General Section > General Joe Talk

Delta-17: War in the shadows (new o-ring line)

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did anyone actually pick these up?

Their store is not open yet.


--- Quote from: B on February 29, 2024, 12:32:44 PM ---did anyone actually pick these up?

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I did and the quality is awesome.

If you compare with Classified: no need to boild to unfreeze joints, no curved weapons, no warped card, etc.

They feel 1986 ARAH with swivel wrist.

The code Delta10off makes you save 10% when buying 6 figs or more.

The all come on a nice card and a stand.


--- Quote from: Sundance on August 03, 2022, 03:52:07 PM ---ninjas wouldn't stand a chance against a Tier 1 SOF unit, a 5.56mm NATO round at 500 fps muzzle velocity isn't something anyone can dodge or deflect with a katana and some twat twirling nunchuks or flailing katanas is just going to get their head blown off.

and that picture of these ninjas just looks stupid with them having gun-arms with an actual unusable grip and trigger assembly.

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This one might remember you Action Force SAS Trooper


the visor's garbage though.


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