm waiting for.
I have more Red Shadows stuff I have ordered, and will add with future updates!I started collecting Star Wars Uzay Turkish bootlegs a few months back. Here is some of my collection, with an Uzay Blue Stars, which is my grail figure in this collection. Enjoy
My Uzay MLC-3 and Uzay MTV-7 minirigs, both MIB with unused decals, and my spare, loose Uzay MTV-7 for display.
My Uzay Snowtroopers, one with original black rifle, and one with original blue rifle. The one on the left is the thin soled boot variant, and the 2 on the right have the thick soled boots.
My Uzay Imperial gunner, thick armband Stormtrooper with original blaster, and Tie-fighter pilot with original blaster.
Factory overstock Uzay At-At driver limbs, and torso's; factory overstock At-At driver, unpainted, and unglued, and Uzay At-At driver.
Uzay factory overstock At-At driver limb and torso's, and factory overstock Uzay Darth Vader limbs.
My Uzay Blue Stars, the Holy Grail of my collection. Everyone has their Holy Grail figure, and I hope everyone gets there's!!!
My Uzay Blue Stars, and his brothers
My Uzay Blue Stars, and the rest of his Uzay family.
I'm always hunting down Action Force: Red Shadows and StarsWar Uzay Turkish bootlegs for my Uzay collection. I will post updates on my future additions to both collections